A few things.
First, regardless of contact, there was no travel on that play. I can certainly understand how the official on top of the play came up with a travel, but when you watch the replay it's clear that the Wisky player did NOT have possession of the ball when he went to the ground, thus no travel.
Second the baseline official SHOULD be looking at the ball on that play NOT under the baseline. He's responsible for signaling to the bench to start the clock when the ball is touched, in HS they us a chop signal, in college they have electronic devices on thier wasteline that they push to start the clock.
The lead official did NOT overule the trail, no official ever really over rules another official. When one official has information that he thinks is relevant to the play he will share it with the official who made the call. It is up to that official to overturn a call.
Lastly this wasn't a case of over ruling anything, this conversation wen't something like this....
Lead: When did you have the travel?
Trail: When the player hit the floor.
Lead: OK I had contact and a fould prior to that.
Trail: OK make the call.