What's WHO going to do with Soundoff?

Sad news, but not unexpected. Like someone once said, don't be sad that it's over; smile because it happened.

I just feel sorry for the poor sap that has to take all the calls this year.

Who's going to do Soundoff? Tommy from Des Moines, of course.
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This sucks for all Iowa fans, but especially those who drive long distances to attend games. Jon was excellent on SoundOff, and Zabel, even in his advanced age, could hold his own. SoundOff was a big part of my gameday experience!
I don't know which way they are going to go but I am sure it will be a great team. I think Podolak will still be involved.

Back in March Van had asked if I was interested in doing it again this year, and I told him of some of the things my family was looking at (re needing to move to a warmer area) and we said we'd discuss things down the line as that played out. Then I told him in April that we would be heading to Oklahoma and we briefly discussed the possibility of me doing something from the Clear Channel studios down here. Then Jim passed away.

Since then, I've been doing what I've been doing and they've been doing what they have been doing. Were I them, I would have looked at every option OTHER than me, as it was just the right time to go a different direction. I still had some interest in the show, but not enough to where I was calling them regularly expressing my interest in remaining a part of it. If we were still going to be living in DSM, this is all probably a different story. But with me in Tulsa and not likely returning to Iowa due to my wife's health condition, it just makes sense that they go another route and we all move on, especially given that Jim and I had done that show together for the last nine years. It was Jim's show...I was just along for the ride. And Jim is no longer with us...

my guess is they feel it's the right time to make a change and I can't argue with that.

Given Joel McCrea and Van Harden and their vision for radio, I am sure they will find just the right team to lead the charge. Those two are excellent radio men, with Van possibly being the best there is in the nation.

I had a nine year run on one of the most listened to weekly radio programs in the Midwest with a broadcasting legend. That's not a bad deal and I was blessed to have been given that opportunity.
Just another reminder of how time goes on and nothing stays the same... Sometimes it's for the better sometimes it's not. For all the people who drove long distances after the games and listened to the post game and sound off I'm sure it'll be different to adjust to. But us old farts just need to keep in mind that there is always a young group of kids up and coming where everything is new to them. This is a 1st season of Hawkeye football for alot of kids. Hope a new tradition can be started that a whole new group of Hawk fans will love and enjoy for many many years
I am sure they can find a couple people to continue this show and make it interesting to listen to. Heck if you can just let the listeners sound off and make a few comments, announce some scores, that should be good.

They need a couple of people who are big hawk lovers who can let the callers talk about the highs and lows.

Not sure who those people might be but I thought the guys who did the WMT 600 postgame show out of Cedar Rapids were pretty good.
My biggest fear is they will put in a local Clear Channel guy like Jim Brinson. It seems like he is doing a ton of miscellaneous stuff lately and I wouldn't put it past Clear Channel to ask him. I would blow up the Clear Channel building if this happened.
My biggest fear is they will put in a local Clear Channel guy like Jim Brinson. It seems like he is doing a ton of miscellaneous stuff lately and I wouldn't put it past Clear Channel to ask him. I would blow up the Clear Channel building if this happened.

He would have to stop calling fans "Dopes" when on the show. Since he likes that word, that's hopefully a deal breaker for him.
Jon doesn't have to deal with the ****** off, disgruntled, drunker-than-a-skunk fans as well as the I'm-just-a-lackey-working-at-Principal-but-I'm-going-to-tell-you-the-play-that-should-have-happened fan.
How about Andy Garman and Chuck Hartlieb? I know Garman's at The Champ during the week so it'll never happen, but he went to Iowa, does sports talk radio so he knows how to deal with callers and like Jon, I don't think he'd be scared to call a spade a spade...or a drunk moron a drunk moron...and they're both right there in DM.

Edit: By the way...all of this is said with a heavy heart. It's never going to be the same without Jon and Z.
above all, please...PLEASE don't but that rube Jim Walden on. sheesh, what a gomer.

Correct, you need to put on people who have the knowledge but who dont want to be talking all the time like a walden and brinson. I want to hear what the callers have to say.

Not sure if Hartlieb needs or wants the gig.

If Eddie P. is on the show he can carry a lot of the weight, super-hawk, super-knowledgeable and easy to listen to.
How about Andy Garman and Chuck Hartlieb? I know Garman's at The Champ during the week so it'll never happen, but he went to Iowa, does sports talk radio so he knows how to deal with callers and like Jon, I don't think he'd be scared to call a spade a spade...or a drunk moron a drunk moron...and they're both right there in DM.

Edit: By the way...all of this is said with a heavy heart. It's never going to be the same without Jon and Z.

I've chosen Z as my avatar for a reason.
Ed is a guy that I would tune into hear. I'd like to hear someone who really understands football and brings insight. Along with that person I'd like to have someone who can hold an audience - someone who does not encourage me to drift off and daydream during the broadcast. By now you have a lot of X hawks with radio/TV experience who know football and love the hawks - I suspect there would be a good inventory.

I just wonder if that kind of gig pays enough to make it worth someone's while - or is this the kind of gig that would be great for someone new into radio - or is it the kind of gig that one only takes becuase they just love Iowa football.

Jon's greatest contribution was his balanced perspective and knowledge of the history of the program, statistical insights and his passion for it. I'm grateful for Jon's contribution and was glad to hear the guy on see online during the week.