What if Bradley is named DC?

OK, let's use your analogy where My supervisor steps down because he's accused of diddling boys... If I never saw him again I might let it go. But if that guy showed up to my company christmas party with a small child I'm going to ask WTF? If I see the guy in my office building I'm going to ask questions.

When exactly did Bradley find out about the transgressions?
OK, let's use your analogy where My supervisor steps down because he's accused of diddling boys... If I never saw him again I might let it go. But if that guy showed up to my company christmas party with a small child I'm going to ask WTF? If I see the guy in my office building I'm going to ask questions.

Then you are almost completely unemployable. I'm not trying to mean here but seriously, if I asked questions I would expect to wake up the next day either fired, with a civil lawsuit on my front door, or dead.
If Bradley didn't know what was going on at PSU, then I don't think we want to hire someone who was that naive. So it looks like a Catch 22 situation.
I agree, legal problems wouldn't be correct.

However if your mentor of 20 years out of the blue retires even though every single person around PSU knew he was hand picked to replace JoePa when he stepped down wouldn't you ask what the hell happened?

Ask Paterno, Ask Sandusky, ask other coaches? Or when they were told that Sandusky was no longer allowed in the football building that wouldn't rasie any questions?

Look as I said Bradley very well could know absolutely nothing when it came to the topic of Jerry raping boys in the locker room but ask yourself this-

Would you trust anybody (or better yet can any school afford to trust someone) from there at their word??????

Sure that would raise questions, but let's be real here, we are talking about water cooler conversations. If you were standing around the copier and someone started talking about the former CEO that got busted for kiddie porn on his computer would you go digging around for more answers? If you have any intelligence or sense of self preservation the answer is hell no. I high tale it out of there on the spot. I don't want anything to do with it.
Tom Bradley is one of the most well respected defensive minds in the business. I think he would be a great choice. For those that won't support the Hawkeyes if we hire him....good bye.
If Bradley didn't know what was going on at PSU, then I don't think we want to hire someone who was that naive. So it looks like a Catch 22 situation.

What the **** are you talking about? Naive? So basically you are saying anyone that because he knew the guy and didn't know what he was doing then he is naive? I'm sorry, but your statement is naive, actually it is just downright stupid.
If Bradley didn't know what was going on at PSU, then I don't think we want to hire someone who was that naive. So it looks like a Catch 22 situation.

Even assuming your premise is true, I don't think naivete is detrimental to keeping points off the scoreboard.
I got news for you. If my boss got canned for some alleged illegal activities, and I was hired to be his replacement, and I wasn’t involved in his activities, I would stay as far away from that **** as possible. I’d keep my head and nose down and do my job, nothing more and nothing less.

I agree with this 100% but in the case of PSU that wasn't the case-

Former players, current coaches played in his fundrasier golf outings, he HAD A F'ING OFFICE in the football building, worked out at the weight room in said football building, and was in the F'ING PRESIDENTS BOX to watch Joe Pa break the all time wins record.

All of this after he was banned from the football building and had his keys taken away, yet not ONE single coach or any staff member said what the hell is Jerry doing here?

So in your above example all the coaches and all of the higer ups at PSU did the exact opposite of what you said you, me or any F'ing sane person would do.

Again, it's easy after the fact to throw stones at PSU and the coaches for not doing anything but sorry to big of a risk and at the very least it shows a massive lack of judgement by all parties involved.
My final point is: Bradey might be a fine defensive mind but he is tainted by his involvement with an organization that covered up child rape. Perhaps he deserves a chance to make his way, but that chance should not be at the University of Iowa.
The University would be better off hiring a slightly less accomplished DC and not have to deal with the crap associated with the guy. There is a reason he hasn't been offered another job.
I agree with this 100% but in the case of PSU that wasn't the case-

Former players, current coaches played in his fundrasier golf outings, he HAD A F'ING OFFICE in the football building, worked out at the weight room in said football building, and was in the F'ING PRESIDENTS BOX to watch Joe Pa break the all time wins record.

All of this after he was banned from the football building and had his keys taken away, yet not ONE single coach or any staff member said what the hell is Jerry doing here?

So in your above example all the coaches and all of the higer ups at PSU did the exact opposite of what you said you, me or any F'ing sane person would do.

Again, it's easy after the fact to throw stones at PSU and the coaches for not doing anything but sorry to big of a risk and at the very least it shows a massive lack of judgement by all parties involved.

Just out of curiosity why do you assume that it was common knowledge that he had his keys taken away? If PSU is really complicit in a cover up (and I believe certain people there certainly are) than the only way this works is if they, and they alone, knew about the sanctions Sandusky was under. Remember there purpose of a cover up is to make sure nobody finds out about it, and if you tell everyone that the heir apparent is getting fired and he's not allowed to set foot on campus, and he's not allowed to be in his office anymore, and he got his keys taken away that's a sure fire way to get people talking about why.

The smart money is that the only people that knew about Sandusky's punishment were Sandusky, the administrators that gave that to him, and Joe Pa.

BTW I don't have the grand jury testimony memorized here so I don't know where the info that he got booted off campus came from, I'm just using common sense.
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My final point is: Bradey might be a fine defensive mind but he is tainted by his involvement with an organization that covered up child rape. Perhaps he deserves a chance to make his way, but that chance should not be at the University of Iowa.
The University would be better off hiring a slightly less accomplished DC and not have to deal with the crap associated with the guy. There is a reason he hasn't been offered another job.

You mean other than the fact he was only let go a week ago? Give him another week or so, something tells me that might change as soon as Brian Ferentz gets his interview.
I agree with this 100% but in the case of PSU that wasn't the case-

Former players, current coaches played in his fundrasier golf outings, he HAD A F'ING OFFICE in the football building, worked out at the weight room in said football building, and was in the F'ING PRESIDENTS BOX to watch Joe Pa break the all time wins record.

All of this after he was banned from the football building and had his keys taken away, yet not ONE single coach or any staff member said what the hell is Jerry doing here?

So in your above example all the coaches and all of the higer ups at PSU did the exact opposite of what you said you, me or any F'ing sane person would do.

Again, it's easy after the fact to throw stones at PSU and the coaches for not doing anything but sorry to big of a risk and at the very least it shows a massive lack of judgement by all parties involved.

Yeah, I went back and read the grand jury testimony. The only people who knew of the Sandusky/Child ban were the PSU AD (Curley) the VP For Business and Finance (Shultz), PSU President (Spanier), McQueery, and an executive for the 2nd Mile.

Again the cover up only works when few people know the truth.

I'm definitely winning this argument.
Yeah, I went back and read the grand jury testimony. The only people who knew of the Sandusky/Child ban were the PSU AD (Curley) the VP For Business and Finance (Shultz), PSU President (Spanier), McQueery, and an executive for the 2nd Mile.

Again the cover up only works when few people know the truth.

I'm definitely winning this argument.

By winning you mean that you are advocating for your beloved Hawkeyes hiring a guy who was completely oblivous of a 15+ year child rape scandal and the subsequent cover up. They call that a pyrrhic victory.
By winning you mean that you are advocating for your beloved Hawkeyes hiring a guy who was completely oblivous of a 15+ year child rape scandal and the subsequent cover up. They call that a pyrrhic victory.

All that means is the few people involved in the cover up did a damn fine job.
Yeah, I went back and read the grand jury testimony. The only people who knew of the Sandusky/Child ban were the PSU AD (Curley) the VP For Business and Finance (Shultz), PSU President (Spanier), McQueery, and an executive for the 2nd Mile. Again the cover up only works when few people know the truth. I'm definitely winning this argument.
By winning you mean that you are advocating for your beloved Hawkeyes hiring a guy who was completely oblivous of a 15 year child rape scandal and the subsequent cover up. They call that a pyrrhic victory.

BTW you were also completely oblivious to a 15+ year cover up also. You can be sure I'll let all of your potential future employees know that as well.
I wasn't the number 2 guy at Penn State Football for 11 years.

First of he was probably closer to the number 5 guy at PSU. Secondly none of that matters unless you can somehow connect him to knowledge of the situation and failure to act. Nobody has even come close to doing that on here.
First of he was probably closer to the number 5 guy at PSU. Secondly none of that matters unless you can somehow connect him to knowledge of the situation and failure to act. Nobody has even come close to doing that on here.

Do you think the guy should be hired as DC?
I think it would be nice to have a East Coast guy for DC to help our recruiting. Just hard to say who it would be if we took one. Lot of names seem to be flying around.

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