Well some Hawk fans may get their wish

Maybe they'll go after O'Keefe?

Or maybe they'll go after CPR.

Either way, while there is some negative stigma with this position now the fact is, all you have to do to not fail at this job is not have a member of your staff rape children and then not report it. The bar has been set pretty low.
I tend not to worry about things that I have no control over. If Ferentz decided to leave, I'm confident Iowa would find a competent coach to take over the program.

Having said that, I don't think Ferentz would ever jump from one Big Ten school to another. It just won't happen.
The Iowa program has had it's own issues where criminal activity has not been handled very well by the football program (rape charges). That may influence how much PSU wants Ferentz.
I tend not to worry about things that I have no control over. If Ferentz decided to leave, I'm confident Iowa would find a competent coach to take over the program.

Having said that, I don't think Ferentz would ever jump from one Big Ten school to another. It just won't happen.

I agree, the likelihood of the most pragmatic coach in history deciding to all of a sudden decide to try and jump his motorcycle over this canyon is very very small.
To understand why Kirk will not go to Penn State, you have to understand what things are important to Kirk.

If you don't understand now, you never will.
I just hope that PSU doesn't go after Ron Zook. I know that he is #1 on every AD's list for a head coach (including PSU), so I am a little nervous. It does make me feel better though knowing that he is currently at his dream job.
care to elaborate on your comment on sex crimes, as i believe they have all been in court and have been removed from the program, unlike PennSodomyU, where they just keep it in house
among other reasons, why would Ferentz leave almost 4mil a year for just over 1? If PSU wouldn't pay the most winningest coach in college football more than 1, why would anyone else get it?
among other reasons, why would Ferentz leave almost 4mil a year for just over 1? If PSU wouldn't pay the most winningest coach in college football more than 1, why would anyone else get it?

They were paying JoePa exactly what he wanted. JoePa was making about $500,000/year from PSU. He turned down countless raises, and did not want to bleed anybody. PSU will absolutely be paying their next coach, if it is a big name, much more right out of the gate than Joe Pa was making.
I just hope that PSU doesn't go after Ron Zook. I know that he is #1 on every AD's list for a head coach (including PSU), so I am a little nervous. It does make me feel better though knowing that he is currently at his dream job.

oh no, another OK4P alter ego...
Leave it to a dumb**** ISU fan to rile up the whole board in regards to a situation that would never conceivably happen. In a normal circumstance that JoePa leaves Kirk would be a fool to take the job. It's very rare a coach leaves one school and goes directly to a conference foe. Now on top of that add all the toxic **** out there that is engulfing PSU. If Kirk left to take the PSU job I would chop my left nut off..seriously.
Yeah, no stability there right now and wont be for well over a year closer to two probably. Kirk would have to win there and win often to help turn things around and I don't see recruiting being very easy there in the near future.
You never want to be the guy after "the guy".....you want to be the guy after the guy after "the guy"
Damn you post a new story about Iowa on an Iowa website, you give your opinion on it, and you get a lot of internet tough guys calling you a clown and idiot.
It's not us being internet tough guys....get a clue...its easy to pick up on an idiot by reading what he writes! That idiot is you!

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