Who's your NFL team and are you happy with their picks...so far


Chris Cook: Vikings for cute and missed out on Patrick Robinson. At best Cook will be a starting free safety in the future. Don't see him being a starting corner in the NFL

Toby G:If he can fill the 3rd down roll and HOLD ON TO THE FOOTBALL when running the clock in the 4th this is a great pick.

Everson Griffen: First round talent but lazy. I despise players like him. Hopefully Jared Allen can whip him into shape.

Drafted a guard in the 5th but we could have gotten a better Lineman with another pick so basically ignored our need for O line, D Tackle, and QB.

HOpefully they can pick up Faneca

amazingly I'm actually kinda happy with their picks thus far because they haven't drafted anybody who's made me say "wtf did they draft him for, they could've gotten him in the 2nd round. Al davis, you are senile and have ruined the team for years!"

All there picks have actually been sensible thus far, no QBs with huge arms that can't play or fast WRs who finished honorable mention all conference in the first 10 picks like previous years. looks like they're FINALLY drafting football players, not just people who can run fast or throw the ball a long ways from their knees.

amazingly I'm actually kinda happy with their picks thus far because they haven't drafted anybody who's made me say "wtf did they draft him for, they could've gotten him in the 2nd round. Al davis, you are senile and have ruined the team for years!"

All there picks have actually been sensible thus far, no QBs with huge arms that can't play or fast WRs who finished honorable mention all conference in the first 10 picks like previous years. looks like they're FINALLY drafting football players, not just people who can run fast or throw the ball a long ways from their knees.

I'm a Colts fan, but I did say "WTF?" after their first pick. But, I said it because the pick actually was a GOOD one. I didn't know Davis could make a good draft pick anymore, and they've made several so far. And picked up Jason Campbell, which is an excellent pick-up, IMO.
Hawks surround us on all sides KC, Minn, GB, Stl, except Chicago. Until that happens, I hope they don't sniff the playoffs.

I feel the same way. there has been so many times they have had needs and an Iowa guy is avaiable, then they pick someone who doesn't make sense. I feel we are about to become the new raiders.

I have no faith in Lovie and Jerry. only reason they are both still here is because of the Cutler trade. wouldn't want to make a new coach not have a pick in the 1st 2 rounds. hence why they aren't willing to give up trades next year to move up.
Carolina Panthers -

Clausen was a huge pick up for us, fills a hole at the Quarterback position that was anemic at best when Jake DelHomo was our QB.

Watch out for the Appalachian State WR, he's pretty dang explosive.

Also a Panthers (and Patriots) fan here in NC. I agree with you regarding filling the QB void, but I HATE jimmy clausen and I'm worried that he'll end up doing roethlisgoober-like off field stuff. He's a punk and he needs to grow up really fast if he's going to be accepted in the Queen City.
The other picks, I love: Edwards and LaFell. I think they both contribute right away, especially LaFell opposite Steve Smith.

The Patriots have done fairly well, also. I worry that "Gronk" is injury-prone, but he's worth the risk @ TE. They also selected a tough CB out of Rutgers. They do need more help on D, so hopefully they'll address those things today/tomorrow.
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oh yeah, and seriously.. another QB to the bears. :|

Didn't get that pick. It's a nice value pick but they need players who can help right away. Jerry and Lovie probably won't be around to ever use Lafevour.... Here's to the Bears picking Calloway in the 7th.
Wow, I'm just shocked at the number of different fans responding. I figured they'd all be Viking, Bear, Packer, Chief. I'm Vikings and yes, pretty happy so far. They didn't need a slam dunk, just a couple quality guys to fill holes. Mainly guys to replace an aging secondary (Antione Winfield). I think they picked up Gerhart because they dream of being able to jamb the ball down the defense's throat by handing off over and over again. Gerhart gives them some ball security options if Petersen has one of those fumblesome games. Albert Young good back up, (former hawkeye of course) but not a horse.
Lions fan here, and I love the way the draft turned out! Suh and Spievey will both be great on defense, and as others have said, if Best can stay healthy he's an explosive playmaker. Aside from just the players actually picked, some great players came from trading a few of the other picks as well.
Wow, I'm just shocked at the number of different fans responding. I figured they'd all be Viking, Bear, Packer, Chief. I'm Vikings and yes, pretty happy so far. They didn't need a slam dunk, just a couple quality guys to fill holes. Mainly guys to replace an aging secondary (Antione Winfield). I think they picked up Gerhart because they dream of being able to jamb the ball down the defense's throat by handing off over and over again. Gerhart gives them some ball security options if Petersen has one of those fumblesome games. Albert Young good back up, (former hawkeye of course) but not a horse.

Personally I'm seeing Gerhart as a goalline/4th quarter back for the Vikes. I think they would like Albert to step into Chester Taylor's role this year, and I think he'll be very successful if so. But agreed, he's not a horse in the NFL.
Being a long time Raiders fans (since 1970) I would have to say "WTF" I haven't been happy with their first round picks in the last 10 yrs.
It's like they blindly throw a dart at a board full of names.
Al Davis needs to go!

As a fellow Raiders fan, I think your nuts. I was shocked as this was their best draft in a LONG, long time. As was said earlier, I kind of thought "WTF" after McClain, but overall it was a fantastic draft, and easily the best in the AFC West. Hell, the fact they got a legitimately good QB, even if it was a trade, so they can finally dump Russell made it worth it.
As a fellow Raiders fan, I think your nuts. I was shocked as this was their best draft in a LONG, long time. As was said earlier, I kind of thought "WTF" after McClain, but overall it was a fantastic draft, and easily the best in the AFC West. Hell, the fact they got a legitimately good QB, even if it was a trade, so they can finally dump Russell made it worth it.

Not to mention a QB, who if given stability in the offensive coordinator department, could be a serious star. Jason Campbell has had the worst luck. The guy has still played solid football, and he's learning a new system every year.
Not to mention a QB, who if given stability in the offensive coordinator department, could be a serious star. Jason Campbell has had the worst luck. The guy has still played solid football, and he's learning a new system every year.

Plus, he's an almost perfect fit for the offense the Raiders run.
Colts fan and season tik holder, here. Liked the Colts draft... loved the Hughes, Angerer, and Fisher picks.

Colts doin' what they do. Draft wonks will never understand, but they just added some great talent for their system, although it seems Polian was a little dissapointed in some near misses in day two.

Adding Angerer gives the Colts arguably 4 of the top 10 iconic Hawkeyes in their modern football history (Fry era- present) in Clark, Sanders, King and Angerer. Great time to be a Hawks/Colts fan.
Broncos fan - very excited about this draft!!! McHoodie did great!

Dude, what's in that pipe you're smokin' in that avatar of yours.

The Colts will come a callin' on Sep. 26... I have a feeling this will be a great game and something of a litnus test for McSmurf, as your Broncs always seem to get out of the gate nicely. But really, that Tebow pick made you happy? I think your prodigy McCoach just bought himself the rope he's going to be swinging from right there.
Bears fan here. With ZERO picks in the first 2 rounds and a team that finished 7-9 the draft was uneventful for me. They gave away their #1 picks to go after Cutler and then turn around and draft a QB in the 5th round. With all the holes the Bears have I felt like they threw away that 5th round pick. They are stuck with Cutler as QB, why draft one in the 5th round?
As a fellow Raiders fan, I think your nuts. I was shocked as this was their best draft in a LONG, long time. As was said earlier, I kind of thought "WTF" after McClain, but overall it was a fantastic draft, and easily the best in the AFC West. Hell, the fact they got a legitimately good QB, even if it was a trade, so they can finally dump Russell made it worth it.

The never ending carousel of coaches, the 2 & 4 win seasons have told me enough to know they are a bad draft team. Yes, Jason Campbell is a seemingly good fit, but will he be a back-up to J. Russell? Is the experiment over? With Al Davis sticking his nose in every part of the organization, no-one really knows. So until they turn the ship back around and hell, even go 7-9 this season that is a huge step forward, I'm not sold.
Maybe, I was a little harsh about this years draft. I've been kicked so many times I'm a little numb.

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