What record gets Fran fired this year?

So here's an honest question. Let's say we finish conference play with 4 wins and Fran is given another year. At that point, what does it take for him to keep his job. Because 5+ wins with essentially the same team would be improvement. I simply don't understand the argument about giving him another year, I'm simply curious what is considered an "acceptable turnaround" because I don't see how this team going forward can even be in discussion for a bubble team next year. My next question would then be if we do bounce back next season but miss the dance but find ourselves on the bubble, then what? I only ask, because as someone who thinks its time for a change I think its a slippery slope to bring him back if we give him another "chance", because based on the current state of the program to even get back into the bubble conversation would be a drastic improvement.
I'll say it again, what's with the "He can take this year off cuz of my love for him built up during years X, Y and Z" ?

Sure, be like Kirk and take a year off after an amazing season (of course Kirk takes 4 years off after an amazing season but that's a different thread), but this non-sense that getting Iowa from crap to mediocrity means you get to take years off is not rational.

Imagine this conversation at the ACME paper company:
"Hey Johnson, come into my office. Sit down. I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate the excellent year you had in 2015. And because of that, myself and the other executives don't expect anything out of you until 2019."

^^^ What organization talks this way? Thinks this way?
I'll say it again, what's with the "He can take this year off cuz of my love for him built up during years X, Y and Z" ?

Sure, be like Kirk and take a year off after an amazing season (of course Kirk takes 4 years off after an amazing season but that's a different thread), but this non-sense that getting Iowa from crap to mediocrity means you get to take years off is not rational.

Imagine this conversation at the ACME paper company:
"Hey Johnson, come into my office. Sit down. I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate the excellent year you had in 2015. And because of that, myself and the other executives don't expect anything out of you until 2019."

^^^ What organization talks this way? Thinks this way?

I would say most companies would look past a rough year if an employee had been excellent in previous years (you said excellent in your example) I know I would have a hard time shit canning one of my guys who was great in previous years.

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