Will Bo survive this week? This month? This season?

I think this is true. I also think Bo and Rhoads are similar in that regard. I don't view either of them as big time head coaches. They're both good football guys, just not FBS head coaches.

Freed - Remind me again of how many times Rhoads has beaten Ferentz. How many times has Bo beaten Ferentz? How many times has Rhoads beaten Bo? What is Rhoads' winning percentage against teams ranked in the top 2 in Thursday night games late in the season and what is his win percentage against such teams? Rhoads is a big time coach.
Freed - Remind me again of how many times Rhoads has beaten Ferentz. How many times has Bo beaten Ferentz? How many times has Rhoads beaten Bo? What is Rhoads' winning percentage against teams ranked in the top 2 in Thursday night games late in the season and what is his win percentage against such teams? Rhoads is a big time coach.

I understand your point. However, bad teams do win and good teams do lose. I think that explains Rhoads winning those big games. Those teams, for the most part gave the games to him, if ya get my drift(Tx, Nebby, Ok State). I also don't think Rhoads will ever turn Isu into a 8 win a season program. Very few could do that at present. Not to beat him up because I like him, but it's his fifth year and he probably won't win a game this season.
I understand your point. However, bad teams do win and good teams do lose. I think that explains Rhoads winning those big games. Those teams, for the most part gave the games to him, if ya get my drift(Tx, Nebby, Ok State). I also don't think Rhoads will ever turn Isu into a 8 win a season program. Very few could do that at present. Not to beat him up because I like him, but it's his fifth year and he probably won't win a game this season.

Ferentz lost 6 straight Big Ten games more than a decade into his tenure. Even legends have bad years every now and then.
Ferentz lost 6 straight Big Ten games more than a decade into his tenure. Even legends have bad years every now and then.
Yeah, but Rhoad's situation ain't the same thing as kf's. Rhoads has all his recruited players now and this is where he is at? Only one guy to point the blame to. It would be different if Rhoads has had success before this year. Sorry, not buying an even record is a good year.
Yeah, but Rhoad's situation ain't the same thing as kf's. Rhoads has all his recruited players now and this is where he is at? Only one guy to point the blame to. It would be different if Rhoads has had success before this year. Sorry, not buying an even record is a good year.

I am in Okeefe's corner on this one. The talent he is bringing in now vs Chiz is not that much different. Chiz's prize recruit at ISU turned out to be a bust.

ISU has a huge disadvantage in many way's, biggest on in my mind is they are a northern school in a conference that is geographically located in the South.
His teams are competitive, and he has pulled off some really big wins.

I think they still win 2- 4 this year. I think ISU's O-Line is similar to Iowa's last part of the season 2012 really banged up and not deep enough to deal with it. Believe I read they are down 3 starters from the start summer practice. If they get a couple of those guys back and their QB gets healthy and a few more games under his belt, who knows.

Big 12 is not very good, so anything can happen.

Rhoad's element is to take 3 and 2 star guys and make them good football players. He would not excel at a USC or Texas. But for 2nd tier BCS programs he is just what the doctor ordered.
Freed - Remind me again of how many times Rhoads has beaten Ferentz. How many times has Bo beaten Ferentz? How many times has Rhoads beaten Bo? What is Rhoads' winning percentage against teams ranked in the top 2 in Thursday night games late in the season and what is his win percentage against such teams? Rhoads is a big time coach.

Ferentz is 3-2 against Rhoads. Rhoad's best season was his first (Chizek's players) Downhill since. Big fricking deal. He is not 1/2 the coach McCarney was.
He'll probably be catching some more of this Saturday if he's still there:


That looks more like a tea party rally...
The only way I see Pelini keeping his job is to finish strong and make it to the BIG 10 champioship game and a bowl game and atleast win one of them. If he doesn't I don't think they will keep him. That recording of him really hurt him and it will always be in the back of the mind of the fans and the school.
The only way I see Pelini keeping his job is to finish strong and make it to the BIG 10 champioship game and a bowl game and atleast win one of them. If he doesn't I don't think they will keep him. That recording of him really hurt him and it will always be in the back of the mind of the fans and the school.

I agree with this. I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of a Husker fan for a second (it's an incredibly difficult thing to do haha). Honestly tho... it would be quite the predicament to be in. On one hand you have a coach who is basically getting away with calling the fanbase a bunch of fairweather fans and telling them to F off. On the other hand, you've been waiting and waiting for a coach to help Nebraska turn the corner to become "elite" again and starting the process all over is only going to be another set back.

If I were a Husker fan I'd have no clue what to root for. The only silver lining would be finding a big name coach who could immediately jolt life back into the program. I'm not sure they could do that anymore tho.
As an SDSU grad and lifelong Nebraska hater, go Jackrabbits! Beat Nebby!

If this somehow happens, I don't see Bo making it to the locker room before getting fired.

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