Wiesy is Freshman of the week

And it’s not just Joes shooting either, he is gaining confidence in all aspects of the game.

He's actually a pretty good defender. Joe plays with the mentality and skill of a veteran. It's like having a junior out there in a freshman's body. We get him for another 3 yrs after this year!
I've said it before here on this board, I'd like us to do something along the lines of the Breslin Center. The lower rows of CHA, the pull-out seating, would be completely reserved all the way around for the student section and the band. If they took out two rows or so then the entire student section could stand the entire time and not interfere with the view of the first row of permanent seating. Then the students, who make the most noise, would be closer to the court all the way around and the blue-hairs could sit the entire game. We would lose some of the seating capacity but gain a home court advantage with student-generated noise. It might also entice more students to come to the games knowing they would be closer to the game.

Geez. Next your gunna ask for the water tower to be painted. :D
I'd say it's about time for the people who said Joe wasn't going to be our savior to admit they were wrong.
Now if they would just legalize cloning we could put 5 Joe’s on the court at the same time. Although we would need to monkey around with his dna to get a 6’3” point gaurd and a 7’2” center out of him.
The formula is win, fill the arena, a lot. Get the donors to pay up for a new arena. Have two levels on the sides and don't tell the donors they are moving up until after its built.
Now if they would just legalize cloning we could put 5 Joe’s on the court at the same time. Although we would need to monkey around with his dna to get a 6’3” point gaurd and a 7’2” center out of him.

He does have a brother like in 6th grade who is pretty good too.

Saw him play in a tourney in Muscatine a couple weeks ago.

Pretty sure I saw Joe arriving as I was leaving. He must have hustled down there after playing in IC that afternoon. Solid guy to support your little bro like that.
Now if they would just legalize cloning we could put 5 Joe’s on the court at the same time. Although we would need to monkey around with his dna to get a 6’3” point gaurd and a 7’2” center out of him.
Or we can go with 3 Joe's and 2 Garza's.