What "hard" question would you ask Ferentz?

I would like to ask a few game management questions:

"Coach, you have shown a habit of not using time outs on defense late in games to save time for your offense. What is your philosophy on doing this when most coaches use those timeouts on defense? (OR if a recent game has had the same situation finish the question with "What was your thinking on not using your 3 timeouts on defense to save almost 2 minutes of clock time?"

Or after a situation like last years Indiana game "Coach what was your risk-reward calculation when you didnt go for the 4th down and 1 foot to go down 3-4 points with 3 minutes to go? " Because I would think the hawks would have a high % chance of making the first down, and if you dont get the first down you can hold Indy to a fg try and use your timeouts to get the ball back, rather than punt it away.
Do you truly believe that it is possible to win every game 9 to 6?
Why do you feel the need to bench younger players if they make a mistake but Juniors or Seniors continue to play unless they get injured.
Do you feel recruiting is important to being successful at the college level?
You have two above average seasons in the last 8 years, do you feel that is the best your program can do? Is it just football?
Have you ever thought about restructuring your contract so that you can attract and keep top recruiters and assistant coaches?
Read any of his pressers the past 5 years, it is the same BS no matter the question that gets asked. It is the same snide and egotistical crap week in and week out.
In the ? for Jon thread asking why the news media are "afraid to ask KF hard questions," the founder/publisher/owner of HN posits the following in response to one critical poster: "What question, and in what manner, isn't being asked? Step up and let's see what you have."

It's a fair point and one that should be put to every poster who has come to this site critical of Kirk Ferentz, his coaches or his program. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a more metropolitan media market and one where controversy does not necessarily sell papers or attract viewers, the Iowa sports media are put in sort of a bubble. Access to the coach and perhaps even the sports information office hangs in the balance whenever a reporter asks an Iowa coach -- and especially the head of the Hawkeye football program -- difficult questions.

If you were in the next press conference after the MSU loss and facing tough games ahead with Ohio State and Northwestern, what "hard question" would you ask the coach? Serious responses only, please.

Kirk, are you confident the team is making strides, or did we see the real Hawkeyes against MSU?
"Coach, how's come you get paid 4 mill a yr, but yet consistently the worst 'game coach' in college football? Just wondering how you pulled that off, and if you or your agent can negotiate my next pay-raise at my job? Thanks for your time coach."
Over the last 4 seasons you are barley over .500, 11-15 in the conference, and haven't won a conference championship since 2004 and maybe only sniffed it once during that time. You are the 5th highest paid coach in the country. Second highest paid coach in the conference. Do you think Iowa is getting a good return on its investement in you?
Over the last 4 seasons you are barley over .500, 11-15 in the conference, and haven't won a conference championship since 2004 and maybe only sniffed it once during that time. You are the 5th highest paid coach in the country. Second highest paid coach in the conference. Do you think Iowa is getting a good return on its investement in you?

Call in tomorrow with that one and see what he says.
Assuming you'd get a substantive response, I would like to know how they determine who gets the carries at RB.
Nowhere does it say "if you were employed as a reporter." These are hard questions you'd like to ask.
We all know A) These questions won't be asked B) He wouldn't answer them if they were.

Now carry on. There are good questions here.
"Are opposing teams really...7.....for ......7.........on getting the first on fake punts? Does this even happen in video games?" What in the sam hill..
These are the questions I have asked...

Q. With the injury will hold him out of practice a few days?

Q. You lost Weisman Saturday, Damon seems like he's a replacement guy. I know it's a tough game.

Q. That game kind of went toward passing—

Q. Will you be out recruiting this weekend?

Q. What do you feel about where the team is at?

Q. You mentioned the preparations you have this week, do you hope to have a game plan for next week installed a little bit earlier?

Q. Will you spend extra time on punting coverage this week?

Q. Your improvement always continues. Do you feel this team has a pretty good edge on its identity?

Q. Did you have a chance to look at the video? Is it something that the offense would hope to do in the center second half in terms of (Inaudible.) Or is it some adjustments that Michigan State did?

Q. On special teams, you have situations where you put younger guys out there, and it's their one opportunity to be on the field. Do you caution against over thinking or is that something that concerns you at times, just because maybe there's so much that they're being taught by you guys throughout the off season that maybe they think a little bit too much about certain details at times?

Q. Will you be able to fill all those roles? I know the players will be back for Ohio State, will you be able to fill all the roles, any limitations you perceive?

Q. How strongly do you believe this current team is better able to handle the (inaudible)? The answer didn’t provide any insight about the question – the question that will remain a mystery for ever.

Q. Any deeper sort of look into what ‑‑

Seriously, I get it now. These guys have a job - get some quotes, write a story, meet the deadline. What's the point in the longer term of trying to play "gocha".

Something about sports- most of the time the report just sort of makes a leading statement and the coach inferrs the question. Same on TV.

Q. "You chew a lot of gum out there..."
KF: Ya, sort been that way with me for ever. Trident is best.
Q) LeShun Daniels redshirt was burned earlier this season, yet he's getting little or no PT. What's the logic behind that and what is your plan for LeShun going forward?

A) Yeah, thanks for the question. LeShun's been working very hard in practice. We felt using him that game gave us the best chance to win. We like his potential and see a bright future for him. Next question.
Media- Kirk whats the problem with fake punts?

Kirk- We dont have to return punts if we dont want to!!!!!

Media- Okay um but why has there been so many fake punts against your team?

Kirk- Not anymore!!!!

Media- How?

Kirk- We dont do punts!!!!

Media- Youre not going to punt?

Kirk- Nooo I love punting heck Ill punt from their 30 yard line in a tied game. Punting is very important. Punting is how Iowa wins games. So Ive decided that if we dont accept other peoples punts then they cant win and bing bang booom we win!!!!!

Media- Thats not how it works coach

Kirk- We win!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate to do this...

Kirk, at what point is the reputational risk (to you and the university) for staying on (as head coach) going to out weigh your own need to coach? or maybe slightly re-worded for the A.D.


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