Why are so many people okay with the loss?

After driving 1590 miles over 72 hours, and spending hundreds of dollars to go to the PSU game and watching us lay an egg, uh, NO, it's not "OK" to accept we lost because we're rebuilding.

We stunk. Same defensive schemes that are not stopping the opponent at critical times, the offense going back into the tank, no changing of the gameplan when it was clearly needed, silly mistakes over and over.

Although now ranked, PSU is a very very average team.

That puts our performance at well below average. We had no business losing to that team on Saturday.
After driving 1590 miles over 72 hours, and spending hundreds of dollars to go to the PSU game and watching us lay an egg, uh, NO, it's not "OK" to accept we lost because we're rebuilding.

We stunk. Same defensive schemes that are not stopping the opponent at critical times, the offense going back into the tank, no changing of the gameplan when it was clearly needed, silly mistakes over and over.

Although now ranked, PSU is a very very average team.

That puts our performance at well below average. We had no business losing to that team on Saturday.

And what this year would indicate Iowa is an above average team to put their performance at well below average? Maybe Iowa is a very very average team and one average team just beat another average team. This is the first D that has had a pulse that Iowa has faced this year.
IMO, we had much better talent on the field. Didn't play like it however.


Let's start with the D:
Secondary = PSU

Now to the O
QB = Iowa
WR = Push
OL = Push

QB is the only position on the field where I think Iowa had more talent.
Things need to change. Iowa needs to hire young coordinators that adapt to the way the game as evolved. We need to stop being so conservative. We had 2 and a half mins left in the half yesterday with 2 timeouts..what do we do? Run dives up the middle. Do you see teams like Oklahoma, Alabama, Nebraska doing that? Don't think so. Also I watched Oklahoma's D coordinator yesterday. He is sending blitzes left and right on Texas and what happens? They get QB sacks or at least pressure on the QB which Iowa did not do at all yesterday. After these big plays by the Oklahoma D, their D coach is jumping around and is really excited for his Defense. That's exciting to see. Iowa is a well known program that in my eyes is a Top 15 program in the country. They should be challenging for conference championships every year instead meddling in mediocrity while having a very good season every 5-8 years. Don't you agree that we can be better than what we are?

Yes! I completely agree with you! I'm getting a little tired of Ferentz's sarcasm to criticism, instead of answering to the questions seriously! Adjust, Adjust, Adjust!!

Let's start with the D:
Secondary = PSU

Now to the O
QB = Iowa
WR = Push
OL = Push

QB is the only position on the field where I think Iowa had more talent.

You're certainly entitled to your opinions as well.
Totally, I mean Iowa should go no-huddle, spread offense, blitz on every down, do more trick plays, go for 2 pt conversions after each score, kick onside kicks all the time, hire 30 year olds to run their offenses and defenses, recruit by paying prospects, always go for it on 4th down, all that sort of stuff... yeah yeah yeah

Totally, I mean Iowa should go no-huddle, spread offense, blitz on every down, do more trick plays, go for 2 pt conversions after each score, kick onside kicks all the time, hire 30 year olds to run their offenses and defenses, recruit by paying prospects, always go for it on 4th down, all that sort of stuff... yeah yeah yeah


No ****. and do it all on every play of every game.
Totally, I mean Iowa should go no-huddle, spread offense, blitz on every down, do more trick plays, go for 2 pt conversions after each score, kick onside kicks all the time, hire 30 year olds to run their offenses and defenses, recruit by paying prospects, always go for it on 4th down, all that sort of stuff... yeah yeah yeah


More no-huddle would be nice. Or maybe just what more no-huddle would signify: being more aggressive on offense.

This year, the defense is NOT a unit to lean on. Hell, it's barely able to stand alone right now. KF needs to recognize that and make the necessary adjustments. Namely, let KOK do what he does best: play aggressively.
So they shouldn't be held responsible for the horrible performance against an average team while Ferentz is getting paid 3+ million a year? I understand that the team is young but look at other programs around the country that have to reload every year. You can't tell me Penn State is a more talented team than Iowa. Im tired of seeing linebackers covering WR on every obvious passing play. I'm tired of seeing the CB play 10 yards off the guy they are covering. I'm tired of not blitzing more than 3 times a game. I want to see the offense open up even more. I don't want to wait another 8 years for another BCS berth like last time.

Your class-envy is showing, for starters. KF is paid what he is worth to this program.

As for being tired of watching LBs in coverage, learn the game. It's standard in a 4-3. It worked just fine with experienced LBs and talented LBs. Edds did it, Neilsen is capable of it, Greenway did it.

The staff can't be held responsible for some of the utterly stupid mistakes players made yesterday. And if you REALLY blame the staff for JVB sucking, Derby getting arrested and WRs dropping easy passes, as well as balls bouncing off officials and ending in PSU hands, you're more delusional than most of the anti-KF crowd.

Nobody is "happy" with the loss, but most knowledgeable fans called it before the season even started. We certainly have the talent to win a game like yesterday's. Unfortunately,
too many players didn't execute.

In short, inexperience plus a bye week rarely yields a positive result.
name some teams that dont have mediocre years after losing a bunch of talent.

you should be complaining about last year, not this year.
More no-huddle would be nice. Or maybe just what more no-huddle would signify: being more aggressive on offense.

This year, the defense is NOT a unit to lean on. Hell, it's barely able to stand alone right now. KF needs to recognize that and make the necessary adjustments. Namely, let KOK do what he does best: play aggressively.
I agree. Adjustments need to be made at halftime if things arent working. Throw in a trick play or two. Roll Vandenberg out of the pocket. Throw the ball downfield more often. If things didn't work earlier in the game, I doubt they would later.
Of course no one is happy with the loss. But we were the underdog, on the road, against a good team in a hostile environment. Surely you weren't surprised, were you?

The next 3 weeks will decide Iowa's season. We need to win at least 2, if not 3, of the next 3 games. Anything less and you can turn out the lights, we won't be going anywhere in the postseason.

If we are 5-3 after 8 games (which is what I predict), then we have a chance to build on that....
I predicted the Hawks would win 21-17. I never once thought it would be a cakewalk, and I was fully prepared for the possibility of an ugly loss. But, you don't need the top recruits from Texas to run a screen pass in a game where you took several sacks. You don't need Ryan Broyles to run a hitch-and-go when their safeties start biting in the second half on all the 5-15 yard routes we were running every play; Marvin McNutt can do that.

These are the kinds of things that frustrate me, not just the mere fact that we lost to Penn State and they're not the PSU of the 1980s anymore. Also, for those who think we are doomed to mediocrity...I agree with you that we have some handicaps (geographic, historical, etc.), but we have also flat-out missed opportunities to turn the program into a true perennial power. One example: 2005 we were #11 preseason and had a great recruiting class coming in, we got whooped in two early games but possibly cost ourselves a 9-2 season by playing for OT against Michigan and playing tight with a 27-14 Q4 lead at Northwestern. Keep the 9-10 win train rolling that year, and similar recruits could keep flowing in, thus making it easier going forward, yada yada...

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