what makes me SICK

Always giving the other's receiver 10 yards of cushion doesn't cut it especially since the majority of Big Ten teams are spread, one on one offenses and our front line doesn't have enough time to sack the QB.

Right now, I don't see any nickel backs in Iowa's future. Maybe, for example, if Hyde were taught, he could become a nickel or press one on one defender. That would sure give him more chances of being a pro.

Olivecourt, I don't know where you read blitz in my previous post. I'm not for all out blitzes, anyway.

Again, here's what I'm trying to say: recruit some nickel backs. Recuit some corners that can press cover receivers. Teach them, then use them. Use their natural talent.

EddyP how about this rendition of a commercial? Nah nah nah can't hear you. Nah nah nah can't hear you. That seems to keep to the theme of this thread which is Iowa fans making excuses for a football program that could be top ten.

What set me off? Wisconsin set me off. Their offense changed from run first to spread against Iowa.

It's not difficult to explain the inconsistancies of Iowa's D when you understand its strengths and weaknesses. That's how one can, in advance, predict an easy win for Iowa against Georgia Tech and a difficult win for Iowa against Indiana.
This is not directed at anyone, I just think it fits with all the whining thats going on over one close loss.

"And that's why the color yellow makes me sad.

You know what makes me sad? You do! Why don't you go over to Namby Pamby land and get some confidence you jack wad!

Want a tissue?"
Nebraska tolerated very questionable character guys for a long time. I remember an ESPN story about gang members from LA on their squads. Remember Lawrence Phillips? Iowa will not tolerate that stuff. End of story.
Hmmm, wasn't it recently that Iowa was getting double digit numbers of players arrested every year?

"Three members of the Iowa football team have been arrested for alcohol-related offenses this summer. But compared to the recent past, that number is way, way down.

From April 2007 through late June 2009, 26 football players were arrested or issued citations. That includes five felonies – two for rape, two for stealing credit cards and one for dealing prescription drugs. Of the 26 arrests, 20 were alcohol or drug related.

Among those charges include nine for public intoxication, five for drunken driving and five for underage possession of alcohol. Every athlete arrested for a felony ultimately was dismissed from the football team."

Link: Recent arrests aside, life skills coach seems to work for Iowa football | TheGazette

Yes, NU had LP which turned out to be a disaster, and we've had 3 or 4 LA kids who had gang ties on the team, including one currently. So when was it bad to take a disadvantaged kid out of a horrible situation, give him a chance, and allow him to make a success out of himself?

I believe that Iowa has had more arrests (including felonies) in the past 3 years than NU had in the mid 90's, the big difference is NU won 3 (and had a shot at 5) MNCs during that stretch, and Iowa has not, thus gaining more scrutiny. I'm making no excuses, this crap happens everywhere, acting as if Iowa is above having criminals on its team is pure garbage.

Didn't Nebraska make their living off of partial qualifiers back in the day?

In the mid 90's there were a few partial qualifiers on the team that helped NU win NC's. It was legal under the NCAA rules, and I believe that a school could take no more than 2 per year. They paid their own way and had to prove they could make it, or they were out. Many of those "Prop" athletes graduated and made a better life for themselves.
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