Who is the big money behind Iowa?


Well-Known Member
I hear a lot of talk bantered around about big money coming together to force the issue with the KFz buyout, or a myriad of other issues.

Maybe I'm naive, but does the iowa athletic department really have a lineup of billionaire donors and boosters that will open their pockets to make things rain around Iowa city? If so who?

Iowa is a small state, and relatively speaking the U of Iowa is not a massive university like Texas or Ohio state. I just don't think this bank of people exists. Iowa doesn't have t. Boone Pickens or jerry jones or the hordes donating to Texas. Our athletic department is healthy financially, but it's based on the little guys like us, not some unseen tycoon.

So I ask, does iowa actually have really deep pocket donors that can pony up millions? Name names!
Read the names on the buildings and the halftime line up during homecoming. There are also alumni and corporate sponsors too. Plus it would appear the U (fund managers hired by U) manage the funds well.
We could be more like Texas where they build statues of the donors and let them walk around the practice and take up an hour or more of the head coach's time every day under Mack Brown.
I think the family that owns the Chicago Bulls and the Kum and Go convenience stores is a huge Iowa fan. Can't remember their name right now.
I take that back I don't think they own the Bulls but I do know they own the convenience stores.
It's a good question. Outside of the Krause family I reay don't know who the big donors are. I am guessing the U of I has plenty of fans with nice -looking bank accounts but as one poster alluded ... We don't have the T. Boone Pickens ... Or a Phil Knight... Hmmm, interesting topic in deed as I truly don't know if we have a few money shakers who can make thing happen!?
I hear a lot of talk bantered around about big money coming together to force the issue with the KFz buyout, or a myriad of other issues.

Maybe I'm naive, but does the iowa athletic department really have a lineup of billionaire donors and boosters that will open their pockets to make things rain around Iowa city? If so who?

Iowa is a small state, and relatively speaking the U of Iowa is not a massive university like Texas or Ohio state. I just don't think this bank of people exists. Iowa doesn't have t. Boone Pickens or jerry jones or the hordes donating to Texas. Our athletic department is healthy financially, but it's based on the little guys like us, not some unseen tycoon.

So I ask, does iowa actually have really deep pocket donors that can pony up millions? Name names!

The next time you're at Kinnick check out the line up of million dollar+
motor coaches circling the stadium... that will be a clue.
One of the big donors, being a good Iowan that he is, also gave big bucks to ISU. Can't for sure remember who that was either. Jacobsen, maybe?
No billionaires but a few centimillionaires and lots of decamillionaires you've never heard of.
I hear a lot of talk bantered around about big money coming together to force the issue with the KFz buyout, or a myriad of other issues.

Maybe I'm naive, but does the iowa athletic department really have a lineup of billionaire donors and boosters that will open their pockets to make things rain around Iowa city? If so who?

Iowa is a small state, and relatively speaking the U of Iowa is not a massive university like Texas or Ohio state. I just don't think this bank of people exists. Iowa doesn't have t. Boone Pickens or jerry jones or the hordes donating to Texas. Our athletic department is healthy financially, but it's based on the little guys like us, not some unseen tycoon.

So I ask, does iowa actually have really deep pocket donors that can pony up millions? Name names!

I am guessing you are no where near this list.
Steve Wynn (I think) gave the University some crazy amount of money to start a research wing for eye diseases. Maybe he will donate if we say we are trying to cure the blindness of our head coach.

I apologize in advance to anyone with eye issues but I couldn't resist.
KF is not political. Except he has played the donor political game very well. Fact. He calls people after there are deaths in the family etc. He is still extremely popular with the larger donors, except one that I know of. Same guy that went ballistic about the BB coach and threatened to withhold on the Carver renovation thing.

Billso is pretty accurate. A lot of small town auto dealers and farmers give about $1MM, and that isn't always obvious. Many times it is a life estate with real property so this wouldn't be as noticeable as the guy trotting out at halftime and getting announced as a $1MM donor. You get to take the tax break while still alive. Even a lot of $1MM donors are over a period of years. An annuity if you will.

Having said this I went to Maryland in one of those motor homes. One guy gave the U Foundation $200K two years ago. Since then he spends most of his time in Florida and makes it back for maybe 3 games. He gave significantly less this last year. The U busted his chops pretty big for the lower donation. They are surprisingly pretty stupid with their donor relations from time to time based on what I was told. Who knows how much he embellished?
KF is not political. Except he has played the donor political game very well. Fact. He calls people after there are deaths in the family etc. He is still extremely popular with the larger donors, except one that I know of. Same guy that went ballistic about the BB coach and threatened to withhold on the Carver renovation thing.

Billso is pretty accurate. A lot of small town auto dealers and farmers give about $1MM, and that isn't always obvious. Many times it is a life estate with real property so this wouldn't be as noticeable as the guy trotting out at halftime and getting announced as a $1MM donor. You get to take the tax break while still alive. Even a lot of $1MM donors are over a period of years. An annuity if you will.

Having said this I went to Maryland in one of those motor homes. One guy gave the U Foundation $200K two years ago. Since then he spends most of his time in Florida and makes it back for maybe 3 games. He gave significantly less this last year. The U busted his chops pretty big for the lower donation. They are surprisingly pretty stupid with their donor relations from time to time based on what I was told. Who knows how much he embellished?

Good stuff golfer.

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