Wegher, Robinson and Hampton??

LOL. You don't think Hampton is a problem child? Then you aren't paying much attention. Jewell will unquestionably do time at some point in his life if he doesn't get his act together.

Is it unfair to lump Wegher in with Hamption and Robinson? Maybe. But let's fact it, the guy has exhibited erratic behavior and is not exactly a sure bet to graduate from college. Let's hope the Wegher family business is as successful as some claim, because it might be Brandon's best (only?) chance at success.

Expand on this.
Expand on this.

Jewell Hampton is a daily user/abuser of marijuana. This is a FACT and is a big reason he is no longer in the Iowa program. Whether you're a part of the legalize it crowd or not, it is illegal and is going to cause Jewell problems going forward. Clear enough?
He is going to look back at this when older and wished he would have stayed. It's easy to not realize what your giving up at the time.

Maybe he'll look back on this time and be thankful that he grew a lot. Maybe he's growing up right now. Can't fault him for that. There is more to life than football.
Jewell Hampton is a daily user/abuser of marijuana. This is a FACT and is a big reason he is no longer in the Iowa program. Whether you're a part of the legalize it crowd or not, it is illegal and is going to cause Jewell problems going forward. Clear enough?

I know many daily marijuana users that have never spent time in jail.
Jewell Hampton is a daily user/abuser of marijuana. This is a FACT and is a big reason he is no longer in the Iowa program. Whether you're a part of the legalize it crowd or not, it is illegal and is going to cause Jewell problems going forward. Clear enough?

JD - I hope you gave this guy the banhammer like I received back in the fall for making a similar comment about ARob which was later proven to be true, by the way.
I know many daily marijuana users that have never spent time in jail.

I know many that have because of their own stupidity. And Jewell has exhibited plenty of stupidity related to marijuana in the last couple years...whether its failing drug tests or securing/smoking it with fans that he doesn't even know.
I know many that have because of their own stupidity. And Jewell has exhibited plenty of stupidity related to marijuana in the last couple years...whether its failing drug tests or securing/smoking it with fans that he doesn't even know.

Neither of those things would land him in jail either.
You're a piece of work.

You can live in the fantasy land that says young African American males with drug issues usually go on to live productive lives. I'll live in reality.

Three years from now, football will be in Jewell Hampton's rearview mirror. Let's hope he's prepared himself to live in a world where his athletic talents mean nothing.
You can live in the fantasy land that says young African American males with drug issues usually go on to live productive lives. I'll live in reality.

Three years from now, football will be in Jewell Hampton's rearview mirror. Let's hope he's prepared himself to live in a world where his athletic talents mean nothing.

As oppose to the white ones that go on to lead productive lives? Maybe these guys will mature and figure it out, maybe they won't.....I don't have a clue which path they will take and neither do you.
You can live in the fantasy land that says young African American males with drug issues usually go on to live productive lives. I'll live in reality.

Three years from now, football will be in Jewell Hampton's rearview mirror. Let's hope he's prepared himself to live in a world where his athletic talents mean nothing.

Bout called you racist in my first response. I'm glad I let you out yourself.
As oppose to the white ones that go on to lead productive lives? Maybe these guys will mature and figure it out, maybe they won't.....I don't have a clue which path they will take and neither do you.

yeah he does. Jewel's black so he's obviously going to do some time.
Bout called you racist in my first response. I'm glad I let you out yourself.

OK. Clearly a little racism there. But I kinda agree with his earlier point. Good for you that you know plenty of daily marijuana users that avoid jail. Fact is, it is illegal and Jewel (and your friends) are playing a numbers game if you think it won't catch up with you. How many daily marijuana user ARE in jail? Plenty. Being a local celebrity only heightens your chance of getting picked up (regardless of skin color).
OK. Clearly a little racism there. But I kinda agree with his earlier point. Good for you that you know plenty of daily marijuana users that avoid jail. Fact is, it is illegal and Jewel (and your friends) are playing a numbers game if you think it won't catch up with you. How many daily marijuana user ARE in jail? Plenty. Being a local celebrity only heightens your chance of getting picked up (regardless of skin color).

Is it racist if the statistics back it up? Or is it less racist to pretend there isn't a problem and do nothing about it (allowing the problem to get worse)?

By the way, please note that the stats I provide are from Morehouse College's "Morehouse Male Initiative"....a historically black university for males.
You're a very confused, ignorant person.

Statistics supporting a high number of African Americans in prison are just that...statistics.

you assuming someone will spend time in the pen because they are black is racism.

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