Who is the worst owner in pro sports?

Like WTF is the "since we are building the farm system we have to be the worst team in the NL" B.S. Invest a little bit into the club so they don't lose 200 games in two years. Also what is with this silly hotel he is building next to the stadium. He is like the H.S. who just bought a car. Better tack on a much cheesy bling stuff on to so it is cool like the other kids. Down the road he we realized he ruined a perfectly good and prized classic. Aint no one putting spinner rims and lambo dorrs on a vintage benz bro.

I agree with him to a certain degree of wanting to increase revenue and his statement that they're trying to run a baseball organization and not a historical monument (he said something to that effect, IIRC). But here's an idea- why don't you pony up some $$$ to put a decent product on the field? Or not make moronic signings that ties up money for completely mediocre players like Edwin Jackson? I'm still puzzled by that one, and obviously still ******. There should be a good medium of signing solid contributors to fill in the major gaps while bringing along your farm system. The Cubs aren't doing so hot at this, as they are way too many glaring gaps.
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Chicago Cubs fans.... I can't resist... What's a word to describe them? Misguided? Love their beer more than winning? Love the wind-aided home runs and dilapidated confines of Wrigley Field more than winning? And you wonder why Chicago can't sign any dynamic free agents even with Theo Epstein?
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Chicago Cubs fans.... I can't resist... What's a word to describe them? Misguided? Love their beer more than winning? Love the win-aided home runs and dilapidated confines of Wrigley Field more than winning? And you wonder why Chicago can't sign any dynamic free agents even with Theo Epstein?

Actually no, because they Cubs have been down that road before and it didn't work out. You can look at the Angels for a current example of that, or the Mariners 4 years from now.
quick question cause i'm too lazy to look it up: can the NBA just remove him? force him to sell? i'm sure the legal process is in the bylaws somewhere, but i'm guessing it could get very ugly and messy.
quick question cause i'm too lazy to look it up: can the NBA just remove him? force him to sell? i'm sure the legal process is in the bylaws somewhere, but i'm guessing it could get very ugly and messy.

no. we aren't in china. not yet anyway.

if you think this is possible, then where does it stop. Kobe made a comment about the gays. so is he out too?

then, do we record all people's private conversations and then when they say something they assumed was private do we get to make them stop their profession, quit their job, etc., etc.
no. we aren't in china. not yet anyway.

if you think this is possible, then where does it stop. Kobe made a comment about the gays. so is he out too?

then, do we record all people's private conversations and then when they say something they assumed was private do we get to make them stop their profession, quit their job, etc., etc.

i think you're forgetting the part where he is in a private enterprise with 29 other owners. this ain't some first amendment issue. they just might see him as a cancer when also considering his past discrimination lawsuits and all. as people in business together, like all businessmen, they probably can force him out or buy him out.
i think you're forgetting the part where he is in a private enterprise with 29 other owners. this ain't some first amendment issue. they just might see him as a cancer when also considering his past discrimination lawsuits and all. as people in business together, like all businessmen, they probably can force him out or buy him out.

ain't happening.

you set that precedent, you have one hellacious slippery slope.
So what black player will ever sign and play for the Clippers now? This is really sad actually.

The ones that wanna get paid.

I'm gonna guess the majority of people that work don't have high opinions of their boss/owners.

This guy might be a GIANT doosh, but as long as the paycheck clears, he'll always be able to get someone to work for him.
So what black player will ever sign and play for the Clippers now? This is really sad actually.

you guys act like this is some 'new revelation'. they know this going in. there are only so many teams to play for and the clips are one. you think you are going to walk away from nba $? what's next, the current players aren't going to cash his checks?
you guys act like this is some 'new revelation'. they know this going in. there are only so many teams to play for and the clips are one. you think you are going to walk away from nba $? what's next, the current players aren't going to cash his checks?

This. Sterling had a long history of racially-tinged and stupid comments, well known to many people. So why did this come up now? Some people are asking why it took the NBA this long to act on something it had known about for a long, long time. Good questions. Despite his comments, apparently he treated the players and others in his organization well.

The team likely will be sold. Players will still want to play for an NBA franchise.
Counting this year, the Ricketts have given Cub fans three of the worst teams in the long history of the franchise. That's saying something!
Counting this year, the Ricketts have given Cub fans three of the worst teams in the long history of the franchise. That's saying something!

Everyday I hope Rickett's spirit breaks and he sells the team. I feel like maybe by July it will be close.

Remember when they could have hired Ryno for the GM job. Heck I could have at least had that to cheer for. This year I am left cheering for nothing.

Clark the Cub - Nope
Theo - Nope
Ricketts - Nope
Fill in the blank long time good Cub) - Nope
Ricketts Hotel and Suites to be built accross the street - Nope
Possible good mid season trades - Nope
Smarj - Want to cheer but they will just sell him to highet bidder - Nope
Old Style Beer - Nope don't even sell it
Cubbie Home Runs - Nope don't hit any