Who should the Cubs target?


Well-Known Member
Assuming they can't trade anyone I think they need a SP and a 1B. Adrian Gonzalez of the padres, has a club option, but a trade may be possible. Also, for SP, there's not a big name, but Chris Young from the Padres as well is a good pitcher, who we don't hear much about.

I think the Cubs try to move Z and there is no way that Fukudome is back. It'll be an interesting off-season that is for sure.
Who do the Cubs have to offer for Gonzalez?

More importantly, why would the Padres trade him? They will be a playoff team this year and with their young pitching may be even better next year
They might want to pick up a guy just fresh into the majors who is likely to have a stellar career. Yeah, I know, duh. But stressing the young talent is key for rebuilding the Cubs. They've had the habit of going after players in their prime and getting just a couple of years from them before they become too old to play at a high level. The other thing is to get a bunch of team guys and let go of the premaddonas. If you get a bunch of students of the game who really enjoy themselves out there, and a good coach who can give them the best chance for success, they'll build a team. It's about time the Cubs quite trying to build on the success of players currently on other teams and do their own thing.
That's my take.
Assuming they can't trade anyone I think they need a SP and a 1B. Adrian Gonzalez of the padres, has a club option, but a trade may be possible. Also, for SP, there's not a big name, but Chris Young from the Padres as well is a good pitcher, who we don't hear much about.

I think the Cubs try to move Z and there is no way that Fukudome is back. It'll be an interesting off-season that is for sure.

Who should the Cubs Target? Theo Epstein
Hasn't Chris Young been hurt the majority of the past 2 years?

Really depends on the budget set by Ricketts.

It wouldn't shock me to see Adam Dunn at 1B next year for the Cubs, especially if Hendry is still the GM. Other free agent 1b (no club option) are: Konerko, Wes Helms, Lyle Overbay, Carlos Pena.

Lance Berkman will be on the market as it is doubtful the Yankees pick up his option. But what does he have left in the tank?...

As far as pitching FA's -

Cliff Lee
Carl Pavano
Ted Lilly
Kevin Millwood
Jake Westbrook
Brandon Webb

Both markets are pretty thin. May be better off rolling w/ what you have, keeping Z, and focusing on the 2012 free agents.
Cliff Lee would be nice, thought he had another year, but I guess not. No I don't think the cubs could trade for Gonzalez unless they gave up some big time prospects. However, club options usually don't happen if a guy wants out bad enough and threatens to cause trouble. So he's a FA possibility.

If the cubs sign Dunn, which I see as a definite possibility, it will probably be for 5 yrs/ 80 million, and I (and I assume many other cub fans) would not be happy. They need to address the situation of bad contracts. I think Z could get moved, and Fuk as well. Soriano is here to stay, sorry everyone.

I can see the cubs trying to get younger and just rebuild, maybe work on getting some more pitching prospects, while they wait for some money to free up, but as long as Hendry is the GM, they will most likely try to make it happen NOW.
I'd take Lilly back in a heartbeat.
Brandon Webb could be intriguing...

Like it or not, it could very well be Dunn at 1st base next year. OR a Hoffpauir platoon with... somebody.
Cliff Lee would be nice, thought he had another year, but I guess not. No I don't think the cubs could trade for Gonzalez unless they gave up some big time prospects. However, club options usually don't happen if a guy wants out bad enough and threatens to cause trouble. So he's a FA possibility.

If the cubs sign Dunn, which I see as a definite possibility, it will probably be for 5 yrs/ 80 million, and I (and I assume many other cub fans) would not be happy. They need to address the situation of bad contracts. I think Z could get moved, and Fuk as well. Soriano is here to stay, sorry everyone.

I can see the cubs trying to get younger and just rebuild, maybe work on getting some more pitching prospects, while they wait for some money to free up, but as long as Hendry is the GM, they will most likely try to make it happen NOW.

There's no way anyone gives Dunn 5/$80, and no way he even asks for that. He was only asking for 4/$60 when the Nats signed him. I'd bet the Cubs could get him for 3/$36-$40 (that's $12-13 mil per), and I'd love him at that price. 40 HRs, around 100 BBs and a .900 OPS? I'll take it.

There's no one else that's a 1B FA that I'd want anywhere near the team, and unless you can get Gonzalez or Fielder in a trade this year, there's no guarantee they'd get either of them signed. Then what? Go into 2012 with Tyler Colvin playing first because you were too dumb to get a good hitter to play 1B? I'd take Dunn in a heart beat.

I wouldn't have a problem seeing Z gone, that gives you the money to go after Lee. I also wouldn't have a problem with Fukudome gone, but who plays RF? Colvin? What happens when his OPS is around .650 in June? Call up Jackson? They would need to sort the OF if they got rid of Fukudome, not that I have a problem with it, just need to be aware of it.

Remember, even if Ramirez picks up his option and Z and Fuku are back, they still have some room to do things. If any of those three (or more than 1) are gone, they'll have a lot of room. If 2 of the three aren't back, they have the room to pick up a top pitcher and bat. And still have a lower payroll than this season.
I sort of thought this was going to be a managerial target thread, since the news of today Jim Hendry interviewing Eric Wedge for the job. Wow, can it really get any worse? Where did THAT name come from? Go get Girardi or Gonzalez already.
I'd take Lilly back in a heartbeat.
Brandon Webb could be intriguing...

Like it or not, it could very well be Dunn at 1st base next year. OR a Hoffpauir platoon with... somebody.

I really believe Lilly is "on loan" with the Dodgers. I'd say the chances of him being back are greater than 75%.

Knowing how the Cubs (Hendry) operate, I wouldn't be surprised to see something stupid like picking up Brad Hawpe (Rockies basically terminated his contract this year), and giving him multiple years. I hope I'm wrong here, but I just have a feeling something like this is going to happen.

As a couple others have said, I'd take Dunn too. I just don't understand why they didn't pick him up 2-3 years ago though. I don't understand, but I'm not surprised, yet Hendry gets the "vote of confidence"?

I expected Ricketts to be different, but he has not thrilled me so far. Seems like old hat...
Cubs would need a miracle to be competitive in the next three years. Rebuild.

First, they are in the NL Central, not the AL East. You don't have to be a great team to be competitive.

Second, assume they pick up Dunn, and get a career average year from Ramirez (who's been right at career average since June 1)...

Fuku/Colvin (whichever)

Demp, Z (assuming career average, which he's been the biggest chunk of this year), Gorzelanny, Wells, FA Pitcher. The biggest question mark would be the bullpen and given how many rookies they threw out there this year, you'd have to think the BP would be better.

That's as good of 1-8 as there is in the Central. If they get decent pitching, there's no reason they can't compete in their division.

Do I think that is a 95 win team? Absolutely not. But you have to look at the context of playing in the worst division in baseball. They can, and should, be competitive with Dunn and a couple of minor moves. That team should be able to win 85-86 games. That winning % would have them about 5 games back right now, that's competitive. And it wouldn't take a $140 mil payroll to do it.
First, they are in the NL Central, not the AL East. You don't have to be a great team to be competitive.

Second, assume they pick up Dunn.

That's as good of 1-8 as there is in the Central. If they get decent pitching, there's no reason they can't compete in their division.

You have to look at the context of playing in the worst division in baseball. They can, and should, be competitive with Dunn and a couple of minor moves.
Ahem, you do realize that, Dunn aside, this is the same 1-8 lineup that is currently the worst in the division? And just because they are in the worst division baseball doesn't eliminate the half the schedule that has to be played against the NL East & NL West--even if they wouldn't be essentially the same team--only with worse pitching--than the team that has lost twenty more games than the Reds, 18 more than the Cards within the worst division in baseball.

Not to mention that Dunn has signaled his disinterest in playing in Chicago. He turned down the chance to play for the White Sox, who actually are a competitor with a chance to play post-season now and next year; why would the Cubs be different--he wants to move from the Nationals to play for another last place team?

The Cubs were briefly a competiive team...because of their starting pitching--Zambrano WAS a #1 SP, Lilly was a good LHP to use as a #2; Dempster, Hardin, Marquis were the rest of a very good rotation. They are all/will be/should be gone except Dempster. Leaves Wells, who can't be a .500 starter withour far more offense and a better defense behind him; Silva who is a conditioning risk, likely to return to his dismal performances of previous seasons. And Hendry can fill in the rest of the rotation with drek like junkballer Coleman or waiver pickup Diamond? The Cubs have ONE real pitching prospect (Adam Shafer) who isn't years away from the majors: he is probably the #1 prospect in the system, but he is mid-season 2011 at the earliest, more likely 2012.

And most discouraging, there is little indication that the new ownership will dump Hendry in favor of a new GM who will rebuild an organization that has a hugely over-inflated payroll and at the same time a farm system with as little depth as anyplace not named Detroit or Houston.
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While agree that the prospects are not great in the organization, I think Andrew Cashner still has the stuff to be something good. It will be interesting to see if he is brought into the rotation next year. He threw 100 innings in 2009 and it looks like he is at 94 innings combined minors and majors this year.

James Russell and Jay Jackson may not be highly rated, but they showed some promise at AAA. There's work to do to get this organization where it needs to be in the minors and the majors. I am slightly encouraged that Iowa and Tennessee both have the best record in their respective leagues and Daytona and Peoria are both above .500. I know that doesn't mean a whole lot as far as prospects.
Ahem, you do realize that, Dunn aside, this is the same 1-8 lineup that is currently the worst in the division? And just because they are in the worst division baseball doesn't eliminate the half the schedule that has to be played against the NL East & NL West--even if they wouldn't be essentially the same team--only with worse pitching--than the team that has lost twenty more games than the Reds, 18 more than the Cards within the worst division in baseball.

Not to mention that Dunn has signaled his disinterest in playing in Chicago. He turned down the chance to play for the White Sox, who actually are a competitor with a chance to play post-season now and next year; why would the Cubs be different--he wants to move from the Nationals to play for another last place team?

The Cubs were briefly a competiive team...because of their starting pitching--Zambrano WAS a #1 SP, Lilly was a good LHP to use as a #2; Dempster, Hardin, Marquis were the rest of a very good rotation. They are all/will be/should be gone except Dempster. Leaves Wells, who can't be a .500 starter withour far more offense and a better defense behind him; Silva who is a conditioning risk, likely to return to his dismal performances of previous seasons. And Hendry can fill in the rest of the rotation with drek like junkballer Coleman or waiver pickup Diamond? The Cubs have ONE real pitching prospect (Adam Shafer) who isn't years away from the majors: he is probably the #1 prospect in the system, but he is mid-season 2011 at the earliest, more likely 2012.

And most discouraging, there is little indication that the new ownership will dump Hendry in favor of a new GM who will rebuild an organization that has a hugely over-inflated payroll and at the same time a farm system with as little depth as anyplace not named Detroit or Houston.

Outside of the 3-4 hitters, the offense was actually pretty good. If you want to argue that Lou was an idiot for leaving Lee and Ramirez in those spots for months when they weren't hitting, fine. But they had very good performance from all 4 regular OFs, Soto has been one of two or three best hitting catchers all year, Castro has been above average for a SS (I believe he's 5th in wOBA for a SS). If you get league average performance from Ramirez and Lee all year, they aren't anywhere close to 20 games back, they're probably in the middle of the NL Central race. You do realize Theriot ( who is a bad hitter) outperformed Lee most of the year and Ramirez for the first couple of months? Right? And having Colvin and Theriot, the two guys with the worst OBPs on the team, hitting at the top of the order a big chunk of the year didn't help that.

As for Dunn, put him at 3 or 4, with Ramirez at the other, and getting career norms from both and nothing more, you are back to having a very good 3-4 combination. With DeWitt and Castro or Soto ahead of them, there will be a huge increase in runs scored. Sliding Byrd down into 5th, Soriano 6th, Castro or Soto(who would probably hit 5th if not 2nd) at 7 and Colvin or Fukudome 8th, 1-8 is very good. Look up Colvin and Fukudome's numbers vs every other 8 hitter in the league. They both destroy them, and those would probably be the 2 worst hitters on the team, with the possible exeption of Castro.

As for the prospects, with Dempster, Gorzelanny (who you forgot about) and Wells, there are three pitchers we know will be back. If Z isn't back, they can afford to go after a top of the line starter. Maybe not an ace, but a solid 2-3 type. Plus they should have enough for a back end starter (Lilly for 2/$12?). Otherwise, the have 3-4 guys that are ready to contribute as a 5. Cashner, Jackson, Marshall are all guys that could fill that role next season. Would they give you ace-like numbers? No, but they wouldn't need them to. And they'd only need one of those guys to step up, not two or three of them.

The biggest weakness would be from the bullpen, again. But, with the number of rookies they used there this year, and the expected improvement from year 1 to year 2, they shouldn't be quite as bad, especially if Grabow comes back and doesn't completely suck.

As I said, they aren't trying to beat the Yankees, Devil Rays or Red Sox, they are trying to beat the Cards and Reds, and both of those teams have big holes in their teams. Hell, depending on what happens with Pujols, the Cards may not even be a consideration next year, if he isn't back (though I expect him to be). It won't take much to improve, IF they get career averages from everyone. They don't need huge years, just their norms. Not having two massive black holes in the middle of the order would be HUGE.

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