Why isn't there a dedicated Beth Mowins thread yet?

Glen Mason is objectionable to some but you don't see a thread bemoaning every time he's announced as an announcer. That is the difference. Stop talking about it and you can hate her all you want but I've already seen this thread and a bunch of crap on twitter that is a level way beyond what any of her male peers ever receive as criticism.
Yes and if I criticized Mason for his voice, I would not have a bunch of leftists jump up and start name calling because he is a man. I actually like Mason, as a former coach he actually knows what is going on. Mowins has no business in broadcasting.
I am not a fan mostly because she can't seem to pronounce a lot of names correctly...that said, I don't hate her at all. But, let's be honest, the reason we even debate this is because she's a woman. The reason it's a topic that is debated beyond these boards is because she's woman. Period. Believe it or not she does face all sorts of discrimination because of that fact. You can not like her because you think she's bad at her job.... but she's also hated because of her gender.

I hate Chris Berman tho too. In fact, I only find myself liking like a small handful of commentators any more
This thread is about to be deleted and you know why so don't ask.

It's your board and this is getting political and we all know the rules - but this is a topic that shouldn't be hidden really.... you just can't really trust it not to go to places no one wants it to go.
I saw Jon Tweet on the topic once yesterday and it was in response to a tweet by Chad L. I didn't see Jon tweet about it "all day long."

Regardless, this isn't Twitter. If you're interested in getting into a political discussion, have at Twitter. It ain't happening here. Period.
I'm the least person prone to political correctness leanings. Beth does a pretty good job, not great but OK. I have no problem with her doing games.
Yes and if I criticized Mason for his voice, I would not have a bunch of leftists jump up and start name calling because he is a man. I actually like Mason, as a former coach he actually knows what is going on. Mowins has no business in broadcasting.
Actually she does have a place in broadcasting. She does women's pro and college basketball along with softball and does a very good job. What I think the problem is it just sounds odd to hear a female broadcasting men's sports. That's why people don't think she knows anything about football because she really doesn't make any more mistakes then male broadcasters. At least she didn't say Niles Kinnick.
I saw Jon Tweet on the topic once yesterday and it was in response to a tweet by Chad L. I didn't see Jon tweet about it "all day long."

Regardless, this isn't Twitter. If you're interested in getting into a political discussion, have at Twitter. It ain't happening here. Period.

well, he did go round a bit with it... that's all I meant, it isn't shocking that something he touches on reaches his board. I don't care, I don't talk politics period. Beth is fine by me. Delete away, you aint hurting my feelers.
Also, you might be surprised that HN can probably handle a topic like this a lot better than Twitter. Than again, you might not be.
well, he did go round a bit with it... that's all I meant, it isn't shocking that something he touches on reaches his board. I don't care, I don't talk politics period. Beth is fine by me. Delete away, you aint hurting my feelers.
My two pennies. I have several issues that others have pointed out. NONE of them have to do with her being a woman. A. Her attempt to sound masculine creates a very annoying raspiness. B. She rarely can get a sentence out without being wrong about a player, how to say a players name, or miscalling the type of play. C. She is very vanilla on calling the plays in real time with limited information about the team on top of that. You hear announcers get things wrong here and there but none to this magnitude. Just my opinion. Lets not call people wrong because it differs from your own.
Glen Mason is objectionable to some but you don't see a thread bemoaning every time he's announced as an announcer. That is the difference.
This is a valid point.

I don’t pay attention to the broadcast team because I know I have power to mute if I don’t want to listen — and that’s what we normally do when watching the Hawks because our family room has quite a few people that like to talk.

I don’t think Mason is good. But, to have an equal comparison, Mason is a color (is that still allowed) commentator; he’s not the announcer.
I don't think Beth Mowins makes any more or less mistakes than your average ESPN2 broadcaster. She is just middle of the road average and she broadcasts average games like iowa vs Indiana. I just think its hilarious that she gets so much vitriol on this site...so I was happy to throw some kerosene on the fire.

Beth is fine. I'm not trying to claim she's great but the criticisms leveled against her are completely biased. I count numerous player mix-ups and mis-pronounced names in EVERY SINGLE Hawkeye broadcast. I've yet to hear a criticism that isn't equally applicable to her male counterparts so I know exactly what the real objection is.
Count me in the pro-Mowins camp.

I am not going to tell anyone who dislikes Mowins that it is due to bias because none of us can get into someone else's mind. Hell, most of us probably are not even aware of most of the biases lying within our own minds and actions. Besides, I don't think anyone who harbors a bias has ever been positively influenced by being told that they have a bias.

But we all like to learn, right? Check out the following links, or not, as you see fit. Enjoy.

What Uber can teach us about the gender pay gap? (from Freakonomics; spoiler alert, the pay gap isn't really about sexism)

A Malcolm Gladwell podcast on moral licensing (that thing that makes us feel okay to act a little more racist because we voted for Obama, or to hate Beth Mowins because we like Michelle Tafoya)

After the glass ceiling, the glass cliff (Freakonomics; exploring why there are so few women in CEO positions)

What are gender barriers made of? (Freakonomics; this one includes such nuggets as 1) if a male and female speak the exact same words, the male will be perceived as smarter, more authoritative, and a better leader (by both men and women) 2) the same effect is elicited by having the same person speak the words in both instances, but artificially increasing the pitch in one (higher pitch considered less intelligent)

Professors teaching in an online class get different evaluations depending upon if the students think they are male or female (overview of a research article published in Innovative Higher Education)
It has been a while since I watched an Iowa game on ESPN2 for a variety of reasons, but my memory from a few years ago was that the entire production crew sucked for ESPN2. It's like they took all their D grade talent and put it all on the same crew. Graphics had wrong information. Camera angles were limited and not sharp. and Beth Mowins was part of the problem at the time.

I don't know much they cleaned that up since then, but a better crew could help cover for some of Mowins shortfalls.