what are the chances someone redshirts?


Well-Known Member
i am not sure how likely but as i look at things i feel like it is likely 1 or 2 guys redshirt because of all the things happening within the program.

1) uthoff - this will give a lot of schollies in the incoming class as he will be a soph when he goes on scholly. if 1 or 2 guys rs it evens the classes out a little.

2) depth at the 4 & 5 spots - we are looking at being incredibly deep here especially if olaseni becomes even 1/3 of the player herby thought he would be last yr.

3) ingram not playing in ptl - for some reason i can only see fran having him do this as a theory that he will redshirt and so he doesnt need the extra time with the team.

4) may's health - if the kid can stay healthy we have another wing with good size albeit very flawed at least offensively but seasoned in the b10.

5) white and marble possibly being 30 minute men - this would log jam some spots but they are both probably easily around 27 min a game and that still log jams spots.

6) gesell's versatility - i think he is a true pg but he has been forced to play the 2 also and that gives another possible back up to ogelsby and gesell will probably be the 2nd best 3 pt shooter on the team behind jo.

all this makes me think there are 2 possible red shirts...meyer and ingram. of the 2 i think meyer is actually the most ready as i dont thing ingram has a good enough shot to be a solid wing yet. but he has a lot of depth to deal with and probably needs at least a little weight to play the 4/5 spots. ingram is probably needed the most depth wise but i am not sure he is quite ready. like i said i have no idea on this but the above reasons have made me contemplate. what is your take?
You bring up some good points and put some thought into it. I personally think you will not see very many redshirts in Frans reign as Iowa's coach.

Last year the way Iowa ran seems to only be scratching the surface of what Fran wants to do. If he is wanting to push it any more you will need to have every body available. I am not saying he wont redshirt anyone, but I don't see it. Fran has even said this year we will have more depth and he wants to push the tempo more!
I would like to see Meyer RS. We have 2 spot up 4's in McCabe and White, and we have a traditional 4 in Basabe. I don't see Meyer getting a lot of playing time, and giving him a RS would give us good spacing with McCabe/Basabe as SR, White a JR, and Meyer a FR for the 2013-2014 season.
Ingram is not playing PTL because he is playing the Indiana/Kentucky All Star game. I think he also will be playing in a summer league that is highly competitive and he got Frans blessing to do so. There won't be any redshirts this year and it will pay off big time in a couple years.
How would not redshirting anyone payoff big time in a couple years? If you mean because they will get playing time, Fran is not going 12 deep and so I highly doubt the candidates for redshirt are going to get any significant playing time.

But I don't think anyone will be redshirted anyway. The one person I can see being redshirted is Meyer because the frontcourt is deep.
Ingram is not playing PTL because he is playing the Indiana/Kentucky All Star game. I think he also will be playing in a summer league that is highly competitive and he got Frans blessing to do so. There won't be any redshirts this year and it will pay off big time in a couple years.

i believe the all star games were last week. and i understand he is playing in another league and fran gave his blessing. what i am saying is that those things to me come as there might be an underlying reason as to why he gave permission considering that ingram would be missing valuable practice time with his future teammates...it isnt about the ptl it is about practicing with iowa.

i have no idea if anyone will redshirt. and in basketball it is becoming almost nonexistent that players redshirt but with the depth i and other factors i posed the question. i think we will see a 10 man rotation if you do the numbers:
pg - gesell & clemmons (2)
sg - ogelsby & ingram (2)
sf - marble & may (2)
pf - white, basabe & meyer (3)
c - woodbury, mccabe & olaseni (3)

that equals 12 players...that is 2 guys not getting much if any time. now with injuries you cant count on perfect 10 man rotation but it is a possiblity to rs 1 or 2 guys for the 6 reasons i give.
I think if anybody redshirts that it'll be Meyer, or possibly Olaseni so they can develop him a little more because it definitely looks like the athletic ability is there.
I think if anybody redshirts that it'll be Meyer, or possibly Olaseni so they can develop him a little more because it definitely looks like the athletic ability is there.

the only problem with redshirting gabe is that it loads the 2012 recruit class with 1 more scholly and with uthoff would put them at 7.
At no point in that post did the OP say Uthoff should/could redshirt.

When I first glanced at the OP's original post I was thinking he was suggesting that Uthoff redshirt too because it was worded a little weird, but then I read into further and saw what he was actually talking about. We all know that Duff's spelling and reading comprehension aren't the greatest. :D
the only problem with redshirting gabe is that it loads the 2012 recruit class with 1 more scholly and with uthoff would put them at 7.

Yeah.. I agree, I don't think it's very likely that Gabe redshirts. I think the most likely candidate is Meyer since big men can take a little bit longer to develop sometimes.
i agree meyer is the most likely canidate...but i think that from what ive seen on video that ingram is the one that needs it the most. the problem is that he plays a position that needs depth since he is known as a 2 and jo is really our only 2.
Meyer is the logical candidate. Ingram would be also,except that we are thin at his position,and he does bring an element that no other player we have can bring...defensive quickness on the perimeter to deal with wings. A high energy defender off the bench. Not many minutes,but a hole that needs to be filled.

Meyer is at a deep position,and with the addition of Uthoff to our 2012 class,we need to spread it out a bit. Now,if Meyer turns out to be an immediate contributor,then the equation changes...but he is the guy if they do redshirt anyone. Push Ingram thru in 4 years,as he is probably a career energy guy off the bench.
i believe the all star games were last week. and i understand he is playing in another league and fran gave his blessing. what i am saying is that those things to me come as there might be an underlying reason as to why he gave permission considering that ingram would be missing valuable practice time with his future teammates...it isnt about the ptl it is about practicing with iowa.

i have no idea if anyone will redshirt. and in basketball it is becoming almost nonexistent that players redshirt but with the depth i and other factors i posed the question. i think we will see a 10 man rotation if you do the numbers:
pg - gesell & clemmons (2)
sg - ogelsby & ingram (2)
sf - marble & may (2)
pf - white, basabe & meyer (3)
c - woodbury, mccabe & olaseni (3)

that equals 12 players...that is 2 guys not getting much if any time. now with injuries you cant count on perfect 10 man rotation but it is a possiblity to rs 1 or 2 guys for the 6 reasons i give.

Cool thing is there is flexiblity. White could be a sf or pf Marble could be a sg sf or pg. Mccabe could be a pf or c. I'm not too sure about clemmons and ingram and how their games will translate yet. I've seen enough of Gesell to know he can play off the ball too. I could see Meyer redshirting but not Olaseni. It's rare once a kid has played to then sit him without an injury being involved. Does anyone know of a time thats happened?
The other positive about not red-shirting anyone for non-medical reasons is that in later years if there is an injury or medical issue the red-shirt hasn't been burned and available.

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