who is the most overrated star in the nba?

So you are banking your entire decision on what Lebron may be?

I'm basing on what he is, the most talented and dominant basketball player in the history of man kind. A person who draws top talent to play around him (Jordan almost drove Pippen out of town), a player who can fill my arena nightly. A player who can lead a bunch of stiffs to the NBA finals. A player who when surrounded by a reasonable surroudning cast that will deliver a consistent finals contender and multiple rings.

To project his career ending in any other way shows an enourmous lack of foresight.
I'm basing on what he is, the most talented and dominant basketball player in the history of man kind. A person who draws top talent to play around him (Jordan almost drove Pippen out of town), a player who can fill my arena nightly. A player who can lead a bunch of stiffs to the NBA finals. A player who when surrounded by a reasonable surroudning cast that will deliver a consistent finals contender and multiple rings.

To project his career ending in any other way shows an enourmous lack of foresight.

As soon as he wins ONE, let me know.
So you are looking strictly at stats now? Do you think Pippen would have scored more if he was on Cleveland in his prime?

Here is a statline that is just as good as Lebron (and he single handedly took a $#itty team to teh finals in a weak conference like Bron even though he was half the size.)

Through his first 12 seasons

27.8pts, 3.64 reb, 6.4 ast.

Boat. You are really not doing yourself any favors here bro. You're starting to show your *** here. Odom=Pip? AI and Bron? lol c'mon man. I'd take a lil break.
I'm basing on what he is, the most talented and dominant basketball player in the history of man kind. A person who draws top talent to play around him (Jordan almost drove Pippen out of town), a player who can fill my arena nightly. A player who can lead a bunch of stiffs to the NBA finals. A player who when surrounded by a reasonable surroudning cast that will deliver a consistent finals contender and multiple rings.

To project his career ending in any other way shows an enourmous lack of foresight.

Lol how so? By leaving his team to join another All-Star? (Another way that Lebron has shown he is mentally weak. Would Jordan have left the Bulls because he couldn't beat the Pistons? Would Bird have left Boston because they lost to the Lakers? Lebron took the easy way out, and hopefully karma bites him in the *** by not letting him win in Miami.)
Lol how so? By leaving his team to join another All-Star? (Another way that Lebron has shown he is mentally weak. Would Jordan have left the Bulls because he couldn't beat the Pistons? Would Bird have left Boston because they lost to the Lakers? Lebron took the easy way out, and hopefully karma bites him in the *** by not letting him win in Miami.)

(insert facepalm here)

This is such a stupid argument. LeBron had NOTHING to work with in Cleveland. It was obvious that Cleveland wasn't going to be able to bring in the #2 guy that was needed. He's lucky his back didn't break carrying all of that weight. Jordan had Pippen at least, Magic had Kareem.

PLEASE, PLEASE do me a favor and start listing off the support that LeBron had in Cleveland. The list will be an absolute ******* joke.
If all you lebron haters would just watch him play you might change your tune. He is straight having his with people right now. Best player in the world right now no doubt. And Durrant is 2nd. NOT Kobe.
(insert facepalm here)

This is such a stupid argument. LeBron had NOTHING to work with in Cleveland. It was obvious that Cleveland wasn't going to be able to bring in the #2 guy that was needed. He's lucky his back didn't break carrying all of that weight. Jordan had Pippen at least, Magic had Kareem.

PLEASE, PLEASE do me a favor and start listing off the support that LeBron had in Cleveland. The list will be an absolute ******* joke.

I don't think Lebron is overrated by I also don't think this is a "stupid" argument. Lebron took less than max money to go play with two other all stars and win championships. Bosh did the same thing. They both had several offers for max money and they passed to team up with each other and with Wade. That is taking the easy road. Why not take max money and go to Phoenix or Utah or Houston? He took less money to go play with better players.
I don't think Lebron is overrated by I also don't think this is a "stupid" argument. Lebron took less than max money to go play with two other all stars and win championships. Bosh did the same thing. They both had several offers for max money and they passed to team up with each other and with Wade. That is taking the easy road. Why not take max money and go to Phoenix or Utah or Houston? He took less money to go play with better players.

Lol..okay, brah. He's pretty much damned either way. If he takes max money then he's selfish and not a team player. I seem to recall other certain players offering to take less money to put together a better team around them (Peyton Manning ring any bells?), but they're considered team players. When LeBron does it though he's taking the easy way out. Haters gonna hate.
I think the answer to the original question has to be Jeremy Lin.
Lol..okay, brah. He's pretty much damned either way. If he takes max money then he's selfish and not a team player. I seem to recall other certain players offering to take less money to put together a better team around them (Peyton Manning ring any bells?), but they're considered team players. When LeBron does it though he's taking the easy way out. Haters gonna hate.

Except Manning took less money so his team could more easily build around HIM. Lebron took less money so he could be a piece of another person's team.
Lebron is only overrated if you are talking about the greatest player ever, but he is the best player in the NBA with Durrant being a close second.
Lebron is only overrated if you are talking about the greatest player ever, but he is the best player in the NBA with Durrant being a close second.

This I can agree with. Lebron is the best player today, but if i was drafting a team I would swap the two.
Lebron is only overrated if you are talking about the greatest player ever, but he is the best player in the NBA with Durrant being a close second.

Even talking about the greatest player ever, you can't say Lebron is "overrated" you may not think he's the best player EVER, but he's certainly not overrated.
Even talking about the greatest player ever, you can't say Lebron is "overrated" you may not think he's the best player EVER, but he's certainly not overrated.

Yes he is overrated if people are calling him the greatest ever. Because he is not as of now so that is the definition of overrated.

Im not saying he is not a great player. He has been the best player for the past few seasons.
Lol..okay, brah. He's pretty much damned either way. If he takes max money then he's selfish and not a team player. I seem to recall other certain players offering to take less money to put together a better team around them (Peyton Manning ring any bells?), but they're considered team players. When LeBron does it though he's taking the easy way out. Haters gonna hate.

Peyton Manning was already the highest paid player at his position and in the NFL. Manning took all he could get but he structured his contract so that they could sign other players. A lot of professionals work with management to structure their contracts creatively so that they can work around the salary cap. It doesn't mean they aren't taking the max. I'm not hating, I just thought it was taking the easy road. How old was Lebron when he went to the Heat? Just because he isn't winning championships his first 3 or 4 years in the NBA doesn't mean it can't happen with a team like Cleveland. Rather than work with his coach and management he bailed for greener pastures..less money, but better chance to win "now".

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