Will DJK Publicly Apologize to Coach Ferentz?

Because he got booted after his senior season. He only had 1 game left and the Insight Bowl isn't exactly getting all the attention. Win or lose, this game isn't changing the Big Ten standings, it isn't changing the BCS rankings, if Iowa wins Missouri drops from 12th to 20th, big deal, etc... The only thing that appeared on ESPN was when Adam Rittenberg put something about it in his blog, it wasn't front page news (other than in Iowa) of him getting arrested and kicked off. They didn't need a press conference to say he was kicked off, they needed a press conference to stop the rumors.

Now let me ask you how him getting booted hurt the program?

Are you kidding me? How did his actions hurt the team? Lets see.....

1. He did bring a conference wide spotlight to "drug use" at Iowa. The regional and national media did cover this and did report that there are multiple drug allegations with Iowa players (never mind the bit about players living in drug houses). If you aren't watching our news, thats' all you heard.

2. Recruits hear this. Their parents hear this. If your kid is looking at Iowa and Michigan or Penn State (same records), how comfortable are you going to be about sending him into a program with newsworthy drug use/abuse?

3. It hurt our bowl. People are just now talking about the bowl game again. For the last ten days or so, no one has said a word about it. Sales are down. Lots of people have said they weren't going to go and used this as the final nail in the coffin.

4. It hurts the other kids on the team who do everything right. The Iowa program is a reflection on them (and vice versa). They are all associated with this. Imagine having to go to classes and get bogged down in questions from classmates about this. Imagine people assuming you're involved because you're a football player. Imagine the phone calls from your friends and family.

5. As a parent, I had to explain to my young kids why DJK was kicked off the team. (Thank you to the other kids on the bus!) I suspect young kids aren't the only ones let down by DJK.

I could go on but I suspect you see my point.
Are you kidding me? How did his actions hurt the team? Lets see.....

1. He did bring a conference wide spotlight to "drug use" at Iowa. The regional and national media did cover this and did report that there are multiple drug allegations with Iowa players (never mind the bit about players living in drug houses). If you aren't watching our news, thats' all you heard.

2. Recruits hear this. Their parents hear this. If your kid is looking at Iowa and Michigan or Penn State (same records), how comfortable are you going to be about sending him into a program with newsworthy drug use/abuse?

3. It hurt our bowl. People are just now talking about the bowl game again. For the last ten days or so, no one has said a word about it. Sales are down. Lots of people have said they weren't going to go and used this as the final nail in the coffin.

4. It hurts the other kids on the team who do everything right. The Iowa program is a reflection on them (and vice versa). They are all associated with this. Imagine having to go to classes and get bogged down in questions from classmates about this. Imagine people assuming you're involved because you're a football player. Imagine the phone calls from your friends and family.

5. As a parent, I had to explain to my young kids why DJK was kicked off the team. (Thank you to the other kids on the bus!) I suspect young kids aren't the only ones let down by DJK.

I could go on but I suspect you see my point.

1. Name the players living in drug houses that came out of this story other than DJK? Did the national and regional media cover DJK or the possible rumors started by others of "drug use" by the Iowa football team? How many players are missing the Insight Bowl (other than DJK) because of drug use?

2. Again what drug use (other than DJK) came out as newsworthy? Please tell me the other players suspended for drug use?

3. It didn't hurt our bowl, nobody was or is (other than local media) talking about the Insight Bowl, the ESPN bowl special gave it about a 2 minute mention. It means something to Iowa and Missouri fans, but the rest of the nation isn't that interested in this game.

4. I'll give you it hurt his teammates.

5. I don't know how young your kids are, but they should be told drugs are bad for you and if you get caught doing them or with them you can and will get into a lot of trouble with the police, so I don't see what the problem would be explaining to them how someone got into trouble with drugs and now can't play football, in fact it could be a good example for them of why not to do drugs as you could have told them he is looking at jail time and can't play football for the Hawks anymore.
I wouldn't be surprised if DJK does have some sort of public apology in which he apologizes to his fans, his teammates and coaches, and his family and friends...if for no other reason, than to show remorse and get a reduction in sentence if needed.

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