What's gotten into Roy Marble?

Re: I m not you, smoot27.

Actually, there are plenty of people that thought he would be a pretty good player. You just weren't one of them. I, however, along with Jon and a few others that I recall on this board, thought he would have a huge upside and be much more than a role player.

I am sorry if you couldn't see that before now.

Thank you.
What's gotten into Roy-Devyn? How bout this... a coach who pushes, motivates and drives his players to their potential and excellence... as opposed to one who is asleep at the wheel and treats them like factory workers.

Lick never coached Marble. Not sure how you can rip Lick for this particular item.
What's gotten into Roy-Devyn? How bout this... a coach who pushes, motivates and drives his players to their potential and excellence... as opposed to one who is asleep at the wheel and treats them like factory workers.
Lick never coached Marble. Not sure how you can rip Lick for this particular item.

i think what he means is we are seeing this development because of fran and we didnt see any players develop like this under lick. i dont think it referred to lick coaching marble.
This. I don't know that Marble is quick enough to blow by defenders and get to the rack. A lot of his scoring success has been his ability to shoot and score over the smaller defenders he is facing playing the one. I understand I'm in the minority, but I believe, at least right now, Marble's best chance for success is at point guard.
I agree as well - for now. He was getting to the rack last night without any problems. He definitely creates some matchup problems with the opposing point guard. It's kinda nice to have a 6'5" PG :)
I'm really pleased with Marble's development. Now, once he learns to shoot better and stop going at the hoop on 1 on 4s he could be all B10 or second team all B10 by his senior year.
He's definitely playing with a lot more confidence......which the announcer reiterated 14 times last night. Hopefully Fran sits him down and talks to him about not taking the ball to the hoop when it's 1 on 5. Other than the few times he did that, he played really well. If he starts knocking down shots from 3, he is going to be really dangerous.
Beat me to it.

I was going to go with a "being on TV" comment.


have you seen Rubio and Barrea (two point guards) play together yet for the T-Wolves?

The Hawks need more players that can hurt defenses off the dribble, right now they have Marble and Cartwright, next yr Gessel and Marble will share the point, last night Purdue had 2-3 players on the court at all times that could get to the rim, if White, Ogelsby, May,McCabe, improve their dribble drive we could be a legit team in the Big Ten.

have you seen Rubio and Barrea (two point guards) play together yet for the T-Wolves?

I have not, but I am going to get to a game or two this year. I like the potential with those two, plus Lowe, Beasley, Johnson and the rook out of Arizona.

Still trying to get myself back into the NBA.
I have not, but I am going to get to a game or two this year. I like the potential with those two, plus Lowe, Beasley, Johnson and the rook out of Arizona.

Still trying to get myself back into the NBA.

I'm not a huge NBA guy but the Wolves with Ricky, JJ, and Dwill are much more fun to watch this yr.
Which is why the Lakers were desperate to land Chris Paul (arguably the best PG in the game) a couple weeks ago?

That would be because Kobe can no longer consistently beat players off the dribble. He made one field goal in the paint in the entire Mavs series last year. For some reason the Lakers weren't that concerned about getting a pg during his first 14 years in the league.
If you're specifically talking about Kobe and the Lakers in relation to PG then I think your perception is skewed. They didn't search for a PG for 14 years because they had a PG for 14 years in Fisher. Except for the 3 years they didn't have him in which we saw them miss the playoffs each and every time.

Which, if anything, demonstrates that you don't need a scoring PG or even a perceived great at PG to have tremendous success. Fisher was solid, very comparable to the various PG's Jordan had during his success as well, in that regard.
If you're specifically talking about Kobe and the Lakers in relation to PG then I think your perception is skewed. They didn't search for a PG for 14 years because they had a PG for 14 years in Fisher. Except for the 3 years they didn't have him in which we saw them miss the playoffs each and every time.

Which, if anything, demonstrates that you don't need a scoring PG or even a perceived great at PG to have tremendous success. Fisher was solid, very comparable to the various PG's Jordan had during his success as well, in that regard.

Which was my point. In his absolute prime Derek Fisher was an average pg. He's terrible now, but he was average at one point. The Lakers never needed to worry about it though because they knew Kobe was handling the ball come crunch time.

Marble will benefit from having better players around him obviously, but I don't think he's ever going to be a dynamic guard playing off the ball. He's at his best when he is handling the ball and slithering into the lane. He makes things happen when he has the ball. He will benefit from playing with a better guard like Gessel but it won't be because he doesn't have to play pg anymore.
Next year:


Me rikey! Especially in 2013.


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Marble will benefit from having better players around him obviously, but I don't think he's ever going to be a dynamic guard playing off the ball. He's at his best when he is handling the ball and slithering into the lane. He makes things happen when he has the ball. He will benefit from playing with a better guard like Gessel but it won't be because he doesn't have to play pg anymore.

I am not sure what you're watching, but first things first...Marble is in no way comparable to Kobe, so the whole NBA comparison to begin with was a farce of an analogy to what we're discussing here, imo.

That said, I think Marble is anything but good at slithering into the lane. Too many times he takes inopportune shots with 2 or more guys around him when the obvious PG-minded thing to do is kick the ball out to the two obvious guys open to hit the J, but he doesn't do it.

Marble is a 2 or 3 guy in his mindset and play style and the best thing for him to develop would be a sustainable PG that can handle and distribute the ball and help create for him.

There is a difference between being able to play PG and being a solid, quality PG. He is serviceable at the position, yes. He isn't ideal PG material.

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