what makes me SICK

Im sick of reading posts that claim "we are just IOWA"

that things cant get better than what is currently happening... maybe its the fact that everyone thinks that way that is holding Iowa back..

Why cant Iowa get to the level of Ohio St., Alabama, Texas, etc... Boise St. has come from a Juco school to a national title mentioned team almost every season...

how about everyone try getting in the mindset every season that Iowa can do it and maybe just maybe someday luck with change..

its almost a case of the lovable losers.. if you are a Cubs fan you know what I'm talking about
Im sick of reading posts that claim "we are just IOWA"

that things cant get better than what is currently happening... maybe its the fact that everyone thinks that way that is holding Iowa back..

Why cant Iowa get to the level of Ohio St., Alabama, Texas, etc... Boise St. has come from a Juco school to a national title mentioned team almost every season...

how about everyone try getting in the mindset every season that Iowa can do it and maybe just maybe someday luck with change..

its almost a case of the lovable losers.. if you are a Cubs fan you know what I'm talking about

I know what you are saying.

There is a segment of fans on these boards that think because we've had a great run under Kirk that he is above reproach. The "you can't complain because we sucked for 20 years in the 60s and 70s" crowd.

I have to say that I find the people that you speak of less annoying in regards to football than I do in basketball. These are the people that think that somehow Harrison Barnes was going to miss out on the NBA if he didn't go to NC.
I haven't seen many people saying...

Im sick of reading posts that claim "we are just IOWA"

that things cant get better than what is currently happening... maybe its the fact that everyone thinks that way that is holding Iowa back..

Why cant Iowa get to the level of Ohio St., Alabama, Texas, etc... Boise St. has come from a Juco school to a national title mentioned team almost every season...

how about everyone try getting in the mindset every season that Iowa can do it and maybe just maybe someday luck with change..

its almost a case of the lovable losers.. if you are a Cubs fan you know what I'm talking about

we CAN'T do it. Check that, I'm sure there are some people who would take that view, but I don't sense that from most fans, even KF supporters.
You ask a question about why Iowa can't get to the level of OSU, Alabama, Texas, etc. There's an explanation for that, and it will always be there no matter who the coach is. Those schools have a gargantuan advantage in regards to talent available within 250 miles of the campus. Texas literally does not have to recruit outside its home state to have the talent necessary to win a national title. Ohio State is almost in the same situation. Alabama is not in that situation, but great talent in Alabama and close proximity to the rest of the Southeast for players. Is it reasonable for us to think that Iowa SHOULD compete for a national title every year? I'm not sure that it is.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't have high expectations for the program, and in given years to have really high expectations (like this one). KF and his staff have constructed a program that allows Iowa to compete toe-to-toe with any team in the country, the fact we haven't lost a game by more than 7 points since 2007 bears that out.
Does that mean in a given instance/game that the coach shouldn't be criticized? Of course not. The end-of-game management of the clock was a fiasco, as were special teams and the mental mistake penalties (offisides on kickoff, false start on 3rd and an inch, then illegal procedure on 3rd and 5). KF deserves whatever criticism anyone wants to throw at him for any/all of those, it's ultimately on the head coach for all of those things.

But there's a difference between that and the silliness I see, questioning every aspect of the program.

Finally, to your Boise question. Boise is a great story. They (and to some extent TCU) are in a very unique position. Boise has become so much better than the rest of its league it has reduced its path to a national title to a 2-game season, on a neutral field against a decent Virginia Tech team, and a home game against a 3-3 Oregon State team. The BCS conference apologists argue (with some validity) that Boise benefits from not having to play tough opponents week after week. Could Boise go undefeated with Iowa's conference schedule? We won't ever know, but my guess is that they wouldn't. But Iowa's reality is that we have to compete with 10 other teams (soon to be 11) in our conference, which is a much different reality than Boise faces. I'm not sure it's valid to compare Iowa's situation to BSU.
We get the players in Ohio that tOSU doesn't want/need. Same goes for recruits in texas and florida. Don't get me wrong, most of the time they are high quality players, but the elite go to the aforementioned schools. Kirk and Co. coach them up to be able to compete with these schools. They do it very well, but often fall short of beating them. Depth is an issue as well. You can bet your last dollar that if Iowa had twice the population it does right now, and KF was coaching, Iowa would be a force and have a football tradition much like Nebraska did.
Does anyone believe that KF feels this way? Do you? I don't and that is all I can ask from him as the coach. It seems we always meltdown and become accusatory and inflammatory when things don't exactly according to our grand scheme as fans. I feel and have always felt that one reason KF has turned donw the NFL is that he feels he can get to the mountain top here and I hope for the same.
To win a national title today, a team like Iowa (and all of the other programs that are a cut under the traditional powers) has to have a perfect season (Bama, Florida, Texas, OSU, LSU, USC, OU, etc. can sneak into the title game with a loss or maybe even two, but Iowa cannot). That means not only taking care of business against teams like NU, but also winning at least 3 or 4 huge games against OSU, PSU and UM plus the bowl game (add Nebraska to that next year). I love the Hawks, but I don't ever expect to see them win 4 big games in a year AND take care of all of the lower tier opponents. It just ain't gonna happen. Thankfully I realized that when I was 8 and me and my old man were over at some people's house for the Rose Bowl back at the end of the '85 season - that was clearly one of our best teams ever and they got beat by OSU and got smashed in the Rose Bowl. 2002 - ISU and USC. 2009 - NU and OSU. It just isn't meant to be and the sooner you proles come to grips with reality, the sooner you will be cured of your sickness. The Hawks aren't like the Cubs because there are over 100 teams in college football and half of making it to the title game is winning a popularity contest that Iowa will never win.
Im sick of reading posts that claim "we are just IOWA"

that things cant get better than what is currently happening... maybe its the fact that everyone thinks that way that is holding Iowa back..

Why cant Iowa get to the level of Ohio St., Alabama, Texas, etc... Boise St. has come from a Juco school to a national title mentioned team almost every season...

how about everyone try getting in the mindset every season that Iowa can do it and maybe just maybe someday luck with change..

its almost a case of the lovable losers.. if you are a Cubs fan you know what I'm talking about

Yep, that's why Iowa lost Saturday. Low fan expectations.

I can only speak for myself, but I think Iowa will play for a national championship under Kirk Ferentz, provided he is here for another 15 or so years. I don't think this year was our one and only shot to do so. We have depth and talent that we did not have when we went in the dumps in '05-'07, and we've changed the type of players we recruit in order to avoid some of the discipline issues that plagued those teams.

I also think that college football is the kind of game that is absolutely no fun to watch if all you care about is national championships. First of all, because it means your season can be over in September. Second, it means you have to care about whether Missouri beats Oklahoma and what the Sagarin rankings say and if they team you beat beats so and so and if that other team beats so and so. I'd rather just be a fan.

In our current system, you have to play great, get lucky, and hope two other teams don't also play great and get lucky. The best way to do that is to always play great and put yourself in every game. I think Iowa is excellent at that, especially in the last 30+ games, and that one of these years everything will go our way. If the system ever changes to a playoff, I will like our chances even more.

But I'm not going to tear my hair out every time some 20-year old kids who are playing their ***** off come up short. I would tear my hair out if they didn't try, or if they were overmatched, or didn't show up, or didn't prepare. But that hasn't happened in two and a half years.

Comparing anything that's happened in Iowa football under Ferentz to the idea of "lovable losers" is completely ridiculous, and the suggestion that fan expectations have any effect on team performance is ridiculous too.
The recruiting argument is valid, until you look at Nebraska. Since when was Nebraska a hotbed, or near one, for football talent?
Nebraska gets a lot of lineman from the state of Nebraska and then recruits nationally for the skill positions. That's how they do it plus they have tradition and huge support from a gigantic fan base. They have sold out their home games since 1960 now that's support. Iowa will never have the tradition that Nebraska has, they went to something like 26 bowls in a row. Plus they have 5 national titles. Nebraska is the program Iowa wants to be even if the fans can't admit it.
Nebraska gets a lot of lineman from the state of Nebraska and then recruits nationally for the skill positions. That's how they do it plus they have tradition and huge support from a gigantic fan base. They have sold out their home games since 1960 now that's support. Iowa will never have the tradition that Nebraska has, they went to something like 26 bowls in a row. Plus they have 5 national titles. Nebraska is the program Iowa wants to be even if the fans can't admit it.

And they were just born into that status? They had to start somewhere, and given their location, odds are they were once where we are, making their way with good lineman from in-state (or surrounding states) and some out of state playmakers. Somewhere along the way they moved into the elite. There is no rule that says we can't do the same. Does that make it easy to do? Certainly not. But it is hardly impossible.
And they were just born into that status? They had to start somewhere, and given their location, odds are they were once where we are, making their way with good lineman from in-state (or surrounding states) and some out of state playmakers. Somewhere along the way they moved into the elite. There is no rule that says we can't do the same. Does that make it easy to do? Certainly not. But it is hardly impossible.

Nebraska tolerated very questionable character guys for a long time. I remember an ESPN story about gang members from LA on their squads. Remember Lawrence Phillips? Iowa will not tolerate that stuff. End of story.
DJK & Fred Russell are wonderful examples of the difference between Iowa & upper tier programs.

DJK committed to Ohio State. Herbie said something to the effect that DJK was the best recruit coming out of Ohio that year. Better than Beanie Wells! However, on signing day he had not qualified academically. A few months later DJK qualified for a scholarship, but OSU had withdrawn its scholarship offer. The Bucks had moved on to recruit the next DJK in Ohio or elsewhere.

Likewise, with Fred Russell. He was Michigan's #1 running back priority recruit comming out high school at Inkster, Mi. Fred went to prep school because of acedemic deficiencies. Michigan just moved on to recruit Mike Hart or whoever.

Ray Hamilton the stud tight end out of Strongsville wasn't even offered a scholarship by Ohio State. Scout.com ranks Hamilton as the 14th best tight end prospect. Instead, the Bucks got commitments from the 16th ranked tight end out of Ohio & the 22nd ranked tight end out of Florida.

There is so much high school talent in Ohio that the Bucks don't have enough scholarships. Iowa has more players from Ohio than any other state except for Iowa. Players like Stanzi, Hyde & Rogers probably never even received a letter from the Bucks. I just looked at Michigan State's roster & the Spartans have over twenty players from Ohio including Greg Jones & Le'Von Bell.

People in Iowa have no idea what Ohio high school football is like! On Friday nights in the fall, the late night news in central Ohio is expanded from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. The first 15 minutes is devoted to national news, local news & local weather. After that, it is 30 minutes of local high school football. Each station trying to top the other in coverage. Stations have helicopters flying from game to game. It us unbelievable!
We've been favored in every game so far this year. Hell, we're favored against MSU (undefeated and ranked #5 in the country) this week. It was not unreasonable to think we would win all of them so far. With these players, I still think it was not unreasonable to think that we would go undefeated and win the NC. Going into every game so far this year, I thought we would win. I still think we will win the rest of our games. I would not be surprised if we are favored to beat OSU when they come to Kinnick if we beat MSU this week and Indiana & Northwestern in the weeks before we play OSU. Why do people think it was so unreasonable to think we could go undefeated this year????
First SDK46, I'm really confused with your post. Are you referring to a live reason for this thread's existance -Dodgerhawki's not enough home grown talent post?
Are you saying the thread is beating a dead horse?
Is your avatar saying to not drink the koolaid? Which koolaid is your avatar referring to?

Duffman, are you yawning because you don't care if Iowa is a top 10 football program? Do you believe Iowa is already a top ten football program?

Are you 2 justifying this thread?

IMO Iowa isn't a top ten football program.
Iowa doesn't recruit enough athletes or keep enough athletes because it doesn't use enough athletes. Zone, zone, and more zone.

That's why athletes stay away from Iowa. That's also why Iowa will never be a top ten football program. BTW, that's also why Wisconsin hung 31 points on Iowa's D and why Iowa's D will struggle against the likes of Northwestern and Indiana every time they play.

If you build the right system they will come.

I'm a Hawkeye fan. If Iowa loses, I'm not necessarily a Ferentz, KOK, or Parker fan.
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We've been favored in every game so far this year. Hell, we're favored against MSU (undefeated and ranked #5 in the country) this week. It was not unreasonable to think we would win all of them so far. With these players, I still think it was not unreasonable to think that we would go undefeated and win the NC. Going into every game so far this year, I thought we would win. I still think we will win the rest of our games. I would not be surprised if we are favored to beat OSU when they come to Kinnick if we beat MSU this week and Indiana & Northwestern in the weeks before we play OSU. Why do people think it was so unreasonable to think we could go undefeated this year????

I think it is unreasonable to ever think you will be undefeated in any given season. Yes, this year was our best shot but it I still think it was unreasonalbe. Heck, I think it would have been unreasonable for Alabama fans to think they would be undefeated. It is just too hard in the BCS conferences to go undefeated. I think it is reasonable to hope it might happen but unreasonable to believe it will.
I think it is unreasonable to ever think you will be undefeated in any given season. Yes, this year was our best shot but it I still think it was unreasonalbe. Heck, I think it would have been unreasonable for Alabama fans to think they would be undefeated. It is just too hard in the BCS conferences to go undefeated. I think it is reasonable to hope it might happen but unreasonable to believe it will.

Good point.. Even if you look at FSU all those years. What was it, something like 12-13 straight years finishing in the Top 5, and what did they win, 1 or maybe 2 national titles at most? Even as great as they were every year, it's not like they were owning all of college football. There was almost always a game (usually Miami) where they would get beat. It's VERY difficult to go undefeated, no matter who you are.

It will be even more difficult for us, but we've been an eyelash away a couple of times, of at least being in a situation where we could've been undefeated in the regular season and playing for a national title - 1985, 2002, 2009..

It's not completely impossible that we could ever play for all the chips someday, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for it to happen, and I won't forget to enjoy the 10-2 types of seasons that we might get in the meantime, because those are still lots of fun.
First SDK46, I'm really confused with your post. Are you referring to a live reason for this thread's existance -Dodgerhawki's not enough home grown talent post?
Are you saying the thread is beating a dead horse?
Is your avatar saying to not drink the koolaid? Which koolaid is your avatar referring to?

Duffman, are you yawning because you don't care if Iowa is a top 10 football program? Do you believe Iowa is already a top ten football program?

Are you 2 justifying this thread?

IMO Iowa isn't a top ten football program.
Iowa doesn't recruit enough athletes or keep enough athletes because it doesn't use enough athletes. Zone, zone, and more zone.

That's why athletes stay away from Iowa. That's also why Iowa will never be a top ten football program. BTW, that's also why Wisconsin hung 31 points on Iowa's D and why Iowa's D will struggle against the likes of Northwestern and Indiana every time they play.

If you build the right system they will come.

I'm a Hawkeye fan. If Iowa loses, I'm not necessarily a Ferentz, KOK, or Parker fan.

Can't speak for Duffman.

This topic has been bantered back and forth for several days, in different threads. Thus the horse.

My avatar suggests one shouldn't get caught up in the hype you hear and read about regarding how great Iowa is or can be. Unfortunately, I did so before this season and am now paying the emotional price of denial as to why we're not going to win the NC.

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