Why I Do Not Care About the National Championship

I'm not making excuses for Iowa. They have a great team this year and I expect them to do very well.

The current system is utterly ridiculous, allowing only two teams into the final game. I can honestly say that if Iowa had gone 12-0 last year, it is still possible that they would not have qualified for the game. That, to me, is a ridiculous system. It is really unfair when more than two teams go undefeated in a season(remember Auburn a few years ago?).

I believe that they should expand the current system to include more teams in the "playoff" or get rid of it altogether.
I'm not making excuses for Iowa. They have a great team this year and I expect them to do very well.

The current system is utterly ridiculous, allowing only two teams into the final game. I can honestly say that if Iowa had gone 12-0 last year, it is still possible that they would not have qualified for the game. That, to me, is a ridiculous system. It is really unfair when more than two teams go undefeated in a season(remember Auburn a few years ago?).

I believe that they should expand the current system to include more teams in the "playoff" or get rid of it altogether.

If we won a MNC every Iowa fan in the world would go on talking about how great our program is and how we're the best thing since sliced bread. If we won the system would be considered perfect with no flaws. It doesnt matter about the if we had gone 12-0 last year because we didnt. The bottom line is you care about winning a national title just like every other fan does. I care very much deeply about winning one, but I'm still convinced that we are a long ways away from winning a national title or even playing in the game. I dont think it will happen this year nor next year or the year after. As a matter of fact I dont see us winning one before 2020 when KF's contract expires. Not because the system is flawed, but because we wont go undefeated.
I heartily agree with you that if Iowa wins the "mythical" national championship (as we did in 1958), we will take it, no questions asked. I'm dumb, but I'm not stupid

I'll stand by my original statement: I don't really care about the national championship and I sure don't think about it much. I guess it is kind of like winning the lottery; you don't think about it until you win it.

If we play in and win the Rose Bowl, I will die a happy man (but I guess that is a topic for another day). I think that is a realistic goal for Iowa. Winning the Orange Bowl or another BCS bowl is a close second (which we accomplished last year).
The National Championship Game has no meaning to me. It is an unfair popularity contest based on meaningless, biased polls and other subjective criteria. A team like Boise State, which plays one of the easiest schedules in the country, has a much better chance to play in the game when compared to teams like Iowa, Penn State or Ohio State, which play murderous schedules by comparison.

Iowa's goals should be the same every year:

1. Rose Bowl. If not, then
2. BCS game. If not, then
3. New Year's Day game. If not, then
4. A bowl game.

Achieving any of the above 4 goals means it was a successful season for Iowa, in my humble opinion. Using that criteria, Iowa has been successful in 8 of the past 9 seasons, with a good chance to go bowling this year.

There will be no legitimate national champion until a real playoff is instituted. I am not a sincere proponent of a playoff, but the current system is so ridiculously subjective that it does not really produce a true national champion (only 2 teams qualify for the final game!).

You are correct to a certain point, especially about being a popularity contest. The "coaches pole" is a complete piece of crap. But, no team like Boise St has ever made it into the C-game. But, I personally think if they go undeafeted this year, there will be pressure on the BCS & voters to get them in. Unfortunately, this could have an effect on Iowa or other BCS team that plays a quality schedule. The SOS needs to be a objective part of the formula to keep everything fair.
I'm not making excuses for Iowa. They have a great team this year and I expect them to do very well.

The current system is utterly ridiculous, allowing only two teams into the final game. I can honestly say that if Iowa had gone 12-0 last year, it is still possible that they would not have qualified for the game. That, to me, is a ridiculous system. It is really unfair when more than two teams go undefeated in a season(remember Auburn a few years ago?).

I believe that they should expand the current system to include more teams in the "playoff" or get rid of it altogether.
Actually it's really not, at the time of the NW game, before playing OSU, Iowa was #1 in the computers. Had Iowa been in the top 4 of both human polls (pretty much a lock had they beat NW and OSU) they would have been in the title game.

But alas we didn't do that last year, now I just want to run the table this year and force the talking heads to put us in the title game, mythical or not.
Iowa's goals should be 1. Rose Bowl? I just don't understand how you can believe that. Although I do agree that polls are generally based on popularity to voters, you would have to be high to believe that the rose bowl is a better goal than a national championship.
Yes, I guess I am high (I know I am old).

Winning the Rose Bowl is my number 1 goal and will be until we win that game.

The National Championship is so subjective and unfair that it has no real meaning for me. I also think it is rigged so that the SEC champ is in the game every year, which sucks.

Obviously, if Iowa "wins the lottery" and somehow makes it to the National Championship game (which will only happen if Iowa goes 12-0), that would be huge as well. I just think it is a million-to-one shot (a one loss Iowa team will never play in the championship game under the current system).
I would love to play for the National Title, just because the exposure it could set up for Iowa. The recruiting would be something we've never seen before. To be called kings of football for a year would be unreal. But in general, the goal every year I always think about is get to the Rose Bowl! Something Ive never really seen before in my life. And it's something that means a lot to any person who lives in Big Ten country. But I couldn't agree more how it's turned into a popularity contest to get to the national championship game.

Can we upgrade this to win the Rose Bowl? I've seen them lose it before -- the season's a blast but leaves a foul taste in your mouth.
What in the hell is your guys problem. I cant believe there is 1 thread about this, let alone alot of people agreeing with this. I know, stupid me n is for knowledge nebraska fan, what does he know. You do realize that by just makeing the National Championship game how much publicity that gives you. On top of the xtra money you get. As well as greater prestige for your university. Which equils more revenue which boosts ticket sales which expands your stadium and your athletic department. By doing all of this you can get the 4 and 5 star players way out of state. Tommy Frazier was from flordia for god sakes and he leaves to go to nebraska.

Again i dont want to seem like a dick but to say this is not a goal is foolish, you would be happy with a rose bowl win. Well yea thats nice but thats not N/C nice. Even if i was a friggin Iowa State fan with no N/C trophy i would still feel like this. If you want to continue to have kick *** football seasons like this one is shapeing up to be you guys better change your thinking. Its not just a goal, it should be the only goal. No more oh gosh oh golly gee i guess ill play the outback bowl. Go all or go home. I say this because i dont understand what the heck you guys think about sometimes. You are in a PRIME spot to make a run at this. All your hard games are at home, you can win it all if you can get past Ohio State. You should be excited, pumped up. Why the hell am i telling you this, you should be chuggin the black and gold koolaid.

Just answer this to yourselves. Do you really think KF is telling his boys. Sure boys just go out there and beat the big 10 thats all we can hope for.
Yeah what normal person wants to be crowned the best team in college football...gimme a break.

I think you are misunderstanding them. Sure...they would take the mythical championship...but more immediate goals should be the Rose Bowl or BCS bowl. Be good enough to get to those, and the "national championship" opportunity will take care of itself.
I think you are misunderstanding them. Sure...they would take the mythical championship...but more immediate goals should be the Rose Bowl or BCS bowl. Be good enough to get to those, and the "national championship" opportunity will take care of itself.

that's not what they're saying. they're saying Rose bowl or bust.

i'm with you bigred...and thank you for posting
that's not what they're saying. they're saying Rose bowl or bust.

i'm with you bigred...and thank you for posting

The Rose Bowl should be the #1 goal.....win the conference and the bowl game that the conference champion is supposed to go to.

No one is saying they wouldn't want Iowa to play in the BCS title game...but until there is some form of playoff, it is not something that is realistic to "shoot for" because there is too much subjectivity involved.

Aim for the conference championship and then let the chips fall where they may for anything greater.

I would bet if you asked Kirk Ferentz what the teams' goal is...it would be to win the Big 10.
really? someone negged me for this?

i bet if you asked DJK his goal would be to win a national title.

what's the point of playing the season if you don't want to go out and be the best there is? how do you accomplish this? WIN A NATIONAL TITLE.

go ahead and neg me more for having an opinion
really? someone negged me for this?

i bet if you asked DJK his goal would be to win a national title.

what's the point of playing the season if you don't want to go out and be the best there is? how do you accomplish this? WIN A NATIONAL TITLE.

go ahead and neg me more for having an opinion

Doesn't surprise me. I get a lot of negative feedback for giving my opinion. Just don't pay any attention to it.
I am kind of getting a vibe that many guys here are tilting at windmills which are just in their imagination. It is as if they are operating under the assumption that Iowa has already gone undefeated and got screwed over by the polls.

While neither of those things exist yet, I also believe neither will happen. I don't think we are going undefeated, and if we do, we won't get screwed over in the polls.

As the Bard wrote: "Avast thee foul demon, for thou'st hath given them the guise of the victim in perpetuity" Macbeth, Act 2, scene 4.
really? someone negged me for this?

i bet if you asked DJK his goal would be to win a national title.

what's the point of playing the season if you don't want to go out and be the best there is? how do you accomplish this? WIN A NATIONAL TITLE.

go ahead and neg me more for having an opinion

I think you got negged for agreeing with a nebraska fan lol. My point is this, you guys are not iowa state. Iowa States goals should be to win the big 12 which i think theyve only tied for. You are in the big leagues now guys. You have won the big 10 title more then once. Its time to start looking at the next level. Beyond what youve done in the norm. When they start talking about you time and time again on rivals and espn that means youve stepped up. It means that if you go undefeated you will show the BCS that you are worthy to compete for the title. You guys have a hellatious schedule so having program strength is already there. And yes sad as it is you need to show you are worthy to compete in the title game. Things like program strength, schedule, hell even how much you beat a team buy all go into the fold. Everyone who competes for the N/C needs to show there worthy. It is the greatest thing in college football. Guys im sorry im not a old school big 10 guy. But i know how passionate you guys are about the rose bowl. I know for some of you the rose bowl may be your N/C. Hell the Orange Bowl used to be Nebraskas goal during its seasons. But those times are gone, hell big 10 teams dont always play in the rose bowl now. The Hawkeyes are in a prime line to get a N/C bid, even if they lost a game. It is what you should be shooting for. A national championship hawkeye football team would bring so much to your school. I love it when people call it the Mythical National Championship. Its a real payout, with real recruting perks, with real program prestige.
I think you are misunderstanding them. Sure...they would take the mythical championship...but more immediate goals should be the Rose Bowl or BCS bowl. Be good enough to get to those, and the "national championship" opportunity will take care of itself.

Not when you have a team that can "immediately" compete for a NC. You set the bar high & go for a NC because it isn't too many yrs Iowa can field a team worthy of NC consideration. Then, if the team flusters, aim for the Rose Bowl.

How hard is that? I don't get the thinking. Go for it if you think the team is worthy has a chance. Why aim to the be best of the worst?