What record gets Fran fired this year?

if he has a record as bad as todd lickliter's final year (10 wins his final year, damn that's sad), he'll get tossed on his ass.
He is not going to get fired.........it just adds more pressure to the 18-19 season. This will likely be such a bad season I am not sure what is reasonable to expect next year.

Correct answer IMO. Hard to say what's realistic for next season, at this point, all bets are off. But in my mind, it's NCAA or bust. I don't care how bad this year is - it's Fran's program now. No excuses.
He is not going to get fired.........it just adds more pressure to the 18-19 season. This will likely be such a bad season I am not sure what is reasonable to expect next year.
He’s safe this season even if it’s 4-24.
Next season has to be NCAA tourney. If not, then he should get fired so he can take can take Pat with him to next gig.

And he better bring in break-down point guards that can play right away to make NCAA a foregone conclusion.
If he loses to drake he has to be canned ASAP. That would be drake, Nebraska Omaha and the jack rabbits in less than two years . You can’t lose to inferior programs at this record pace . Didn’t we lose to an NAIA school in an exhibition game recently?
If he loses to drake he has to be canned ASAP. That would be drake, Nebraska Omaha and the jack rabbits in less than two years . You can’t lose to inferior programs at this record pace . Didn’t we lose to an NAIA school in an exhibition game recently?
Didn’t we just own a bunch of Euro All-Star teams in exhibition games recently?

He won't get fired this year. Period. Are we going to have 3 of these threads each time they lose? If so I need to work on a copy/paste reply because we're gonna lose a ton of games

Seriously, As long as Barta is around ain’t no coach getting fired. If Fran or Kirk were to get canned that means Barta is gone as well. That ain’t happening.
Fran did a great job of digging us out of the hole that Lick left us in. If Barta sticks with Fran after this year, I have a feeling that we will then have to dig out of a hole that Fran left us in. If this years team isn't a NCAA quality team, there is no way in hell that bringing in a Freshman Ellingson/Ogelsby 2.0 and one high quality player in Weiskamp is going to change anything. The roster makeup is a complete mess and isn't going to change if Fran is left in charge.
Zero chance he is fired this year because of a bad record...I would bet $1,000 on it...

Too many recruits coming in, plus his two kids...

Kirk limps along year after year setting the stage with low expectations and delivers...why not Fran?

Fran is too experienced and this team has too much talent to be this bad for a whole season...I am thinking/hoping/delusional something will click...perhaps 8 players who want to play defense will rise to the top...

On the darker side...the players might just not be the "type" that he thought when he recruited them...to fit his system.

There is the chronic problem of no PG...and little decent guard plan.

JB will wear out, seems to have lost interest and there are no other options, can't sign a free agent or make a trade.

Perhaps son of Fran...when healthy will make a difference and save the season and dad...that would be a great story, actually.

Right now, sad to say, from my perspective...it is just tough to watch and is mostly befuddling and painful...like watching a down game in Kirk's manic/depressive seasons.
Zero chance he is fired this year because of a bad record...I would bet $1,000 on it...

Too many recruits coming in, plus his two kids...

Kirk limps along year after year setting the stage with low expectations and delivers...why not Fran?

Fran is too experienced and this team has too much talent to be this bad for a whole season...I am thinking/hoping/delusional something will click...perhaps 8 players who want to play defense will rise to the top...

On the darker side...the players might just not be the "type" that he thought when he recruited them...to fit his system.

There is the chronic problem of no PG...and little decent guard plan.

JB will wear out, seems to have lost interest and there are no other options, can't sign a free agent or make a trade.

Perhaps son of Fran...when healthy will make a difference and save the season and dad...that would be a great story, actually.

Right now, sad to say, from my perspective...it is just tough to watch and is mostly befuddling and painful...like watching a down game in Kirk's manic/depressive seasons.

Why do people keep comparing Fran to KF.

Whar Fran B1G titles?
Whar Fran's top 10 finishes?
Whar Fran's Elite 8 appearances?

Fran is only going to make the NCAA tournament 3 times in 8 years. In KF first 8 years he had 2 B1G titles, 3 top 10 finishes, a BCS bowl appearance and 6 Bowl appearances.

If you can't see the difference you are intentionally blind.

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