What did Harbaugh and other coaches do wrong

How about not waiting for that moment to come and then react to it but rather plan a strategy ahead of time,

Good point. I would only add that there are so many more potential "moments" to prepare for in football than there are in other sports. Every team does ton of situational stuff, it is simply hard to adequately cover every possible situation. The best coaches do it better than the rest, which I think is really what you are getting at.
10 seconds is about the max amount of extra time you can run off in 3 plays by running around. In this exact situation it would have been less risky than punting. But any more time and there is the chance it doesn't work quite well enough and you end up punting anyway. Unless you're 100% sure you can kill the clock by running around, risk reward simply isn't there.
Good point. For what it is worth, Harbaugh has generally been thought of, at least at the pro level, as one of those coaches who is really good at it.

I agree that the ones who are good at it really make the ones who are bad at it stand out. But I also think the ones who are good at it are few and far between because it is such a challenging task. My main issue is when terms like "stupid" get thrown around, implying that these issues are so simple that any idiot should be able to pull them off. As a general rule, if observing a profession where people fail regularly and publicly (athletes, coaches, officials, politics), the conclusion that makes the most sense is probably that what they are trying to do is hard, not that everyone in that profession is stupider than the you.

I don't even consider what happened in the Michigan game to be a clock management issue. He did what gave his team a 99.98% chance to win (I think that's what I heard their odds of winning were before the punt). Now if he did what was suggested here and had Jake run around for a few extra seconds each play, and they ended up having to kill 1 or 2 seconds on 4th down instead of punt, he would have deserved praise for doing an above the norm job at clock management. But he definitely doesn't deserve ridicule for doing what he did.

I remember a few years ago where Les Miles messed up 2 games really badly back to back. One's where everyone who's watching knows it's a collasal mess up as it's going down. It's times like that that deserve to be called blunders.
I don't even consider what happened in the Michigan game to be a clock management issue. He did what gave his team a 99.98% chance to win (I think that's what I heard their odds of winning were before the punt). Now if he did what was suggested here and had Jake run around for a few extra seconds each play, and they ended up having to kill 1 or 2 seconds on 4th down instead of punt, he would have deserved praise for doing an above the norm job at clock management. But he definitely doesn't deserve ridicule for doing what he did.

I remember a few years ago where Les Miles messed up 2 games really badly back to back. One's where everyone who's watching knows it's a collasal mess up as it's going down. It's times like that that deserve to be called blunders.

Good points, especially about the mad hatter. Harbaugh was playing by the book. I am probably also looking at this from a hate MSU Dantonio as a coach point of view. Dantonio is probably a real good guy off the field.
Good points, especially about the mad hatter. Harbaugh was playing by the book. I am probably also looking at this from a hate MSU Dantonio as a coach point of view. Dantonio is probably a real good guy off the field.

Don't Worry. You'll be hatong Harbaugh more in no time.
As long as we are talking creative ways to run out clock, how about bringing in a couple of extra tackles to play the ends, stick 2 fullbacks stacked over the guards to handle blitzers, cut the splits down to nothing, stick one safety back about 15 yards behind the QB, and then have the QB take the snap and drop back 5 yards into a "super" pocket. He just cowers there until someone gets close enough to touch him, then he crumples in a heap. How much time do you think that could waste per play?
As long as we are talking creative ways to run out clock, how about bringing in a couple of extra tackles to play the ends, stick 2 fullbacks stacked over the guards to handle blitzers, cut the splits down to nothing, stick one safety back about 15 yards behind the QB, and then have the QB take the snap and drop back 5 yards into a "super" pocket. He just cowers there until someone gets close enough to touch him, then he crumples in a heap. How much time do you think that could waste per play?

Interesting idea.
Some of this is a bit odd... Harbaugh did what 95% of the coaches would do. I really think all these run in circles and whatever ideas are a bit silly.

The issue was the execution of the punt and what happened after that.

1. There was a man wide on the play when MSU was rushing 11... that makes no sense.
2. The snap was a bit low and outside.
3. Rugby style kicker = bad in this situation.
4. Punter panicked and should have just fallen on the ball or been instructed to fall on the ball.

However all that being said it was still pretty much a fluke play - the only real mistake was the execution of the play. Which shows that you really need to execute EVERY play especially in a close game.

As far as spike argument 2.0 - Kirk just has never understood how to use the spike.. I really don't get it. It's even easier to do because in college football the clock stops on a first down and you have time to get people set. But so far this year it hasn't really mattered.
Michigan got beat. Who cares how or why? I'm ok with the result. Feel bad the the kicker but c'est la vie.
they didn't attempt a quick out pass, in fact the throw ended up being a checkdown in the middle of the field which thankfully was dropped.

I think you are getting hung up on details that have very little to do with my original point, which is the fact that you don't know what may or may not have happened had they spiked the ball and that my opinion is they handled the situation just fine.
I stated before the punt that with only 10 seconds left Michigan should just have the QB take the snap and run backwards though the endzone, taking as much time as possible. Three point lead, two points to MSU for the safety, so Michigan wins by one. Too many things can go wrong on a punt.
I stated before the punt that with only 10 seconds left Michigan should just have the QB take the snap and run backwards though the endzone, taking as much time as possible. Three point lead, two points to MSU for the safety, so Michigan wins by one. Too many things can go wrong on a punt.

But it was only a two point lead, 23-21, so cant take a safety.
As long as we are talking creative ways to run out clock, how about bringing in a couple of extra tackles to play the ends, stick 2 fullbacks stacked over the guards to handle blitzers, cut the splits down to nothing, stick one safety back about 15 yards behind the QB, and then have the QB take the snap and drop back 5 yards into a "super" pocket. He just cowers there until someone gets close enough to touch him, then he crumples in a heap. How much time do you think that could waste per play?

I likey, this is good, and could probably run those extra 3 seconds off per play.
Yeah, the coach calls for a bootleg to run off time. The quarterback is instructed not to throw the ball & fall down in-bounds. However, the QB throws an incomplete pass and stops the clock. It all comes down to execution. The coach could have the best play called ever, but if the team doesn't execute the play is meaningless.
How about this? With 4th and 2, 10 seconds left, protecting a 2 pt lead from midfield, you play-action and roll your QB out with a 2 receiver pattern (out and drag). If the QB has green grass, he runs for the 1st down, game over. If a receiver is WIDE open, you throw for the 1st down. If neither of those options produce highly-probable, favorable results, the QB throws the ball out of bounds, as HIGH as he possibly can. No intentional grounding because he is out of the pocket (as long as the ball goes past the line of scrimmage). The clock does not stop until the ball touches the ground. If the roll-out takes 5 seconds, I bet the hang-time could kill an extra 5 (with clock-keeper sloppiness), game over.
How about this? With 4th and 2, 10 seconds left, protecting a 2 pt lead from midfield, you play-action and roll your QB out with a 2 receiver pattern (out and drag). If the QB has green grass, he runs for the 1st down, game over. If a receiver is WIDE open, you throw for the 1st down. If neither of those options produce highly-probable, favorable results, the QB throws the ball out of bounds, as HIGH as he possibly can. No intentional grounding because he is out of the pocket (as long as the ball goes past the line of scrimmage). The clock does not stop until the ball touches the ground. If the roll-out takes 5 seconds, I bet the hang-time could kill an extra 5 (with clock-keeper sloppiness), game over.

Everyone is overthinking this. Punting there is the safest and best play.
I am definitely with you on that, I am just trying to get a little creative and think about what MIGHT work. Bye week, dontcha know.
How about this? With 4th and 2, 10 seconds left, protecting a 2 pt lead from midfield, you play-action and roll your QB out with a 2 receiver pattern (out and drag). If the QB has green grass, he runs for the 1st down, game over. If a receiver is WIDE open, you throw for the 1st down. If neither of those options produce highly-probable, favorable results, the QB throws the ball out of bounds, as HIGH as he possibly can. No intentional grounding because he is out of the pocket (as long as the ball goes past the line of scrimmage). The clock does not stop until the ball touches the ground. If the roll-out takes 5 seconds, I bet the hang-time could kill an extra 5 (with clock-keeper sloppiness), game over.

Notre Dame followed my suggestion for their 4th down play to run out the last 7 seconds of their game vs. Pitt. Hopefully Brian Kelly will give me props in his press-conference this year.