Well, well WHAR the whiners?

Who cares if Kirk reads message boards or not? Fan displeasure can be relayed to him by important people who do pay attention to how the fan base feels. There is obviously no way to prove this but I would bet everything I have that if there was no outcry at all from fans, Rudock would still be starting and there would be absolutely no ofseason talk about how things were going to change.

Fans are sick of seeing the same thing happen game after game and season after season. Last year was no different than '05, '06, '07, the beginning of '08. '10, '11, or '12. Why did Kirk decide to finally change? Was it the Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Tennessee game? Or was it that fans were so restless that they were going to force Barta's hand if things didn't change?
I don't think anyone was happy about '12 or the end of last year. I don't think many have really been super pumped about any of the last 5 years. A couple a decent, dare I say reasonable years, but more dissappointing than anything.

KF felt pressure, absolutely no doubt, and ultimately that does come from fans/donors/financial support, etc. KF undoubtedly was aware of the discontent and criticism, from the media, the fans, the players, recruits, the staff,etc.

All of these things were catalysts for some of the changes we've seen...that said...I would contend KF's ultimate motivation came from simply wanting to win.

A multi multi millionaire in his 60's who has guaranteed compensation, does not "fear" getting fired, nor does the threat to one's ego alone motivate change...if the fire to succeed isn't present.

This message board, nor any message board, nor the opinions therein...had anything to do with any changes. None.

Winning cures a lot.

I agree with part of this; and yes he wanted to win.....that's his job. And the fear of losing his job, was not the fear of financial loss...it would have been a humbling experience for him. But you contradicted yourself; from paragraphs one and two to your conclusion in the final paragraph. You said the pressure was felt, where do you think that criticism came from?....the media was soft on him. One source was the message boards, to think otherwise is complete ignorance, and I and others have never said that it was the single source, just one of many.
I agree with part of this; and yes he wanted to win.....that's his job. And the fear of losing his job, was not the fear of financial loss...it would have been a humbling experience for him. But you contradicted yourself; from paragraphs one and two to your conclusion in the final paragraph. You said the pressure was felt, where do you think that criticism came from?....the media was soft on him. One source was the message boards, to think otherwise is complete ignorance, and I and others have never said that it was the single source, just one of many.

We disagree. It's ok. Debate on message boards are almost solely why they exist. That, and to make the proper changes for our teams we support, of course. :cool:

Boosters, donors are fans, so if they also post here, I guess you're correct.

Just keep winning, it'll be just fine.
I've been saying this nearly every post I have in this thread. It's amazing how many posters believe all of their negative posts led to the changes that have occurred this year. I'll put it this way: negative posts ANYWHERE on this board have nothing at all to do with Kirk's job security. It's about the W/L ratio. And if any of you on this forum think you know more about football than Kirk, then go ahead and contact him personally and quit the whining on this board.

its amazing that you think anyone thinks this because no one thinks this.

By the end of last year the administration and the staff were well aware of what the fan base was thinking.

And no one thinks it was because of message boards.
Who cares if Kirk reads message boards or not? Fan displeasure can be relayed to him by important people who do pay attention to how the fan base feels. There is obviously no way to prove this but I would bet everything I have that if there was no outcry at all from fans, Rudock would still be starting and there would be absolutely no ofseason talk about how things were going to change.

Fans are sick of seeing the same thing happen game after game and season after season. Last year was no different than '05, '06, '07, the beginning of '08. '10, '11, or '12. Why did Kirk decide to finally change? Was it the Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Tennessee game? Or was it that fans were so restless that they were going to force Barta's hand if things didn't change?

Gotta agree with this. He doesn't have to read every negative thread on a message board. He doesn't have to read every negative sports page column. He doesn't have to read every negative email. But you can bet your arse that he knows they exist. The same people that defend every move he makes, don't seem to want to give the man credit for knowing what's going on around him.
Kirk Ferentz may be a multi multi millionaire with an iron clad contract but Gary Barta has none of that going for him. Who do you think he talks to when he has to answer questions for his job performance? How does several million dollars in lost revenue from the marquee program effect his job security? Do people on this board really think that Barta doesn't have these kinds of conversations with Kirk Ferentz? You'd have to be dumber than disco.
Gotta agree with this. He doesn't have to read every negative thread on a message board. He doesn't have to read every negative sports page column. He doesn't have to read every negative email. But you can bet your arse that he knows they exist. The same people that defend every move he makes, don't seem to want to give the man credit for knowing what's going on around him.
Kirk Ferentz may be a multi multi millionaire with an iron clad contract but Gary Barta has none of that going for him. Who do you think he talks to when he has to answer questions for his job performance? How does several million dollars in lost revenue from the marquee program effect his job security? Do people on this board really think that Barta doesn't have these kinds of conversations with Kirk Ferentz? You'd have to be dumber than disco.

I don't know how people can read that Kirk changed because of fan displeasure and all they can come up with is Kirk doesn't read message boards.
Kirk Ferentz may be a multi multi millionaire with an iron clad contract but Gary Barta has none of that going for him. Who do you think he talks to when he has to answer questions for his job performance? How does several million dollars in lost revenue from the marquee program effect his job security? Do people on this board really think that Barta doesn't have these kinds of conversations with Kirk Ferentz? You'd have to be dumber than disco.

That's the difference right there. It's Ferentz's job to win football games and it's Barta's job to raise money. They may have conversations about the fan base but I highly doubt they discuss strategy based on what some people on Hawkeye Nation or Twitter say. I'm sure Ferentz has finger on the pulse of the fan base but I'd be willing to bet that whether or not they approve of his methods is pretty far down his priority list. If he based his strategies and depth chart on what the fans wanted, he'd be losing a lot more games than he wins and wouldn't be anywhere near a head coaching job at a B10 school.
That's the difference right there. It's Ferentz's job to win football games and it's Barta's job to raise money. They may have conversations about the fan base but I highly doubt they discuss strategy based on what some people on Hawkeye Nation or Twitter say. I'm sure Ferentz has finger on the pulse of the fan base but I'd be willing to bet that whether or not they approve of his methods is pretty far down his priority list. If he based his strategies and depth chart on what the fans wanted, he'd be losing a lot more games than he wins and wouldn't be anywhere near a head coaching job at a B10 school.

The proof is in the reaction of the athletic department to Swartz's (sp?) article about how Ferentz had lost it. Banned by the athletic department, an HN article widely circulated. Yes HN had an impact on the changes.
The proof is in the reaction of the athletic department to Swartz's (sp?) article about how Ferentz had lost it. Banned by the athletic department, an HN article widely circulated. Yes HN had an impact on the changes.

Well I never heard about Schwartz getting banned by the athletic department, I doubt KF had anything to do with it. I assume it similar to the Howe/Harty situation where they were denied credentials for some reason or another, which in fact Brian Ferentz went to bat for them in order to get their credentials reinstated.
Ws & Ls are directly related to the income the program generates.

So sayings they are somehow seperate issues is nonsense.

If the money hadn't taken a dip there would be no pressure on KF.

There were plenty of people vehemently defending 7-5 seasons with the be happy what you have garbage, even though they were coming against cake schedules.

just come to grips with the reality that the fan bases negative reaction to poor results had a positive impact in the long run, which is exactly what the stated goal was.
LOL at anyone who think the fans made KF change a thing. Those people have obviously never been the person at the top in anything in life.

Sometimes the easy explanation is the correct one. KF made the changes he felt were necessary to win more consistently. If you look at the changes, each individual change is relative minor thing, but taken as a whole is major change.

1) Name a starting QB early. KF has now has 2 QB controversies in his years and neither played out well. I'd bet he doesn't have another QB conteoversy in his remaining time here.

2) Named BF run game coordinator. Fans really think they forced this? LOL

3) Sped up recruiting time lines and got more aggressive. Also didn't change much, as just 2-3 months ago everyone was saying WTF are we signing these 2* kids. They still evaluate the same and give a middle finger to the star system

4) Updated the running game. Goes hand in hand with point #2

5) Special teams aggressiveness. They stopped just giving up on ST and are playing starters there that are or could be game breakers. For the last 5 years it was all about just catching the ball, not actually trying to be aggressive on ST. This is basically new KF going back to being old school KF when we dominated ST play.

6) Aggressive 4th down play calling. He started his trend last year by going for it a ton. He has expanded it even more with fakes on 4th down.

7) Morning practices. Hard to tell how this affects a team, but it is a significant change.

Once again LOL at those who think fan displeasure forced these tweaks.
LOL at anyone who think the fans made KF change a thing. Those people have obviously never been the person at the top in anything in life.

Sometimes the easy explanation is the correct one. KF made the changes he felt were necessary to win more consistently. If you look at the changes, each individual change is relative minor thing, but taken as a whole is major change.

1) Name a starting QB early. KF has now has 2 QB controversies in his years and neither played out well. I'd bet he doesn't have another QB conteoversy in his remaining time here.

2) Named BF run game coordinator. Fans really think they forced this? LOL

3) Sped up recruiting time lines and got more aggressive. Also didn't change much, as just 2-3 months ago everyone was saying WTF are we signing these 2* kids. They still evaluate the same and give a middle finger to the star system

4) Updated the running game. Goes hand in hand with point #2

5) Special teams aggressiveness. They stopped just giving up on ST and are playing starters there that are or could be game breakers. For the last 5 years it was all about just catching the ball, not actually trying to be aggressive on ST. This is basically new KF going back to being old school KF when we dominated ST play.

6) Aggressive 4th down play calling. He started his trend last year by going for it a ton. He has expanded it even more with fakes on 4th down.

7) Morning practices. Hard to tell how this affects a team, but it is a significant change.

Once again LOL at those who think fan displeasure forced these tweaks.

Yeah because public pressure never moves any public figure, said the Michigan AD....the old one that was run off.
Yeah because public pressure never moves any public figure, said the Michigan AD....the old one that was run off.

I am with you on this. Public pressure played a factor, to what degree I don't know. For D-vogs to completely dismiss this it is laughable as well.
Dean, it was declining revenue that put the heat on KFs job that prompted him to reevaluate his process.

If you don't believe that you're just fooling yourself.

Sure he could have dug in his heels if he really wanted with out much financial risk because his contract is guaranteed but I think he realized that wasn't the best move.

A program is ultimately dependent on those willing to give money to it in one form or another.
Yeah because public pressure never moves any public figure, said the Michigan AD....the old one that was run off.

What does that have to do with KF? If you honestly think public pressure made KF change to morning practices, appoint BF run game coordinator, revamp his ST, then you are just deluding yourself. I mean if that is what you gotta tell yourself so you can pat yourself on the back, don't let me stop ya. I mean I was also calling for his head, but I don't need to pretend that I forced these changes by dropping my season tickets and calling for his head....

Oh, and who's Alt are you anyway? Obvious alt is obvious. I'm guessing TylerSash, but you could be one of a dozen losers who continue to register alt after alt.

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