Well, well WHAR the whiners?

Dean, it was declining revenue that put the heat on KFs job that prompted him to reevaluate his process.

If you don't believe that you're just fooling yourself.

Sure he could have dug in his heels if he really wanted with out much financial risk because his contract is guaranteed but I think he realized that wasn't the best move.

A program is ultimately dependent on those willing to give money to it in one form or another.

I am with you on this. Public pressure played a factor, to what degree I don't know. For D-vogs to completely dismiss this it is laughable as well.

I get where you are coming from, but I simply disagree. I'm calling out the obvious alt in my post.

I just think too many just want to pat themselves on the back and try to take credit for change because they were critical of KF. Well guess what I was right there as well canceling my season tickets and calling for his head. I just honestly don't thin that is why KF made overhauls to the program. I think it was because he had a team last year that he honestly thought should have won the B1G west, but instead fell apart vs Nebby and Tenn., so he decided to make changes.
alt? I don't know WTF you are talking about and yes, I think fan displeasure forced the change.

Yeah, I think you are an alt. Very few poster who have been on his site for a year with only 150 post would come out attacking and blasting others as you do. It took me years and thousands of posts to get to hat point. In other words you have been around the preverbal block before.
I get where you are coming from, but I simply disagree. I'm calling out the obvious alt in my post. I just think too many just want to pat themselves on the back and try to take credit for change because they were critical of KF. Well guess what I was right there as well canceling my season tickets and calling for his head. I just honestly don't thin that is why KF made overhauls to the program. I think it was because he had a team last year that he honestly thought should have won the B1G west, but instead fell apart vs Nebby and Tenn., so he decided to make changes.

Its not an either or scenario though, both can be true.

But to think loss of revenue played no part just lacks common sense.
I have read the posts on this site for over five years, I joined last year because I was mad enough during the football season to want to express my discontent. The apologists for Ferentz set me off, the complacency of the Hawk fans set me off. We should want and expect more out of this program, I have spent too much money, time at Kinnick and energy cheering for the Hawks to expect anything less. And when I hear and see stupidity in print, I am going to call it out.
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Or course the Iowa athletic department staff isn't sitting around reading message boards, but the posters here are a representation of Iowa fans. So if there was this much discontent here, than you can bet that across the country angst was high.

People express anger in ways like not buying tickets, and not donating money etc. I guarantee KFz made changes based on mass amounts of fan dissatisfaction. Every large program does this. Politics are played out in this arena every day. If Iowa was Iowa state and was thrilled with 7 wins you can bet KFz would not have stepped out of his comfort zone.

Keeping fans happy is the most important thing!
alt? I don't know WTF you are talking about and yes, I think fan displeasure forced the change.

I have to agree. The fans played a part, even if it was an indirect influence. Fan displeasure, emails to the AD, declining ticket sales and season ticket renewals.. I don't know what conversations took place behind closed doors, and I'd guess that the latter things I mentioned regarding ticket sales were probably the only real factor, but this probably made Barta feel some pressure to get things going, and by extension, more pressure on KF.

Is it complete coincidence that KF calls a "we have to talk" presser, renews his dedication to the program, the department sends out surveys to the fan base, etc. etc. all at once? I find that hard to believe.

The fan base was getting fed up, and I think those in the athletic department noticed.
I have to agree. The fans played a part, even if it was an indirect influence. Fan displeasure, emails to the AD, declining ticket sales and season ticket renewals.. I don't know what conversations took place behind closed doors, and I'd guess that the latter things I mentioned regarding ticket sales were probably the only real factor, but this probably made Barta feel some pressure to get things going, and by extension, more pressure on KF.

Is it complete coincidence that KF calls a "we have to talk" presser, renews his dedication to the program, the department sends out surveys to the fan base, etc. etc. all at once? I find that hard to believe.

The fan base was getting fed up, and I think those in the athletic department noticed.

Yep. Like I said in another post. How was last year the last straw when it was no worse than 7 of the last 9 seasons? He could have said who the starter was behind closed doors but he announced it to the world. Dean says guys at the top don't care about the little guy. I would say those guys at the top don't last near as long as the one's who care.
Holy hell, I just got on, Knight is kickin a$$ and takin names..(hey man, missed you this past weekend @ the 'Burg, had a freakin ball), and then he gets mirandized.........give him a break boyz.....

I was at the Wartburg-Central game, watching the Iowa game on my phone. My brother in law is the offensive line coach for Central. He said last year Central was 8th in the nation in being least penalized.... and they were 3rd in the IIAC. They don't throw many flags in the Iowa Conference games. There were two pass interference calls that were blatantly missed and several holding calls missed; heck, one of the holding calls looked like the tackle was square-dancing with the defensive end - had his arm locked inside and everything with no call. Lots of good defense played by both teams, though.

And I don't believe for a second that Kirk reads these posts and thinks "Oh, boy! I better get my act together or those posters on HN are going to get me fired!" Unfortunately, there are several here that think that's exactly what happened.
its amazing that you think anyone thinks this because no one thinks this.

By the end of last year the administration and the staff were well aware of what the fan base was thinking.

And no one thinks it was because of message boards.

Have you read the posts on this thread? Do you really believe that "no one thinks it was because of message boards"? There are several posters in this thread that have claimed that their posts were what affected Kirk.
Yep. Like I said in another post. How was last year the last straw when it was no worse than 7 of the last 9 seasons? He could have said who the starter was behind closed doors but he announced it to the world. Dean says guys at the top don't care about the little guy. I would say those guys at the top don't last near as long as the one's who care.

Don't put words in my mouth. I never said nobody cares what the little guys thinks. I said that KF isn't going to make changes just because fans are upset and mad. Plus I think it is ironic that the same crowd that says KF is too stubborn, too set in his ways, is now all of a sudden making changes because the fans are mad? I am consistent, and I do think KF is stubborn, and the only way he is gonna change is if he thinks it is needed, not because some fans are unhappy. I have never seen anything from KF over the last 17 years that makes me think that he would make 1 single small change just to make a fan happy.

I do think that Barta, and the athletic department are 100% responding to fan displeasure. They are making and have made a ton of big and small changes. More are coming as well, and I'm sure this board will be talking about it soon enough.
And I don't believe for a second that Kirk reads these posts . . . .

Are you saying Kirk doesn't visit the interwebs? Doesn't read message boards? Doesn't know what twitter is? Way to go winner, you just accused him of being out of touch. . . . After thinking about it for a second, prior to this season, you might've just pinpointed the problem.
I have read the posts on this site for over five years, I joined last year because I was mad enough during the football season to want to express my discontent. The apologists for Ferentz set me off, the complacency of the Hawk fans set me off. We should want and expect more out of this program, I have spent too much money, time at Kinnick and energy cheering for the Hawks to expect anything less. And when I hear and see stupidity in print, I am going to call it out.

Gotcha, so you are going all Micheal Douglas Falling Down on Hawkeye Nation. :rolleyes:

I don't know how people can read that Kirk changed because of fan displeasure and all they can come up with is Kirk doesn't read message boards.

I will say again that I don't think he changed because of fan displeasure. I think he changed because he took a hard look at the last five games of the season last year. Not that we lost 4 of those 5 games, but HOW we lost 4 of those 5. Any coach that doesn't look at what happened the season before and then tries to incorporate ideas that would improve his team's performance shouldn't be a coach. How many times did he and his staff go to meetings with other coaching staffs trying to glean information on changing? We can go through this forum and find a number of times the Iowa staff did just that. In particular I recall a meeting the the Green Bay Packers staff.
I have to agree. The fans played a part, even if it was an indirect influence. Fan displeasure, emails to the AD, declining ticket sales and season ticket renewals.. I don't know what conversations took place behind closed doors, and I'd guess that the latter things I mentioned regarding ticket sales were probably the only real factor, but this probably made Barta feel some pressure to get things going, and by extension, more pressure on KF.

Is it complete coincidence that KF calls a "we have to talk" presser, renews his dedication to the program, the department sends out surveys to the fan base, etc. etc. all at once? I find that hard to believe.

The fan base was getting fed up, and I think those in the athletic department noticed.

It probably looked something like this:

Every time I read reference to these closed-door meetings, this clip comes to mind. Somebody with some editing skill should paste the faces of Barta and football coaches into this video, and replace the list of atrocities with a list of recent football atrocities. Of course, Greg Davis would have to be the guy reluctant to give "harumph."
I think the changes are probably largely attributable to the normal, end-of-the-year review process that the coaches have gone through each year, with a strong boost in motivation provided by fan displeasure. Really, there have been no sweeping changes in how the program is run, just small (but visible) things. The biggest difference is they have won close games instead of losing close games so far.

If you are a fan who did not renew tickets, bought fewer game tickets, or bought less merchandise, you probably played a role in bringing this about. If you are one of those fans who appreciates what Coach Ferentz did in the first 6 years of his tenure, but you have expressed dissatisfaction with the recent product, the win-loss record over the last decade, or the general direction of the program, you probably played a role.

On the other hand, if you are among the small number who use inflammatory rhetoric to constantly decry the program, tossing out terms like moron, idiotic, clueless, worst coach in the country, etc., you do not get to take credit. You clearly do not know the game of football, and you would be tossing out the same criticisms if Vince Lombardi was coaching the team. Your unceasing negativity is a constant, irritating background noise whether things are going good or bad, and as such does not represent the overall mood of the fan-base and is not given much consideration.
Are you saying Kirk doesn't visit the interwebs? Doesn't read message boards? Doesn't know what twitter is? Way to go winner, you just accused him of being out of touch. . . . After thinking about it for a second, prior to this season, you might've just pinpointed the problem.

Where did I say that? What I said was I don't think he reads HN.
Have you read the posts on this thread? Do you really believe that "no one thinks it was because of message boards"? There are several posters in this thread that have claimed that their posts were what affected Kirk.

Yes I've read them and I'm positive no one is is claiming message boards are the reason for anything.

Not sure where you're getting that.

Saying KF felt pressure from fans is not even close to saying he reads message boards.
As for whether or not KF reads message boards.. I doubt it. I would hope he has more important things to do, like coaching this football program.

But it seems pretty obvious that it's known what goes on with these boards - how many times do you hear announcers, etc. talk about the rumblings from the fan base during games? I'm sure message board negativity is a part of what they're referring to. Not that I think KF cares much what us armchair QB's think, but I doubt he's completely oblivious to the fact that it's been negative out here, either.

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