Who would be your coaching choice, if it happens?

Top two choices would be Bob Stoops (unlikely) or Bret Bielema (I think it would happen).

Not sure about whether Mark Stoops would come here or not.

One name that I always think of is Dana Holgorsen, but I am not sure if he is the "next level" coach Iowa would want. His record at West Virginia looks a lot like KF's record as of late. He is from Mt Pleasant, however, and played football at Iowa Wesleyan.
Coach Paul Rhoads. Man he is really building something up there in Ames. All that momentum would be exciting. At least we know we could win 1 game every year.
Give it up... Neither of the Stoops or Bielema would come to Iowa. So just check them off your list.

Seriously... what world are you in if you can't acknowledge that Oklahoma is a better program?

Arkansas and Kentucky play in the conference that most high profile high school athletes want to play in and believe it gives them a best chance at making it to the next level. Furthermore both coaches have momentum building and invested a couple years to build that momentum so why exactly would they want to leave to come to Iowa?

Think about it this way... Would you leave a management job for a growing company with a promising future to take a similar job at for a declining company that you worked in the factory for 20 years ago??

It doesn't make sense.

Mark Stoops would be crazy to turn down Iowa. You can't consistently win at Kentucky. Time has shown that. So unless Mark Stoops is so arrogant that he thinks he can elevate a long-standing SEC doormat, with less prestige, financial and recruiting resources, and fan-base that almost the entire conference, something piles of other good coaches have been unable to do, he would listen to Iowa. Because the last 30 years have shown you can win at Iowa. Maybe not national titles, but you can compete for Big 10 titles at Iowa.

Iowa also isn't a dumpster fire right now (and hopefully won't be when KF leaves). You are not walking into Illinois or Purdue. It's not a complete a rebuild. The facilities and resources are there. We are Wisconsin/MSU right now with a little less on-field success. But from a program ceiling standpoint, we are with those programs.
Go out on a limb and get scott frost the OC at Oregon, just to pizz off nebby fans and he might be great.
My list

Mark Stoops
Mark Farley
Bill Snyder (I wish, but he is too old, he's 75!)

No one mentions Mr Farley. He coaches at UNI and wins a hell of a lot. His gets a lot out of his players, something we really really lack at Iowa. He can coach a good ballgame and is aggressive, something else we really really lack at Iowa. He can win close games, etc. Is there something I am unaware of about him that his name is not mentioned in these conversations?
Mark Stoops would be crazy to turn down Iowa. You can't consistently win at Kentucky. Time has shown that. So unless Mark Stoops is so arrogant that he thinks he can elevate a long-standing SEC doormat, with less prestige, financial and recruiting resources, and fan-base that almost the entire conference, something piles of other good coaches have been unable to do, he would listen to Iowa. Because the last 30 years have shown you can win at Iowa. Maybe not national titles, but you can compete for Big 10 titles at Iowa.

Iowa also isn't a dumpster fire right now (and hopefully won't be when KF leaves). You are not walking into Illinois or Purdue. It's not a complete a rebuild. The facilities and resources are there. We are Wisconsin/MSU right now with a little less on-field success. But from a program ceiling standpoint, we are with those programs.

Perhaps I'm putting too much value on being in the SEC and the benefit that has in recruiting.

Certainly it would make more sense of Mark taking the job as I think there is 0% that Bob or Bret would even consider.

So let's say Mark would take the position... the other issue becomes can Barta sell the idea of hiring a coach with 2 years head experience and a 7-17 overall record even if he is an Iowa guy?
Perhaps I'm putting too much value on being in the SEC and the benefit that has in recruiting.

Certainly it would make more sense of Mark taking the job as I think there is 0% that Bob or Bret would even consider.

So let's say Mark would take the position... the other issue becomes can Barta sell the idea of hiring a coach with 2 years head experience and a 7-17 overall record even if he is an Iowa guy?

I think Barta could sell Mark Stoops because of the last name. Any other coach, no way. I think BB might listen about the Hawk job for a bit. But certainly more questionable whether he would want it. He's already done the Big 10 thing with Wisconsin and unlike Kentucky, you can win at Arkansas.

Bob Stoops would not consider the job. I don't think Bob Stoops is even a good fit for Iowa anymore. He's a good coach, sure, but he's won at Oklahoma, which is a pretty easy place to win at. He generally wins because he recruits better players than other teams. I'm not sure I want a coach who is used to that type of program coming to Iowa. Ferentz has one part of coaching at Iowa right--that is emphasizing player development and utilizing schemes that do not require high-end athleticism across the field. Stoops hasn't really had to worry about either for most of his coaching career.
break the "Iowa guy" mold. Fry came from texas so the current AD wasn't concerned about "iowa guys", he wanted to win games. first game he threw a pass on the first play of the game and people literally stood up and cheered. It's time to start anew, no more "iowa guys", get someone who scores a ton of points. I don't care where he's from or how he does it. Iowa HAS talent, the current coach chooses not to use it or use it properly. That needs to change.
No change coming folx.

However, imagine if you are an agent of a coach who Iowa is pursuing. Would you be licking your chops thinking about the upcoming negotiations with GB?
break the "Iowa guy" mold. Fry came from texas so the current AD wasn't concerned about "iowa guys", he wanted to win games. first game he threw a pass on the first play of the game and people literally stood up and cheered. It's time to start anew, no more "iowa guys", get someone who scores a ton of points. I don't care where he's from or how he does it. Iowa HAS talent, the current coach chooses not to use it or use it properly. That needs to change.

Imagine if Iowa could put up Oregon and Baylor like numbers on offense. That would be something to see and be known for.
think about it, the 2015 schedule sets up nice for a new coach.

I think GB does not know what to do. I think he is paralyzed. I don't think he ever dreamed his job might include parting ways with Ferenz and more difficult, hiring another coach.

My guess is that first GB will depart the U and maybe 1 or 2 years after that the new AD will will make the change.
Give it up... Neither of the Stoops or Bielema would come to Iowa. So just check them off your list.

Seriously... what world are you in if you can't acknowledge that Oklahoma is a better program?

Arkansas and Kentucky play in the conference that most high profile high school athletes want to play in and believe it gives them a best chance at making it to the next level. Furthermore both coaches have momentum building and invested a couple years to build that momentum so why exactly would they want to leave to come to Iowa?

Think about it this way... Would you leave a management job for a growing company with a promising future to take a similar job at for a declining company that you worked in the factory for 20 years ago??

It doesn't make sense.

First off, you do make valid points. That said, you simply don't know what these coaches might want to do. Perhaps they have ambitions that include being the coach at the school they once played for. No one knows the answer to that but them.

Bielema will find that the path the the college football playoff is really treacherous at Arkansas in the SEC. He may want to compete at the highest level, but he has to somehow get Arkansas to surpass some other highly successful SEC programs to do that. Otherwise he will always be playing second fiddle. Arkansas is the "Iowa" of the SEC right now...average. The difference is that there are about 6 other programs that are currently better. That's a tough climb to the top.

If BB came to Iowa, he would inherit a program that has decent players. After a recruiting class or 2, he could have Iowa regularly competing with Wisconsin for BIG West Division titles and conference championships. His football blueprint is a PERFECT fit for Iowa and the Big Ten. Also, the path to the Playoff is a lot easier in the Big Ten than the SEC.

If Iowa came calling, Bielema would give it heavy consideration. Not saying he could come, but he would definitely listen.

My choices would be:


Bob Stoops -- he might be growing tired of the pressures at Oklahoma. Some of their fan base has grown tired of him. You never know what he might want to do.

Tressel -- Why not? He would win right away, his teams have incredible defenses and he could recruit at a level we haven't seen before.
My top choice would be Dana Holgorsen.

Four reasons--in order--I really like Holgorsen for Iowa:
1. He's an innovative, offense-first coach, and Iowa has seen the best days in program history (in the '20's, '50's, '80's, and '00's) when they have been among the nation's best offenses.
2. He has experience recruiting from power states like Texas and Florida to a non-power state like West Virginia. I think that would translate well to recruiting players from Texas, Florida, and Ohio to Iowa.
3. He has significant ties to the state of Texas, both as a coach himself and in his coaching "ancestors" (Hal Mumme, Mike Leach, and others).
4. He grew up in Iowa.
While I think there's a very very slim chance KF is fired this season, if it did happen I would want them to go after Bret Bielema. It makes the most sense and boy would that Iowa/Wisconsin rivalry really heat up.
I'm going to go obscure here. Give me Chris Klieman who is the head coach at North Dakota State. He's supposed to have a great mind. He played at UNI along with Farley. My neighbor played LB on that team & said Klieman (DB) would be the one pointing out the plays & putting people in position. He said he is a brilliant football mind. He's young so would provide an infusion of young coaching talent which is what this program may need.
Someone who is young, has energy, and, preferably, has a Kilimanjaro-sized chip on his shoulder.