Wegher Back on Friday??

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So I kind of skimmed through this thread, but judging by no buzz about it, I'm assuming Wegher wasn't at practice today???
Kirk himself said 6 days ago that he would be surprised if Brandon didn't return, or something along those lines. Which means everyone expects that. The only story remaining on this is if he chooses not to return. What we have here is akin to the game run on Doyle Lonnigan in the movie 'The Sting' or the set up to convince him to place his huge wager. I think they called it past posting

God I love that movie.
. What we have here is akin to the game run on Doyle Lonnigan in the movie 'The Sting' or the set up to convince him to place his huge wager.

Who said i did? Quit starting **** on every single thread.

Stop being a baby. I may not have posted much on this new incarnation of Hawkeyenation but I called people out for being morons on the old site & I'll do it here too. & I am the furtherest thing from a negative poster.

Some forums on this website (& TOS) are nothing short of a men's version of TMZ with a focus on an obsession with teenage boys. & other forums are very educational, mature, & inviting. You will be enlightened when you leave the former & become immersed in the latter.
Stop being a baby. I may not have posted much on this new incarnation of Hawkeyenation but I called people out for being morons on the old site & I'll do it here too. & I am the furtherest thing from a negative poster.

Some forums on this website (& TOS) are nothing short of a men's version of TMZ with a focus on an obsession with teenage boys. & other forums are very educational, mature, & inviting. You will be enlightened when you leave the former & become immersed in the latter.

Those are the threads started by DOCB.
KF said: "His intentions are to stay in school and get comfortable with things and that is where it is at right now. "

With that in mind and the fact that classes begin on Monday, its a pretty safe bet he will be back on Campus real soon. When/if he rejoins the team remains the mystery. My gut is telling me at this point, he will burn his red shirt this year.

Rather then throw away a football career, i would be okay if he took a red shirt year to deal with whatever he is dealing with, and come back next year. will this team win without him.? Yes. But i have to admit, i love watching him play, and leaving everything he has on the field. I hope he returns this season. If not i hope for next year.
Me being a baby? You have 23 posts and 3 of them are begging Jon to boot me.

ZERO are me begging Jon to boot you. I have several 1000 posts on the old site & stopped posting there when the scout sites started dropping **** on peoples computers. Yes, you are a baby. I called your bluff & total ********, when you said that you'd drop your season tickets because you can't carry a beer down melrose; as if Iowa City is some facist community.

You'd be stupid to get rid of your season tickets when demand is this high, it might be years before you get them back. You know that. I know that. & If you'd drop your tickets for something as petty as not being able to walk down melrose with a beer in your hand, yes, you are a baby. It's against the law, plain and simple. If you read the papers in IC you'd find out that they aren't trying to put a cap on tailgating, and hell, you can tailgate for an entire week after a game, drinking as much beer as you want, as long as you are not on University property.

I quit drinking 1 1/2 years ago. Not cause I had to but because I wanted to. There are far more important things in life. I don't condemn it, I still go out with my friends, I still tailgate but it gives you a different appreciation for things. They didn't go prohibition on your ***, they didn't tell you to stop drinking, you could crush a case in the hour before the game. Whine.
Wegher is not back with the team, he is not back at practice. Kirk confirmed this tonight on Fox Sports Radio. So endeth the latest myth.
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