Why are so many people okay with the loss?

this is a mediocre team, a transition year, and the two deeps have been killed by attrition. its a road loss to a team that is 4-1, and PSU had to get very lucky to win. who cares, the season will go on.
this is a mediocre team, a transition year, and the two deeps have been killed by attrition. its a road loss to a team that is 4-1, and PSU had to get very lucky to win. who cares, the season will go on.
A transition year into what? More of the same crap? I don't know why people are okay with having these type of years. I think Iowa can be built into a top team in the conference every year, but yet its okay to have a 7-5 team last year, I'm saying 6-6 team this year, and the same next year (we lose a lot of good players this year too)? The coaching and recruiting need to get better to not have these types of years.
Why shouldn't Iowa be in the Top 25 every year? The program and facilities are top notch for college teams. I think we are better than 7-5 every year. Iowa needs to strive for this by making their coaches responsible. Whether its coaching or recruiting, things need to change. It is embarassing when Iowa loses to Indiana and Northwestern, it just should not happen. Iowa is a top 4 program in the Big 10 so why aren't we competing for championships year in and year out?

About the only thing we are in the top 4 of the Big Ten for is coach's salary. The top 4 in the B10, when normalcy returns, will be:


Then, the next cut down is prolly Purdue, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan State. Perhaps Illinois will capitalize on a decent pool of in-state and St. Louis talent and claw into that group as well. But for Iowa fans to expect Iowa to outclass its "peer group" in the conference AND then knock off at least 2 of the members of the tier one teams more often than once in a blue moon is totally foolish. Parity, parity, parity.

If you're really "not okay" with Iowa losing games and generally being a 6 or 7 regular season win ballclub with some decent seasons sprinkled in here and there when we catch lightning in a bottle with studs like Moeaki, Clayborn and Angerer all putting it together at the same time, you should find a new hobby because Iowa football will ALWAYS leave you disappointed. All the B10 schools are flush with cash, the other conferences are too. The SEC schools are sick with talent, the Pac 10 is as well. Folks are fleeing the midwest for the south, demographics alone dictates that for every Kennan Davis we find in Iowa, there are 10+ of them in Texas, and we're going to need a miracle to get good kids out of Texas.

I said it last year after the Northwestern game, the whole package on the field that Iowa is throwing out there is comparable, though slightly better than, Northwestern, but we are being charged like they are OSU level good. It's a joke, but it's no different than the Cubs, as long as folks will pay for it out of blind loyalty and hope for "next year" it will continue.
No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He lost to an awful Minnesota team last year. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. Don't delude yourself into thinking we're a top 15 because we charge top 15 program prices for tickets.

Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.

That is a very honest and accurate assessment. The people with their heads in the sand should read that and let it sink in
Why shouldn't Iowa be in the Top 25 every year? The program and facilities are top notch for college teams. I think we are better than 7-5 every year. Iowa needs to strive for this by making their coaches responsible. Whether its coaching or recruiting, things need to change. It is embarassing when Iowa loses to Indiana and Northwestern, it just should not happen. Iowa is a top 4 program in the Big 10 so why aren't we competing for championships year in and year out?
About the only thing we are in the top 4 of the Big Ten for is coach's salary. The top 4 in the B10, when normalcy returns, will be: MichiganOSUNebraskaPSU Then, the next cut down is prolly Purdue, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan State. Perhaps Illinois will capitalize on a decent pool of in-state and St. Louis talent and claw into that group as well. But for Iowa fans to expect Iowa to outclass its

Why can't the Iowa program be built into a power? A perfect example out there is Oregon. They have a crappy tradition but play a cool style of football and that has built them into a power. The Nike money and jerseys from Nike help too, but you can't tell me a recruit is amazed by the state of Oregon. Coaching and style of play are huge factors for them. Why can't we demand more out of our expensive coaches? We might as well trim 2 million of of Kirk's salary and get the same kind of coach. I want more out of the coaches.
=okeefe4prez;548550]No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He lost to an awful Minnesota team last year. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. Don't delude yourself into thinking we're a top 15 because we charge top 15 program prices for tickets. Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.
That is a very honest and accurate assessment. The people with their heads in the sand should read that and let it sink in[/QUOTE]

So why not strive to become an annual Top 15 program? It sounds like you are fine with the average results for our overpaid coach.
That is a very honest and accurate assessment. The people with their heads in the sand should read that and let it sink in


I like to look at our opponents and say "Why wouldn't we beat them?", and then we can't get off the field on 3rd down defensively or convert on 3rd down offensively. Our players are young, sure, but many of our best players are seniors. I don't know how it goes up from here, it might, but I don't know how.
No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He lost to an awful Minnesota team last year. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. Don't delude yourself into thinking we're a top 15 because we charge top 15 program prices for tickets.

Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.

Money Shot!
Gonna be a long season. We havent hit the rough road yet. Im not ok with the loss but it is what it is.
Why can't the Iowa program be built into a power? A perfect example out there is Oregon. They have a crappy tradition but play a cool style of football and that has built them into a power. The Nike money and jerseys from Nike help too, but you can't tell me a recruit is amazed by the state of Oregon. Coaching and style of play are huge factors for them. Why can't we demand more out of our expensive coaches? We might as well trim 2 million of of Kirk's salary and get the same kind of coach. I want more out of the coaches.

Look guy, you're walking around with Iowa colored glasses on. Have you been to Eugene? It is a clone of Iowa City, but it is nestled in amongst the mountains in an incredibly beautiful part of the country. And you mention the Nike connection - that is huge in the eyes of the 17 year old kid who is getting ready to sign an LOI. Additionally, Oregon has an incredibly deep pool of talent down in CA to recruit from (and God only knows what recruiting shenanigans they have engaged in). Washington successfully tapped this in the early '90's and was awesome, as did Colorado. We have no similar pool of talent nearby. Illinois isn't the hotbed it once was and OSU and Michigan have Ohio locked down. Plus, we've got a ton of nearby BCS schools to compete with for Illinois kids, including Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Purdue, Indiana, Michigan, MSU, etc. - all within a few hours drive of Illinois. And on top of that, the really top-tier kids out of this area end up going somewhere like USC.

My point is this - Purdue fan, Wisco fan, Illini fan, Northwestern fan, etc., all think like you do - they all obviously want to be the best, but there has to be a winner and a loser of each ballgame. There's a first and a last in the conference. We have to play to the strengths of the kids we can land as recruits. And to be honest, while I love Iowa City, Madison, Ann Arbor, C-bus and Evanston are way better places to live than IC. I don't see what you think is so special about Iowa, one of two BCS schools in a very small population state, that makes us a contender to be amongst the most elite programs in the country.

Here's a piece of advice, bring your expectations of Iowa football down into line with reality. The highs when we go on a double digit game win streak like 2008-09 will be higher and the lows when we crap the bed against ISU will be a lot lower.
No they aren't. Ferentz has beaten NU ONCE in the last 6 games. He lost to an awful Minnesota team last year. He has needed a ton of luck to get by Indiana. He has beaten OSU once in his tenure. Michgan's demise under Rodriguez and PSU's holding on too long with Joe Pa are the only reason we have been saved from being at best a 5-3 or 4-4 team every year in conference. Don't delude yourself into thinking we're a top 15 because we charge top 15 program prices for tickets.

Top 15 programs bury teams like Northwestern and Indiana. Top 15 programs don't get decimated by Western Michigan. Top 15 programs can beat OSU more than once a decade.

More than half of this board has thrown ferentz under the bus along with the other coaches. We have very few starters back from last year and have struggled early on. I think a lot of people forget we are 2 years removed from an orange bowl victory

How soon people forget. It's not easy to be a contender every single year, in fact it's very very hard. ASk Georgia, Auburn, USC, Florida, Florida State, ask Michigan how they've been the last 10 years, ask Ohio State this year. Everyone wants to win, badly. Very tough to do so year in and year out.
So they shouldn't be held responsible for the horrible performance against an average team while Ferentz is getting paid 3+ million a year? I understand that the team is young but look at other programs around the country that have to reload every year. You can't tell me Penn State is a more talented team than Iowa. Im tired of seeing linebackers covering WR on every obvious passing play. I'm tired of seeing the CB play 10 yards off the guy they are covering. I'm tired of not blitzing more than 3 times a game. I want to see the offense open up even more. I don't want to wait another 8 years for another BCS berth like last time.

Send your resume in then....lets see what you can do.
Send your resume in then....lets see what you can do.
So you are okay with the coaching? I wish I got paid 3 million for my current job as a teacher to have my students fail a test that we have been preparing 2 weeks for. You don't see top teams do these things that I described. I will send my resume in. They can pay me a quarter of what KF makes and I will use the leftover money to get great coordinators and recruiters.
Lets face it. This team with allll the offensive weapons and experience on the offensive side should be much better than 70th running the ball and like 50th passing the ball in D1 that says alot about your offensive GENIUS KOK. There were many posts and both he and Ferentz don't get it. Hey guys lets play for the loss instead trying to stick a dagger in someone. If you would have told me at the beginning of the game that PSU would only score 13 I would have said we'll win again. Alas this is a 6-6 or 5-7 football team.

They will lose to NW, Nebraska, Michigan and MSU
They will win Minnesota, Indiana
could go either way against Purdue in West Lafayette

Here we come TOILET BOWL!
So you are okay with the coaching? I wish I got paid 3 million for my current job as a teacher to have my students fail a test that we have been preparing 2 weeks for. You don't see top teams do these things that I described. I will send my resume in. They can pay me a quarter of what KF makes and I will use the leftover money to get great coordinators and recruiters.

I would hope a teacher would be better at spotting a false analogy.

No team in history has ever had a bad game after a bye week. Everyone knows that you magically get twice as good with extra prep time.
I would hope a teacher would be better at spotting a false analogy.

No team in history has ever had a bad game after a bye week. Everyone knows that you magically get twice as good with extra prep time.

I wish I had standards as low as yours and could walk away from the Penn St game impressed by what I saw.
I would hope a teacher would be better at spotting a false analogy.

No team in history has ever had a bad game after a bye week. Everyone knows that you magically get twice as good with extra prep time.

You don't need to get twice as good. We shouldn't have looked like we took steps backwards though.
I think people are speaking with a lot of emotion and passion within this discussion.

Losing a game sucks. It does. No way to sugarcoat it.

I'm not as worked up over it as some of you because I took a long look at the 2011 Hawkeyes this past summer and realized something very important:

They are very young and inexperienced. We are rebuilding this season, but there is plenty of talent. Some of it is inexperienced, some of it is undeveloped, but it is there.

Could the coaches have done a better job? Perhaps. Last season, I largely blamed the results on the failures of the coaching staff. This season is different. At the end of the day yesterday, the opportunities were there to win the game, but they didn't execute. It's as simple as that.

If you don't believe me, go back and watch the game again (if you can stomach it). There were too many missed opportunities to count.... plays that Iowa has been making the last couple games. They didn't make them this time. That doesn't all fall on the coaches.

I'm actually somewhat encouraged about where this team will be toward the end of this season and especially in 2012. It's not like we got blown out by 40 against an average Penn State team. We lost by 10. We were in that game until the end, and we even had a chance to win. We have a lot of talent. What these players need is experience and time to develop.

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