What kind of message is Kirk sending his team with quotes like this?

I think what he was trying to say is, weather you think you can or think you cant your right. It's up to the team to decide.
While the wording may be not the best, I think it describes the nature of the team. Same could be said last year. 2010, we lose to Wisconsin, come back and whoop Michigan State. I wouldn't be surprised if we come out swinging and win against Michigan.
Which would be a step down from what we've had over the last ten years.

Winner. Our defense can be frustrating at times, much more so when the talent simply isn't there. But Norm Parker is the #1 reason for the best 10-year run in program history. His defenses have routinely been right up there with Ohio State in the Big Ten. That's an impressive feat, folks.

How? Does he have one in his back pocket.

Arizona is 110th in pts against this year. 34.9 per game. 77th in rush defense.

Agreed. Give me Mark. Arizona's defense was actually alright when he was the DC (like high 20's to high 30's), and it's tanked since he took the gig at FSU. And FSU's defense is legit (national ranks):

Scoring defense: 12th
Rushing defense: 4th
Total defense: 8th
Sacks: 3rd
TFL: 8th

Their secondary is a little suspect, and they don't have great ball skills (not many picks), but overall that defense is quite good. I don't think it's a coincidence that he typically has a good defense.
Which would be a step down from what we've had over the last ten years.

Are you referring to Iowa's overall defense this year? Are you referring to Iowa's pass defense every year? No, you're not.

It's time for a change. Ferentz needs a strong defense to back up the conservative playcalling he likes to call.

EDIT: I know we're hijacking this thread. To get back on track: the 'offensive' Ferentz quote is trying to fire his players up. To paraphrase: Put forth the effort and Iowa wins. Less than your best effort, Iowa loses.
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Kirk Ferentz=water
Mike Stoops=oil

Sorry I just don't see a good fit for Kirk with Mike.
I do however believe an off season change at DC should be seriously considered.
Not that I'm saying I think we should go after mike but just have a few questions. Was or has Arizona been some big power house in the PAC 10 cause I sure don't recall it. Also arizonas schedule has been brutal this year. Our stats would look the same if we had it.
Why do people care so much about what the coach says? It's not really reflective of anything.
Who cares, really? If you guys think that one quote means he's not all in than that's on you. If we win against Minny, everyone thinks that's exactly what needs to be said.
Are you referring to Iowa's overall defense this year? Are you referring to Iowa's pass defense every year? No, you're not.

It's time for a change. Ferentz needs a strong defense to back up the conservative playcalling he likes to call.

EDIT: I know we're hijacking this thread. To get back on track: the 'offensive' Ferentz quote is trying to fire his players up. To paraphrase: Put forth the effort and Iowa wins. Less than your best effort, Iowa loses.

Perfect example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Don't particularly care for the quote but I understand what he's saying, that this team doesn't have any guaranteed wins on the schedule, that we can't just show up and expect to win. I think that's the opposite of fat cat.
this is my feeling too. Clearly we showed up expecting to win Saturday and didn't. He was right.
A pretty good window into what we already knew. The bring your lunchpail, punch-the-clock... oh well.... mentality. Steady...predictable...boring, and a formula that has more than run it's course.

After a guy like Hayden comes in, shakes things up, insipires his players and coaches, plays aggresively and puts some spark into the program.... here's a guy with all the personality and energy of a soggy ham sandwich.
A pretty good window into what we already knew. The bring your lunchpail, punch-the-clock... oh well.... mentality. Steady...predictable...boring, and a formula that has more than run it's course.

After a guy like Hayden comes in, shakes things up, insipires his players and coaches, plays aggresively and puts some spark into the program.... here's a guy with all the personality and energy of a soggy ham sandwich.
And at the same time, the best coach Iowa has had. Funny how a few losses skew the perspective of "fans".
Iowa has had about two guaranteed wins all year...One would have thought that Minnesota would be a victory considering they have one of the worst teams in college football but as usual Ferentz and the staff made them look like potential B1G champions.

Maybe Ferentz, when he gets up in the morning should say to himself...what can I do with this team and coaching staff to turn things around????
Iowa has had about two guaranteed wins all year...One would have thought that Minnesota would be a victory considering they have one of the worst teams in college football but as usual Ferentz and the staff made them look like potential B1G champions.

Maybe Ferentz, when he gets up in the morning should say to himself...what can I do with this team and coaching staff to turn things around????
What will you say when Iowa beats Michigan or Mich St??? Will you parade around telling everyone about how great this team is? Temper the extremes a bit, please.
Norm's defense really struggled in 2009 and early 2010, you're right. Compare the talent of those defenses to this years. HUGE difference.
The problem is that in programs that sustain themselves, you NEVER make quick fixes. There is deviation in football programs and making quick, impulsive decisions don't necessarily fix or solve anything. Just because other programs run the latest and greatest thing, doesn't mean they hang around very long either. It's tough to watch this year, but it is what it is. Iowa will be back.
It's hard to imagine Hayden making that quote, but he might have.

I have a much bigger problem with KF's quote on the "hands team". An unintentional public confession of coaching incompetence, for that play at least. When I read it, I exclaimed out loud "WTF???", alarming my wife.
It's hard to imagine Hayden making that quote, but he might have.

I have a much bigger problem with KF's quote on the "hands team". An unintentional public confession of coaching incompetence, for that play at least. When I read it, I exclaimed out loud "WTF???", alarming my wife.
Has anyone been able to confirm that the hands team was NOT on the field? Just because the hands team is on the field, doesn't necessarily mean they expect an onside kick.

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