Why is soccer even shown in America?

I went to a game last night and there were a whole FOUR SHOTS ON GOAL in a 1-0 game. I've heard the argument that it's the most demanding sport physically--yeah, no. Half the guys are standing around the entire time doing nothing. Why does anyone play or care about soccer at all?
"Half the guys are standing around the entire time doing nothing."
The average soccer player runs 6-7 miles during a game.

"Why does anyone play or care about soccer at all?"
Soccer is a fun sport to most and one of the most challenging sports. Believe it or not, their are more kids playing soccer at a young age than baseball. Believe it. Kids end up sticking with baseball because it's an easier sport and less demanding.

"I went to a game last night and there were a whole FOUR SHOTS ON GOAL in a 1-0 game."

Professional soccer can be boring, but so can any other sport. Baseball is boring to watch. Good thing they sell beer and food at baseball games. Soccer has alot of strategy involved. The guys are so good who play it that any mistake one of them makes can lead to a goal. That is one complaint I have regarding professional soccer. They don't take enough chances.

"The average soccer player runs 6-7 miles during a game."

How Far Do You Run During a Soccer Game? | Page 2 | Active.com

"Midfielders run the most, central strikers and defenders the least. Don't brag too much about the running volume--10,000 meters (six miles) in 90 minutes is four miles per hour, something a good power walker can do."

Kids end up sticking with baseball because it's an easier sport and less demanding.

Baseball and soccer's difficulty level can't be compared; they are two completely different sports. In one sport you're trying to hit or field a tiny ball traveling 90 miles an hour, in the other you're trying to kick a ball between numerous defenders and past a goalie; how can they be compared? Plus, what does baseball have anything to do with soccer being boring and pointless?

Professional soccer can be boring, but so can any other sport. Baseball is boring to watch.

I know that any sport can be boring, but that doesn't mean they ARE boring. Watching football games can get boring if one team is ahead, but the game of soccer is boring. Again, what does baseball have anything to do with soccer being boring?

"Soccer is boring. Soccer is absurdly slow. I've had soccer apologists say with false pride how the average soccer participant "runs" 4 miles in a game. Newsflash: that means they are jogging less than 3 miles per hour. Translation: they are mostly standing around. BORING."
did you or did you not play baseball growing up? We can go back and forth all day. Nuff said from my point of view. cheers.
did you or did you not play baseball growing up? We can go back and forth all day. Nuff said from my point of view. cheers.

Sure, I played little league and a few years of AAU ball but nothing after that. I also played soccer for a few years then quit.

I won't even get started on this cause I'll go off and get banned.

I'll just say this...

I hate soccer with the white hot intensity of a thousand angry badgers.

I think anybody who has their kids play soccer instead of play baseball should be arrested for child abuse and treason.

If you don't like living in the USA move to Chile or Uganda. Real Americans never wanted you here anyway.
If you think soccer isn't demanding you either haven't played or were a goalkeeper/defender. I was a goalkeeper and defender because I was/am the fat kid. I played in a co-ed intramural tournament in college and everyone, including the girls were running circles around me and I wasn't in terrible shape. I played basketball 4-5 nights a week for 3 hours at a time.
If you think soccer isn't demanding you either haven't played or were a goalkeeper/defender. I was a goalkeeper and defender because I was/am the fat kid. I played in a co-ed intramural tournament in college and everyone, including the girls were running circles around me and I wasn't in terrible shape. I played basketball 4-5 nights a week for 3 hours at a time.

demanding =/= exciting
I won't even get started on this cause I'll go off and get banned.

I'll just say this...

I hate soccer with the white hot intensity of a thousand angry badgers.

I think anybody who has their kids play soccer instead of play baseball should be arrested for child abuse and treason.

If you don't like living in the USA move to Chile or Uganda. Real Americans never wanted you here anyway.

Holy ****. It is just soccer, take it easy. Whether you find it interesting or not it clearly is an athletic event that requires immense skill and agility. For that fact alone you should at least respect it, even if you can't stand it and feel it is "treason".
(1)The 2006 World Cup stands as one of the most watched events in television history, garnering an estimated 26.29 billion non-unique viewers, compiled over the course of the tournament.
(2)The final attracted an estimated audience of 715.1 million people

Yeah , just because your stuck in your own ethnocentrism , I enjoy the most popular sport in the world. A sport that attracts more people to one even than the whole poplulation of American. These are just a few reasons why it is broadcasted here.
(1)The 2006 World Cup stands as one of the most watched events in television history, garnering an estimated 26.29 billion non-unique viewers, compiled over the course of the tournament.
(2)The final attracted an estimated audience of 715.1 million people

Yeah , just because your stuck in your own ethnocentrism , I enjoy the most popular sport in the world. A sport that attracts more people to one even than the whole poplulation of American. These are just a few reasons why it is broadcasted here.

I try to watch every match of the world cup. very good soccer, and very entertaining.

if your complaint about soccer is half the team standing around, man, whoever said that must not have ever gone to a baseball game........talk about boring.
Soccer has really grown on me recently and I can attribute that to FIFA World Cup on PS3. If you haven't played it, it is really addicting. Once you learn the game, soccer is much more interesting. You have to be open to it though. I'm pretty psyched to watch USA vs England next weekend.
I went to a game last night and there were a whole FOUR SHOTS ON GOAL in a 1-0 game. I've heard the argument that it's the most demanding sport physically--yeah, no. Half the guys are standing around the entire time doing nothing. Why does anyone play or care about soccer at all?

Try running for 90 minutes -- 120 minutes if the game is tied at the end of regulation -- with only a 5-10 minute break between halves. No shift change, no free substitutions (in international soccer you can sub three players and the goalkeeper), no TV timeouts. Just 45 minutes plus 45 minutes plus another possible 30.

The only protection you wear is a thin piece of plastic to guard the front of your shins from getting kicked hard by an opponent. Nothing on your head, arms, shoulders, hips, rib cage. Oh, yeah, goalkeepers get to wear gloves and long pants.

Those shinguards I mentioned previously help a bit from hard kicks from directly in front of you by an opponent and not at all from kicks from the side or back, which, in fact, is where most kicks take place. Your hammies are raw pieces of meat just waiting to be sliced and diced by the cleated shoes of opponents.

Play it for just a few minutes, guarding or being guarded closely by an opponent. Unless you are extraordinarily fit, you'll be huffing and puffing, especially in 90-degree plus heat.

Soccer is extremely demanding physically, moreso than pointy-ball football, basketball, baseball (please), hockey. Some of the worst injuries I have ever seen personally have come from two soccer players jumping simultaneously attempting to head a ball. Google videos using the terms "soccer" and "dies" and see how many hits you get of players who've died in the middle of matches on the pitch. When you watch World Cup matches starting next week (and I am sure you will, despite your post), find me one fat, even remotely out of shape player on any team. I'm sure I could find a list of same in any of the other sports mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph.

You think soccer is boring because the American media simply do not cover the sport as it should be covered. By and large U.S. TV, radio and newspapers are slaves to the NFL, NBA, MLB, PGA and NCAA.

Here's some fun reading for you before the 2010 World Cup kicks off next week: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Love-Blood-World-Footballers-Freaks/dp/0156030985"]Love & Blood: At the World Cup with the Footballers, Fans and Freaks[/ame], by Jamie Trecker. It's a candid look at the sport and the whole scene surrounding the 2006 WC in Germany.

Promise you'll love it.
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I won't even get started on this cause I'll go off and get banned.

I'll just say this...

I hate soccer with the white hot intensity of a thousand angry badgers.

I think anybody who has their kids play soccer instead of play baseball should be arrested for child abuse and treason.

If you don't like living in the USA move to Chile or Uganda. Real Americans never wanted you here anyway.

Then don't watch it.

Next ...
I played soccer all thru high school, played college baseball and football at a high level and was never in better shape as I was when I played soccer. I find it even boring to watch sometimes but if you get to playing it and start understanding what it actually takes to play the game the right way it is a blast!

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