Why are so many people okay with the loss?


Active Member
Things need to change. Iowa needs to hire young coordinators that adapt to the way the game as evolved. We need to stop being so conservative. We had 2 and a half mins left in the half yesterday with 2 timeouts..what do we do? Run dives up the middle. Do you see teams like Oklahoma, Alabama, Nebraska doing that? Don't think so. Also I watched Oklahoma's D coordinator yesterday. He is sending blitzes left and right on Texas and what happens? They get QB sacks or at least pressure on the QB which Iowa did not do at all yesterday. After these big plays by the Oklahoma D, their D coach is jumping around and is really excited for his Defense. That's exciting to see. Iowa is a well known program that in my eyes is a Top 15 program in the country. They should be challenging for conference championships every year instead meddling in mediocrity while having a very good season every 5-8 years. Don't you agree that we can be better than what we are?
More than half of this board has thrown ferentz under the bus along with the other coaches. We have very few starters back from last year and have struggled early on. I think a lot of people forget we are 2 years removed from an orange bowl victory
More than half of this board has thrown ferentz under the bus along with the other coaches. We have very few starters back from last year and have struggled early on. I think a lot of people forget we are 2 years removed from an orange bowl victory

Yeah but there has been no momentum built off that game at all. 7-5 last with that talent most coaches would have alot to prove this year. But hell in 4 years we have another good season.
So they shouldn't be held responsible for the horrible performance against an average team while Ferentz is getting paid 3+ million a year? I understand that the team is young but look at other programs around the country that have to reload every year. You can't tell me Penn State is a more talented team than Iowa. Im tired of seeing linebackers covering WR on every obvious passing play. I'm tired of seeing the CB play 10 yards off the guy they are covering. I'm tired of not blitzing more than 3 times a game. I want to see the offense open up even more. I don't want to wait another 8 years for another BCS berth like last time.
I have been tired of Ferentz for a long time now. I really believe we can do better.

Ferentz produces solidly average teams that occasionally perform better - but even those seasons are tarnished by losses to ISU or NW. Iowa is not good football.

Boring lazy slow offenses that always finish towards the bottom by statistical measure and defenses that rely on the other teams failures.

I'm just tired of the whole program... still a fan but just tired. Football is an agressive attacking sport, not a conservative wait for the other team to beat themselves.

What is fun about conservative keep it close and maybe they will fail????
Were you satisfied with the Pitt game? I wasn't. Was the comeback great? Hell yes it was. I will give that comeback to the players in the 4th Quarter. Yes the coaches made a good call by going no huddle, but what team doesn't in that situation? The first 3 quarters of that game was what Iowa is all about..predictable, conservative football.
Iowa is a well known program that in my eyes is a Top 15 program in the country.

No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He lost to an awful Minnesota team last year. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. Don't delude yourself into thinking we're a top 15 because we charge top 15 program prices for tickets.

Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.
No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He lost to an awful Minnesota team last year. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. Don't delude yourself into thinking we're a top 15 because we charge top 15 program prices for tickets.

Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.
Were you satisfied with the Pitt game? I wasn't. Was the comeback great? Hell yes it was. I will give that comeback to the players in the 4th Quarter. Yes the coaches made a good call by going no huddle, but what team doesn't in that situation? The first 3 quarters of that game was what Iowa is all about..predictable, conservative football.

The offensive coaching was fine in the first three quarters of the Pitt game, but we could not execute. Guys were wide open, but they weren't seen or were just missed on passes.
Were you satisfied with the Pitt game? I wasn't. Was the comeback great? Hell yes it was. I will give that comeback to the players in the 4th Quarter. Yes the coaches made a good call by going no huddle, but what team doesn't in that situation? The first 3 quarters of that game was what Iowa is all about..predictable, conservative football.

LOL, yeah the coaches shouldn't get any credit for the comeback and the play calling, it should go all to the players. :rolleyes:
The offensive coaching was fine in the first three quarters of the Pitt game, but we could not execute. Guys were wide open, but they weren't seen or were just missed on passes.
Well when I can sit in the stands and know who and where the ball or player is going, I'm sure the other team can pick up on that also.
No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He lost to an awful Minnesota team last year. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. Don't delude yourself into thinking we're a top 15 because we charge top 15 program prices for tickets.

Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.
Why shouldn't Iowa be in the Top 25 every year? The program and facilities are top notch for college teams. I think we are better than 7-5 every year. Iowa needs to strive for this by making their coaches responsible. Whether its coaching or recruiting, things need to change. It is embarassing when Iowa loses to Indiana and Northwestern, it just should not happen. Iowa is a top 4 program in the Big 10 so why aren't we competing for championships year in and year out?
We lost at one of the toughest places to play in the country in front of 100,000 people in a game we werent favored in against the one of the best programs in cfb history. Thats why. Sure im sad that we lost but its not like the minny loss from last year.
No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. ...
Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.

those are the facts..
We lost at one of the toughest places to play in the country in front of 100,000 people in a game we werent favored in against the one of the best programs in cfb history. Thats why. Sure im sad that we lost but its not like the minny loss from last year.
I would be more okay with the loss if Penn State was a better team than us, but they aren't. Having a chance to practice for 2 weeks for this game, this is the best they have? That's bad coaching. The team wasn't prepared and it showed.
Because mommy and daddy told them that it's OK, life is just about showing up. The same fools who wonder why their lazy sociopathic kids fail out of school and are living in their basement.
I would be more okay with the loss if Penn State was a better team than us, but they aren't. Having a chance to practice for 2 weeks for this game, this is the best they have? That's bad coaching. The team wasn't prepared and it showed.

yea the coaches didnt do a great job, whats new
We lost at one of the toughest places to play in the country in front of 100,000 people in a game we werent favored in against the one of the best programs in cfb history. Thats why. Sure im sad that we lost but its not like the minny loss from last year.
I would be more okay with the loss if Penn State was a better team than us, but they aren't. Having a chance to practice for 2 weeks for this game, this is the best they have? That's bad coaching. The team wasn't prepared and it showed.
+ 1 nail, meet hammer

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