what happened to bear?


Well-Known Member
Has any one else noticed he seems to have a negative attitude this year?
he has always played with so much energy
this year he seems completely complacent?
McCaffrey’s have happened. This is just my opinion.. But something is really wrong with everything and everyone. This just doesn’t happen if something internal isn’t occurring..
McCaffrey’s have happened. This is just my opinion.. But something is really wrong with everything and everyone. This just doesn’t happen if something internal isn’t occurring..
Yeah, makes you wonder what's going on behind closed doors with this team?
McCaffrey’s have happened. This is just my opinion.. But something is really wrong with everything and everyone. This just doesn’t happen if something internal isn’t occurring..
Yeah, makes you wonder what's going on behind closed doors with this team?
It really does make one wonder if the addition of Connor has disrupted something in the Carver complex. I'm not trying to attack Connor either, FTR.
Most past players love Fran. If something is going on, it's either because of minute distribution problems, or something to do with Connor. Probably the latter.
It’s never good in the locker room when the coaches kid doesn’t have to work as hard in practice and never gets bitched out for his mistakes . Not saying that’s happened but this scenario has ruined a lot of teams

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