What "hard" question would you ask Ferentz?


Before I continue, it seems important to me to give credentials. I was a bicentennial baby, born as a visitor in a Southern state. Not really important where, I didn’t stay long. We travelled a lot, both parents working. I usually had my homework finished and was growing to be a smartass. Now people often consider the class clown to need attention, to prove something. I was just bored. Always. Something would grab my attention, I’d figure out whatever I needed to figure out, and then just didn’t care. Best example I can think of would be video games. I love the game, buying that shiny wrapped thing, the excitement of opening it up the first time, getting home and realizing the game won’t let you past a certain level without doing something so unbelieveably stupid that the game loses integrity. Integrity of a video game? I know, sounds stupid, but if the game is making any strides to be realistic, it only takes one frame, one split second of wrongness to totally destroy a game. Or a movie. Or a person.

Life went forward for me, until it didn’t. Cruising along, going to the school, getting a degree, graduate school, then nothing. No plan, no ideas, no reason. Move out to Arizona, grasp something that feels real. Even if you know it’s fools gold, it’s just good to have something to look forward to. Even if it’s knowing you just ticked off any English majors in the audience by ending the sentence with a preposition. Rules. Don’t get me started on rules, or the concept of intellectual vulgarity.

Two strains of that: defenselessness against content and defenselessness against form. The one experiences only the material side of art. It is of German origin. The other experiences even the rawest of materials artistically. It is of Romance origin. To the one, art is an instrument; to the other, life is an ornament. In which hell would the artist prefer to fry? He'd surely still rather live among the Germans. For although they've strapped art into the Procrustean Folding Bed of their commerce, they've also made life sober, and this is a blessing: fantasy thrives, and every man can put his own light in the barren windowframes. Just spare me the pretty ribbons! Spare me this good taste that over there and down there delights the eye and irritates the imagination. Spare me this melody of life that disturbs my own music, which comes into its own only in the roaring of the German workday. Spare me this universal higher level of refinement from which it's so easy to observe that the newspaper seller in Paris has more charm than the Prussian publisher.

So I guess my question is, do you agree?"

I'm no Iowa fan but I have major respect for you as the longest tenure coach in the Big Ten. With the struggles Iowa has had in recruiting lately, why exactly did you find it necessary to stop recruiting the state of Florida? Also, if there is a constraint on the recruitment budget, how do plan to expand Iowa recruitment regions so they can get more touted players and combat the Florida recruitment deficiency? Lastly, what's the secret to having Penn State number and beating them so much?

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