Who's better...

Let's also not forget that AC is playing the position he was recruited for. Roth was LB recruit. He moved from linebacker to Defensive End in fall practice prior to 2002 season . . . only true freshman to play for Iowa during 2001 season
Kampman beats them both...and it isn't even close. Kampman's 2001 season blows anything Clayobrn or Roth have done out of the water.

haha its between Clayborn and Roth man...no one said a thing about Kampman...its not who is the best in history, its the best between those 2..

I can't pick who was better...Clayborn because its here and now, but when Roth was there we never thought we would see someone as good
One thing to remember about Roth is that he was the first big out of state recruit who took a flyer on the Iowa program. Matt Roth could have gone to any super power, but he decided to go with coach Ferentz, even when we were getting reamed in the early 90's.

Matt Roth helped build the program, so keep that in consideration.
Gonna guess that Clayborn would have a slight edge at DE.

But Roth in a street fight would be hands down the best.
Roth fights prison rules, but Clayborn has Brittney Mears to do his dirty work.

I call it a push, where they just get tired, have a few pops together, and then be each other's wingman.
A better question is who has better hair. AC Predator Dreads or Mitch King Pro Wrestler Mane.
Dam, I didn't realize Roth played that long.

That's because he didn't. Roth (nor Ferentz) were here in the "early 90's" as Roth signed with the 2001 class. The post you were responding to meant the "early 00's". Although Blake Larsen never lived up to his number one ranking he did influence Matt Roth to commit to Iowa when they were both on an official visit to Miami.
define better ... crazy disruptive force with little discipline or sane disruptive force who plays with great discipline?

they both have points in their favor
I dont ever remeber seeing Roth on a knee on the sidelines while the defence is on the feild trying to stop Northwesten in the 4th. Roth had a way more heart.
02-23-2012 03:03 PMWildTurkey
F U LSU!!!!!!

Oh man that was a great moment. Everyone at the Hawkeye Huddle was amped. Ferentz had the greater look on his face.

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