What will Kinnick be like for PSU?

Oh yes you will. You'll seen a ton of it. Most Pedo State fans have not gotten the message, apparently, based on the near-record fundraising for the first part of this year and the idiotic reaction defending Paterno following the release of yesterday's report.

Until there is a loud and clear "We're sorry" coming out of Happy Valley, PSU coaches, players and fans deserved to be shunned.

Writing a check from your home is different that showing up knowing you're going to get lambasted. Guess we'll see.
Oh yes you will. You'll seen a ton of it. Most Pedo State fans have not gotten the message, apparently, based on the near-record fundraising for the first part of this year and the idiotic reaction defending Paterno following the release of yesterday's report.

Until there is a loud and clear "We're sorry" coming out of Happy Valley, PSU coaches, players and fans deserved to be shunned.

Listening to the jack@$$ trustees Ped State trotted out yesterday, they STILL don't get it.

Ped State, your football program and administration concealed and enabled child rape for 14 years. You can sit and reflect on that in an empty Beaver Stadium on Saturdays this autumn. Maybe in the silence you'll finally understand.

If Ped State is playing football this season, it means that King Football is more important than the welfare of innocent children.

F that.
I didn't see it, but jay Paterno was on espn at some point yesterday. He's still in full metal denial mode, from what i've read.
I didn't see it, but jay Paterno was on espn at some point yesterday. He's still in full metal denial mode, from what i've read.

I saw it. He is in fact still in full metal denial. It's pathetic.

Your pops was a bad man, Jay. Sorry. That's the facts.
Listening to the jack@$$ trustees Ped State trotted out yesterday, they STILL don't get it.

Kenneth Frazier has been the small bright spot in all of this. He is the one who took the tough stance and the leader in getting Paterno fired and has been very vocal against what has happened and the need to investigate. He seems to be the one person associated with Penn State that seems to understand what this is about. The report we read yesterday was the result of an investigation hired by Penn State.

Watch about the 2 minute section of this video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tmLCay0ils&feature=youtube_gdata[/ame]

The rest of them don't get it and I don't think they ever will.
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I didn't see it, but jay Paterno was on espn at some point yesterday. He's still in full metal denial mode, from what i've read.

I watched it yesterday and I wanted to throw up. He acted like more has yet to come out on this and basically dismissed the report at inaccurate even though the investigation was hired by Penn State. The family needs to sit down and shut up, they are only making it worse for themselves by reacting and responding. They need to go away.
I watched it yesterday and I wanted to throw up. He acted like more has yet to come out on this and basically dismissed the report at inaccurate even though the investigation was hired by Penn State. The family needs to sit down and shut up, they are only making it worse for themselves by reacting and responding. They need to go away.

I agree that the Paterno family cannot help themselves or Joe by doing interviews at this point.

They need to let the trial of Curley and Schultz take place,and then when the testimony under oath is done, see if there are any new facts that emerge.

What Jay said is techically correct,as Freeh himself said at the beginning of his presser....they had no subpeona power,and nobody was under oath.
Rushing to judgement before all the court proceedings are complete is simply not prudent.
I watched it yesterday and I wanted to throw up. He acted like more has yet to come out on this and basically dismissed the report at inaccurate even though the investigation was hired by Penn State. The family needs to sit down and shut up, they are only making it worse for themselves by reacting and responding. They need to go away.

No self-awareness exists in the paterno family. They were treated like royalty for so long that they actually think they ARE royalty. They make no effort to listen to or try to understand what "the commoners" are saying about king joe; they just dismiss it with a "let them eat cake" attitude. Utterly repugnant behavior.
The fans and players will be treated respectfully but like a visiting team should expect to be treated in Kinnick. We are classy fans. Please do not tarnish this fact by engaging in a chant that is misguided and may actually disrespect the victims. The victims don't want to be a source of a chant for the opposition, they want justice. Stay classy Iowa City.
Listening to the jack@$$ trustees Ped State trotted out yesterday, they STILL don't get it.

Ped State, your football program and administration concealed and enabled child rape for 14 years. You can sit and reflect on that in an empty Beaver Stadium on Saturdays this autumn. Maybe in the silence you'll finally understand.

If Ped State is playing football this season, it means that King Football is more important than the welfare of innocent children.

F that.

True dat.
I watched it yesterday and I wanted to throw up. He acted like more has yet to come out on this and basically dismissed the report at inaccurate even though the investigation was hired by Penn State. The family needs to sit down and shut up, they are only making it worse for themselves by reacting and responding. They need to go away.


I wanted to reach through the TV and smash his smug face.
This would be nearly impossible to coordinate, but as PSU players take field, what if crowd goes completely silent and turns their back to the field. That would make a strong point.
This would be nearly impossible to coordinate, but as PSU players take field, what if crowd goes completely silent and turns their back to the field. That would make a strong point.

This has been mentioned before but I like the idea. If we can coordinate sections wearing a particular color to kinnick for sure we can coordinate a "moment of silence" and turning our backs on their team entering the field.
Iowa fans have too much class to behave like boors to visitors to Kinnick Stadium who had no more involvement in this scandal than the Hawkeye fans themselves had.

What sense is there to harassing a PSU player or fan for something they had nothing to do with? Do the normal home fan harassment of the visiting team...boo the hell outta them,but do not treat anyone any different than you would hope to be treated on the road. Anything else would reflect poorly on Iowa and their fanbase.
Any moment of silence ought to be directed to the victims as a show of compassion and respect, not a freeze-out of the stupid football team.
Show these pennsylvania pissants how a first-class program and fanbase rolls. We care about the sandusky victims, and we understand that people are far more important that a game.
No self-awareness exists in the paterno family. They were treated like royalty for so long that they actually think they ARE royalty. They make no effort to listen to or try to understand what "the commoners" are saying about king joe; they just dismiss it with a "let them eat cake" attitude. Utterly repugnant behavior.

I agree with you on this.

Paterno was a friggin football coach. Amazing culture we have, huh?
This would be nearly impossible to coordinate, but as PSU players take field, what if crowd goes completely silent and turns their back to the field. That would make a strong point.

A strong, albeit dumb point. The current players...not their fault.

We should take all of this energy and write letters to the BoneG and the NCAA.
Is it possible that psu football will be killed, and that we won't even see them in Kinnick on Oct 20th??

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