Who is the big money behind Iowa?

I'm going to venture a guess that nobody on this board has the type of bank account to directly affect Kirk's job status. I mean, if I had that kind of coin, I wouldn't be sitting around on Hawkeye message board arguing about it. I'd be on my yacht in the Caribbean banging 22-year-old Brazilian wannabe models.

But that's just me...
I'm going to venture a guess that nobody on this board has the type of bank account to directly affect Kirk's job status. I mean, if I had that kind of coin, I wouldn't be sitting around on Hawkeye message board arguing about it. I'd be on my yacht in the Caribbean banging 22-year-old Brazilian wannabe models.

But that's just me...

That's a pretty good post to!
I heard there is a chubby fellow out of chicago that splits his money between Iowa, northwestern, and mail order brides. Although there was talk about him losing his seats to his chef. So I dont know what the guy does but I hope he can find a good lawyer to get his seats back.
I heard there is a chubby fellow out of chicago that splits his money between Iowa, northwestern, and mail order brides. Although there was talk about him losing his seats to his chef. So I dont know what the guy does but I hope he can find a good lawyer to get his seats back.
I heard this fellow is also soul less
I'm really confused. Maybe I'm missing something, but are people really trying to belittle other posters by saying that they aren't millionaires? And I never saw anyone on this thread claim that they were rich. :confused::confused:

You sound poor.
Can the people in the "inner circle" please start paying big time players to go to iowa city like the rest of the college football world does please? (Not saying but yep I'm saying). It's how this world works.

I heard that Okeefe is trying this in Chitown.

The problem is that all the players he is offering money to are Asian, and they are worse at football than they are driving.
I heard there is a chubby fellow out of chicago that splits his money between Iowa, northwestern, and mail order brides. Although there was talk about him losing his seats to his chef. So I dont know what the guy does but I hope he can find a good lawyer to get his seats back.

Not "chubby", it's "husky"!!! :mad:
I'm going to venture a guess that nobody on this board has the type of bank account to directly affect Kirk's job status. I mean, if I had that kind of coin, I wouldn't be sitting around on Hawkeye message board arguing about it. I'd be on my yacht in the Caribbean banging 22-year-old Brazilian wannabe models.

But that's just me...

Why "wannabe" models?
Who was the donor who left a some empty bottles of alcohol behind in his press box area a few years back? Iowa tried to tell him alcohol wasn't permitted in the boxes and he basically said he'd stop giving money if they didn't let him drink. Soon after donors were allowed to have alcohol in their boxes. Some guy from Casey's maybe? I don't think is was Kruse so I'm not mixing it up with Kum N Go and Casey's.

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