Who is Iowa's biggest Big Ten rival

I was unaware of the fact that the two teams had to have an even record in order for it to be a rivalry.

They don't, but a rivalry implies that there's a strong desire to win on both sides and a relatively serious capability that both can win the game. Michigan, historically, has dominated Iowa, and that's not one of their inflated stats from the first half of the last century.

Being in Dubuque, I see Wisconsin and Illinois more as rivalry games than Minnesota.

For me, Illinois is the one I want the most. Wisconsin fans are more civil and aprecfiate a good game. Illinois fans around here are unbearable and irrational. The best way to deal with them is by winning.
I'd say Wisconsin or Minnesota both hold plenty of importance as far as a Big Ten rivalry. For me though, 2 games I circle on my calender every year are the Clones and the Wolverines. Nothing worse then 365 days of listening to the clones talk about a rare win at Iowa, so I love winning that one, and you gotta love beating the winningest football team in college football history. Not big ten rivalries so to speak, but my top two games every year.
Is Iowa Vs. Iowa State considered a rivalry then?

Great question. There was a period when you could say that it wasn't, but it most certainly is recently. I think when both schools agree to get a trophy involved, it almost becomes a de facto rivalry. We've thumped ISU by a considerable margin in the overall series, but there's a trophy involved, plus they've held their own recently. If you take the CyHawk trophy away, and put ISU in, say, Illinois, I think you have Northwestern.

Northwestern is an enigma all their own too...we own the series, but recently they've gotten us. But I wouldn't call them a "rival".
There is no team that I hate losing to more than Illinois. Now that I actually live in Illinois I want nothing more than to crush them every time we play them. I really wish we played them this year just so we could beat the snot out of them. In my opionion they are by far the most obnoxious team to lose to.
I would have to say Minnesota. It's all about the pig!! Floyd of Rosedale is one of the coolest rivalry trophies around. Plus, it's Iowa longest Rival Trophy we play for.
Traditionally, Its been Minnesota, and closely followed by Wisconsin.
But, over the past few years, with all the close games, the game that gets most fired up is PENN STATE.
Its funny nobody thinks of the Clowns as a big rival. I mentioned Minnesota as my favorite rival....but I do love to see the Hawks shut up little brother. I know the Hawks own the series, but dang.......I love it when they stick it to Iowa State!
I am really starting to hate all of these "Trophy" rivalries. A trophy does not make a rivalry. Playing a tough game against a tough opponent for 1st place in the conference or maybe a better bowl position year after year makes a rivalry. A good Iowa team beating up on consistent bottom feeders for a trophy is not a rivalry.
For a number of years it was Minnesota but the rivalry with Wisconsin has been building recently. Minnesota still #1 Big Ten rival with Wisky at #1a.
Depends on your age, I can understand the older football fans saying minny. For me its the illini......hate them in football and basketball. If your talking wrestling ......nothings sweeter that pounding the gophers
Minnesota. It's the last game of the year and can go a long ways in determining a bowl game, ranking; and, of course, who gets to keep Floyd of Rosedale (an Iowa pig by the way) for another year.
  1. Minnesota - Has the history factor + Floyd of Rosedale
  2. Wisconsin - bigger lately a lot to do with the Bielema factor
  3. Illinois - Another border and recruiting war