Why was the travel call overturned???!!!

I just think Big 10 officiating is horrible in nearly every game. Inconssistent and hard for players to get adjusted to it. Was the play by Cartwright a foul? Probably, but the official on top of it did not call it, it should not have been over turned by a ref 40 feet away.
They missed a lot of calls and made several poor ones. Block on Cole was a charge. Basabe was blatantly pushed to the ground at the end of regulation. Also, I hate to say it but I think the ref was a little pre-mature in waving off that long 3 early in the game by Wisconsin at the end of the shot clock. I think that should have counted.
I just hate seeing the inconsistency in officiating at such a high level of basketball. It really irks me.
A few things.

First, regardless of contact, there was no travel on that play. I can certainly understand how the official on top of the play came up with a travel, but when you watch the replay it's clear that the Wisky player did NOT have possession of the ball when he went to the ground, thus no travel.

Second the baseline official SHOULD be looking at the ball on that play NOT under the baseline. He's responsible for signaling to the bench to start the clock when the ball is touched, in HS they us a chop signal, in college they have electronic devices on thier wasteline that they push to start the clock.

The lead official did NOT overule the trail, no official ever really over rules another official. When one official has information that he thinks is relevant to the play he will share it with the official who made the call. It is up to that official to overturn a call.

Lastly this wasn't a case of over ruling anything, this conversation wen't something like this....
Lead: When did you have the travel?
Trail: When the player hit the floor.
Lead: OK I had contact and a fould prior to that.
Trail: OK make the call.
I don't agree with your first point. Wisconsin was hammering us a lot in the post play, but WE were doing the same on our end. If they would have called those fouls we wouldn't have even been in the game because Wisky would have been shooting FT's with 10 min left and they are the best shooting team in the country.

The second point I will agree with, the guards seemed to get called less for contact than we did. The got Marble and Gatens on a couple of ticky handchecks, which is a foul, but should have been called a little more on the Wisky end too.

I disagree with you. Iowa wasn't fouling Wisconsin down low. Wisky lived on the perimeter as evidence by their taking 29 three point fgs. Iowa dominated the paint points as they were attacking the rim, yet somehow Wisky and Iowa attempted almost the same amount of foul shots. Again, Wisky was living on the perimeter not down low.
I disagree with you. Iowa wasn't fouling Wisconsin down low. Wisky lived on the perimeter as evidence by their taking 29 three point fgs. Iowa dominated the paint points as they were attacking the rim, yet somehow Wisky and Iowa attempted almost the same amount of foul shots. Again, Wisky was living on the perimeter not down low.

They were living on the perimeter in the first half. I saw a number of times Kohl was just pounding away in the post. As evident by all the offensive rebounds wisky had position on us under the boards and our guys just started pushing and shoving them to try to get the board.

There were some bad calls both ways but all in all the game was called pretty evenly.

Like I said before if it was called differently, wisky would have been at the line instead of jacking up threes and we would have lost by 15.
When is the B10 and or other conferences allow the media to questions officials after games? Are they even held accountable for poor officiating jobs? These guys don't have and easy job, but if they suck every game, why can't they find other qualified officials that have a clue about the rules of the game. It has become frutstrating to watch basketball - both college and pro - because of the officiating. It seems every game, the players have to adjust how they play based on what the officials are or are not calling - can we get a little consistency???? I guess I'm from the old school where we were taught to play defense with our feet. If you grabbed or bumped an opponent, it was a foul....I just don't understand the game that is being played anymore.....
Congrats to Wisky and the refs for the win last night.
I can't believe you wouldn't think that is a foul, if it happened against us you would be complaining right now that it was a foul. When a player is airborne it only takes a small amount of contact for you to lose your balance. It was the right call.

And as far as Bo getting the call overturned, he didn't even say one word to the official about that, he just dropped to one knee in disbelief.

I was in disbelief too, I thought that we just got away with a huge one.

The call was not overturned. Both refs blew their whistle, then one of them has to wait for the other to make the call, if they have the same call then nothing happens but when the second official sees that they don't have the same call then they discuss which one is correct. It just happened to be the one that went against us.

Are you serious? Their entire bench jumped up and Bo immediately started pointing to the other official wanting him to do something about it.
Are you serious? Their entire bench jumped up and Bo immediately started pointing to the other official wanting him to do something about it.

Watch it again, I just did.

Would you expect their bench to react differently????
They were living on the perimeter in the first half. I saw a number of times Kohl was just pounding away in the post. As evident by all the offensive rebounds wisky had position on us under the boards and our guys just started pushing and shoving them to try to get the board.

There were some bad calls both ways but all in all the game was called pretty evenly.

Like I said before if it was called differently, wisky would have been at the line instead of jacking up threes and we would have lost by 15.

Completely disagree, but that's ok. It was a good game and goes to show that Iowa is right there with some of the better teams. This conference better enjoy these victories over Iowa now because in the future Fran is going to win many more of these than he loses.
A few things.

First, regardless of contact, there was no travel on that play. I can certainly understand how the official on top of the play came up with a travel, but when you watch the replay it's clear that the Wisky player did NOT have possession of the ball when he went to the ground, thus no travel.

Second the baseline official SHOULD be looking at the ball on that play NOT under the baseline. He's responsible for signaling to the bench to start the clock when the ball is touched, in HS they us a chop signal, in college they have electronic devices on thier wasteline that they push to start the clock.

The lead official did NOT overule the trail, no official ever really over rules another official. When one official has information that he thinks is relevant to the play he will share it with the official who made the call. It is up to that official to overturn a call.

Lastly this wasn't a case of over ruling anything, this conversation wen't something like this....
Lead: When did you have the travel?
Trail: When the player hit the floor.
Lead: OK I had contact and a fould prior to that.
Trail: OK make the call.

There really isn't anyway to spin this one. The guy right in front of the play made the call. There is no one on the floor that had a better view of the play then he did. If your argument is that he overruled his own call based on information from a guy standing on the baseline then it is still ridiculous. Spin away.
There really isn't anyway to spin this one. The guy right in front of the play made the call. There is no one on the floor that had a better view of the play then he did. If your argument is that he overruled his own call based on information from a guy standing on the baseline then it is still ridiculous. Spin away.

What are you not getting. Two refs blew their whistles. The ref in front called a travel (he makes the original call because he is closest), when the second official who blew his whistle sees that his call is different he goes to talk to him.

Once he said he has a foul it is over, end of discussion because the travel would have happened after the foul, hence did not happen because there was a foul.
What are you not getting. Two refs blew their whistles. The ref in front called a travel (he makes the original call because he is closest), when the second official who blew his whistle sees that his call is different he goes to talk to him.

Once he said he has a foul it is over, end of discussion because the travel would have happened after the foul, hence did not happen because there was a foul.

What are you not getting. Two refs blew their whistles. The ref in front called a travel (he makes the original call because he is closest), when the second official who blew his whistle sees that his call is different he goes to talk to him.

Once he said he has a foul it is over, end of discussion because the travel would have happened after the foul, hence did not happen because there was a foul.

You are the one not "getting it". The official RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PLAY did not call a foul and an official 40 FEET FROM THE PLAY did call a foul.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The official closest to the play does not always have the best view of the play, and there is nothing wrong with officials working together as a crew getting a play right. In fact that's how it is supposed to work.
If you really think a guy from 40 feet away would have a better vantage point of a play then a guy that is 3 feet away, well I will disagree. With that said, that call didn't cost Iowa the game.
You are the one not "getting it". The official RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PLAY did not call a foul and an official 40 FEET FROM THE PLAY did call a foul.

That happens ALL the time, but 99% of the time they have the same call, but when they don't they communicate.

If it were us inbounding the ball you would be on here whining "why didn't the other ref come in an help out"

If things go our way it was right but when it doesn't it was wrong. ;)
If you really think a guy from 40 feet away would have a better vantage point of a play then a guy that is 3 feet away, well I will disagree. With that said, that call didn't cost Iowa the game.

Yes, I can tell you from experience that often times you have a better view of something from 40 feet away than you do from 3 feet. The closer you are to a play the narrower your field of vision and the less you see. Thats why you see lead officials (baseline officials for those of you who don't habla) work as deep as the court allows, sometimes even 5-6 feet from the actual end line. The extra depth allows you to see more and helps you interperate what you see more accurately.

You guys are acting like 40 feet is a ton of distance, it's really not, it's less than 15 yards.
If you really think a guy from 40 feet away would have a better vantage point of a play then a guy that is 3 feet away, well I will disagree. With that said, that call didn't cost Iowa the game.

Not true. It's very likely the official located further away had a different perspective and a better view of the contact that was called a foul than the ref who was a few feet away and largely blocked from seeing the contact by the player's own body.

I hated that call, and it sure didn't seem like a lot of contact from Cartwright, if there was any. But the baseline guy saw it and moved in to make the call.
That happens ALL the time, but 99% of the time they have the same call, but when they don't they communicate.

If it were us inbounding the ball you would be on here whining "why didn't the other ref come in an help out"

If things go our way it was right but when it doesn't it was wrong. ;)

I wouldn't have been whining about the other ref coming to help out. He doesn't need help because he is right there. I guess my problem with it is that the guy on the baseline blew his whistle at all. But he did and we lost. That is why, like I said, you don't leave it up to the officials.
If you really think a guy from 40 feet away would have a better vantage point of a play then a guy that is 3 feet away, well I will disagree. With that said, that call didn't cost Iowa the game.

Well, fans ALWAYS think THEY had a better vantage point, and we tend to be a helluva lot further away than 40 feet :D

No way did the call cost us the game. We had tons of other opportunities in the game.

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