Where KF decisions will really hurt this team

I'm not even saying that play had to come from CJ. Maybe Wadely breaks a long td run. Maybe some guy I never heard of blocks their punt and scores. If Northwestern makes that play on us instead of us making it on them, it might have been enough to change the game. I sure don't believe we beat them that bad simply because we are that much better than them.
That all depends on when the momentum play takes place. The receiver was wide open on Jake's int. If CJ hits him in stride and we get 6, who knows what happens from there.

If you're of the opinion that Minnesota is just that much better than us then there is no changing your mind. But my opinion is that they got the ball rolling early and we caved under the pressure. Just like we did to Northwestern last week. We needed one momentum play early to prevent them from getting going. That's not to say that we win for sure if we make that 1 play obviously.

Minnesota was that much better last Saturday, that is for sure. We will just agree to disagree on this one. :cool:
This is spot on. KF plays JR cause he thinks that in the game in front of him, he is the better ball protector. He values that far more than any poster on here does. Win the TO battle and typically you win the game. KF has coached that way for 16 years now, that ain't a changing.

The Truth has just been spoken....
There is a night and day difference between what you just said and saying that Kirk purposely plays the worse player. I don't understand how so many people on here can confuse the 2. Kirk isn't playing Jake even though he thinks CJ is better. He thinks Jake is better because he is blinded by his love of him.
Kirk thinks experience and grasp of the system are what will produce more wins rather than talent.He also feels the obligation not to bench guys who have done things his way and been starters.Essentially it boils down to Kirk being clueless, stubborn, and not worried about what anyone thinks.
Were wasting our time cuz a QB change isn’t coming per KF. Gotta have playmakers to win championships. C.J. makes plays, Jake runs plays.

If C.J. stays at Iowa, it’ll be pretty hilarious when he has an outstanding senior year and we all saw it coming 3 years in advance.
Iowa's issues are much greater than who is starting at QB..

Agree. KF teams are built on solid line play & solid D, stopping the run. The QB is pretty much a game manager in his system. See Trent Dilfer. It ain't happening this year because of the line & no consistent run game. The QB is actually pretty insignificant in KF's system, IMO.

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