Wide receivers with speed needed


Well-Known Member
After re-watching Hawkeye season (football) 2015, the offense was missing a receicer that could elude the defense and then shake loose to propel the team down the field. The tight ends were huge for the offense. Now, the wideouts need to get open and take the offense to a new level. That aspect of the offense kept Iowa from blowing those 13 teams away. (Stanford not included due to crappy defense).
WANTED: WR that loves to block down field, has 5* hands and 4.3 speed. P.S. Do NOT apply if you have the frame to be an OT. Thanks.
After re-watching Hawkeye season (football) 2015, the offense was missing a receicer that could elude the defense and then shake loose to propel the team down the field. The tight ends were huge for the offense. Now, the wideouts need to get open and take the offense to a new level. That aspect of the offense kept Iowa from blowing those 13 teams away. (Stanford not included due to crappy defense).

I don't think there are any receicers that elude (evade, escape) the defense. Our receicers caught more deep balls then we gave up. Casual fans get hung up on this getting separation thing. College football is not peewee or HS where a fast kid can run by everyone. In college getting separation is a step (or 2 at the most) unless the D blows coverage or a DB bites on a pump or double move. The passing game can improve, but it's not speed that's holding it back.
The receivers did a great job all year long. Not only did they account for several key first downs, but they also caught passes deep when it was needed. I look forward to seeing continued success for the position group in 2016-2017.
I'd surely think between J Smith, Falconer, Ogwu and Scheel a couple of them will be able to play some ball. The first 3 I've heard can all fly and Scheel was a 4 star athlete before tearing up a knee. So if he can fully recover I'd think we have some legit young options anyway for CJ to throw down the field to. Question is how many reps do they get over the Riley Mcarrons and Andrew Stones on the roster. Cause Vandeberg will be the clear cut #1 guy.
I'd surely think between J Smith, Falconer, Ogwu and Scheel a couple of them will be able to play some ball. The first 3 I've heard can all fly and Scheel was a 4 star athlete before tearing up a knee. So if he can fully recover I'd think we have some legit young options anyway for CJ to throw down the field to. Question is how many reps do they get over the Riley Mcarrons and Andrew Stones on the roster. Cause Vandeberg will be the clear cut #1 guy.

Andrew Stone moves on. If a guy warrants being on the field, he'll see the field.
I don't think there are any receicers that elude (evade, escape) the defense. Our receicers caught more deep balls then we gave up. Casual fans get hung up on this getting separation thing. College football is not peewee or HS where a fast kid can run by everyone. In college getting separation is a step (or 2 at the most) unless the D blows coverage or a DB bites on a pump or double move. The passing game can improve, but it's not speed that's holding it back.

This is correct. That's not to say more speed wouldnt help.

Lack of oline experience, thus talent, thus time for CJ to throw downfield, was a far bigger issue than WR speed, this year (especially in the Championship game and Rose bowl)

Along with pass playcalling/formation adjustments happening too late in games.
I'd surely think between J Smith, Falconer, Ogwu and Scheel a couple of them will be able to play some ball. The first 3 I've heard can all fly and Scheel was a 4 star athlete before tearing up a knee. So if he can fully recover I'd think we have some legit young options anyway for CJ to throw down the field to. Question is how many reps do they get over the Riley Mcarrons and Andrew Stones on the roster. Cause Vandeberg will be the clear cut #1 guy.

Isn't Stone a senior? McCarron is a better athlete and quicker than some think he is. He was a 2 time state long jump champ (impressive for someone who's 5-9) and took 1st and 2nd in the 100 his soph. and Jr. years! Apparently didn't run track his senior year. Don't know why. But he is extremely quick. They need to get him in the slot and let him work LB's and safeties all day long (they'll never stay with him) and get Vandy at one wide out and J. Smith at the other. If Parker can catch (don't know if he can) he should be backing McCarron in the slot. If they would throw to Parker once in a while it would help set up Jet plays because when he comes in now, that's all the other team looks for when he's in motion. With McCarron and Parker in the slot, that allows Falconer, Sheel and Ogwu to get reps behind Vandy and Smith without putting alot of pressure on them and let them develop. I wonder what happened to Andre Harris? He looked like a great athlete coming in but he will be a jr. next year and you never hear hide nor hair about him. I have a hunch we may hear he'll be leaving after this summer. Just a guess, we'll see.
This is correct. That's not to say more speed wouldnt help.

Lack of oline experience, thus talent, thus time for CJ to throw downfield, was a far bigger issue than WR speed, this year (especially in the Championship game and Rose bowl)

Along with pass playcalling/formation adjustments happening too late in games.

Lack of talent on the O-line? I will disagree there, sir. We knew going into the year that we were raw (inexperienced) at both OT spots and that it would be a work in progress. If Myers and Boetg could have stayed healthy (with a very capable Croston backing them up), I think we would have been in good shape by the Rose Bowl, but that was not the case, and the OT spots were a revolving door most of the year with Croston making starts on both the left and right side, Daniels having to play the right side, and Welch having to play the right side, etc... This line over performed this year in my opinion, as most thought that we would be lucky to win 7 games because our line was going to be so bad, but the 7 that played this year, fought their butts off and the great majority of the time excelled in run blocking. We only had 2 starters in the Rose Bowl playing positions from who our projected starters were for the year. Blythe and Walsh. Welch had to play out of position at RT (he is going to be an all-conf. Guard) and Croston and Daniels were 2nd teamers. You can get away with that make shift line-up against most teams, and we did at times, but not the really good ones. Myers, Boetger, Croston, Daniels, Welsh are all very talented, they just need to stay healthy and get reps IN THE SAME POSITIONS WEEK TO WEEK SO THEY DEVELOPE CHEMISTRY. If those 5 can stay healthy next year, you are going to see how talented they are and this offense will have a bigger year than they did this year easily.
As for your last line, with all the injuries and revolving door at OT (as well as CJ's injury), it appeared that GD (knowing time would be an issue and his QB wasn't very mobile most of the time) did dictate to get the ball out sooner to intermediate routes instead of taking shots down the field. Not the fault of the WR's. T. Smith can make a play on the ball in man coverage with about anyone and the Mich. St. corner had to grab Vandy as he went flying by him.
I have zero faith that Greg Davis can get anything more out of his passing game than he has shown over the past 4 years

Passing offense rank:
'15 - 89th
'14 - 56th
'13 - 95th
'12 - 102nd
I have zero faith that Greg Davis can get anything more out of his passing game than he has shown over the past 4 years

Passing offense rank:
'15 - 89th
'14 - 56th
'13 - 95th
'12 - 102nd

I wish I had more faith in him, he baffles me at times and it's hard to argue with those numbers, but he apparently isn't going anywhere so we will just have to hope he (or someone) does get more out of the passing game. If we're in the top five rushing and winning games, I can live with those rankings to an extent, but when you're playing in the big games you better be two dimensional and/or be able to throw the ball if the defense dictates it. Hell, if Alabama had to depend only on their vaunted run game, they would've got smoked in the NCG.
Our total yardages for the year indicate we were a very balanced offense, but I think that is misleading because in our 5 biggest games of the year, our passing game was just not.....good. We'll just have to hope they figure it out and keep some people healthy, because we're talented but not deep.
I have zero faith that Greg Davis can get anything more out of his passing game than he has shown over the past 4 years

Passing offense rank:
'15 - 89th
'14 - 56th
'13 - 95th
'12 - 102nd


GD is half of it. KFz is the other half.

Great wide receivers play where they will get the ball thrown to them... a lot... and downfield. While blocking is an important skill, it isn't what gets a WR into the NFL. Play making does.
These guys did their job well. For the offense to work right passing efficiency is the more important stat. Iowa was 3rd in the big 10 in passing efficiency. Iowa also had the fewest interceptions in the big 10. Iowa is not going to be a high volume passing team. So efficiency is the stat to look at.
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Our tight ends brought the "efficiency" numbers up. Our lack of speed and quickness at reveiver hurt. CJ was good, but he was average after playing while injured. Our tight ends took off to the end zones. Now, some receivers need to duplicate that. Then watch our running backs excel. Screens, bubble screens, anything to allow CJ to get rid of the ball instead of being pounded by linemen.
Matt Vandeberg had tons of key catches. So many went for first downs when the team really needed one. Having such a talented and clutch wide receiver back will be a huge part of Iowa's success in 2016-2017.
Our tight ends brought the "efficiency" numbers up. Our lack of speed and quickness at reveiver hurt. CJ was good, but he was average after playing while injured. Our tight ends took off to the end zones. Now, some receivers need to duplicate that. Then watch our running backs excel. Screens, bubble screens, anything to allow CJ to get rid of the ball instead of being pounded by linemen.

At least you spelled receiver correctly this time. You're doing better. But you're incorrectly obsessed with this WR speed thing. I already pointed out the FACT that our receivers caught more long balls than we gave up, so by your logic every team we played had no speed or quickness at wr. Got it. I think you're getting too much sun down there in Flowida:)
No no no Icke....Florida is not spelled Flowida, FYI.
Speed and quickness in wide RECEIVERS are missing at Iowa. That hinders our scoring capabilities. We won 12 games. Great. Next season may bring better receivers I'm hoping. If not, run run run and then lose to MSU and STANFORD.again. And, watch CJB get pounded while holding the ball.
Gotta go sit in the sun now.. Stay warm Icke! XOX
No no no Icke....Florida is not spelled Flowida, FYI.
Speed and quickness in wide RECEIVERS are missing at Iowa. That hinders our scoring capabilities. We won 12 games. Great. Next season may bring better receivers I'm hoping. If not, run run run and then lose to MSU and STANFORD.again. And, watch CJB get pounded while holding the ball.
Gotta go sit in the sun now.. Stay warm Icke! XOX

It was 46 degrees in Naples, FL this am. A lot better than here, but not exactly hot!

We do have some guys that are truly fast...I guess it remains to be seen how they catch and block. Check out Ogwu's HS Texas track accomplishments. He's seriously fast.
Iowa had enough speed last season, IMO. The Smiths were enough speed. What Iowa's receivers, generally, didn't have was an ability to get open. That is what tripped up the previous Iowa QB who went to Michigan...he didn't have the confidence to throw to very small windows because Iowa's receivers didn't know how to get open.

Iowa needs more receivers like former Iowans E. Hinkel, D. Douglass and M. McNutt. Neither had blazing speed but had the knowledge to get open.

Maybe Iowa needs a receivers coach to teach receivers not to stand around when the play breaks down or how to get open quickly. You don't need speed for that.
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