We need to get to a 7 man rotation

I agree that it is a small sample size. My point was really only to point out that the back up 1-2 spots are not getting it done thus far into conference play which of course may chang in the future.

Nonetheless, in regards to is there a big drop off when Fran makes substitions... The answer is absolutley yes because of the 2 spot. Even if all other positions were deemed equal, if we take Marble from the 2, at this point we have nobody that can come in and play that position.

Obviously we don't have another guy on the team that can play at Marble's level, which could be an issue going forward. Outside of that, I don't think you see much of a drop off. Since Clemmons and Gesell have stepped on campus, they have been a solid 1-2 punch.

That said, you can't play Marble 40 minutes a game. You saw what happened in the Bahamas with the cramps and he has been dealing with back spasms as well. He simply will not hold up if you overwork him. I'm also not willing to throw in the towel on Oglesby yet. He has only played in 3 games this year (sparingly I might add) so I think it's safe to say he he could pick it up a bit.

But again, as a whole I do not see much of a drop off when the subs come in vs the starters. There isn't another guy on the team who can score in the way Marble does but there are other guys who can put the ball in the bucket running the offense the way it's designed. Also, the next best shot creator on the team IMO is Uthoff and I imagine that's the reason he comes off the bench, so he can do just that when Dev is not on the floor.
As usual, you don't read teh content, just the username. They need to be playing that many minutes every game is the point of the post. Not sure why you constantly dig for contradictions just makes you look desperate. We are all aware that you never produce any original content of your own and just leech off of others that actually put themselves out there to make yourself look cool or whatever it is your going for.

So your point is marble and white should of been playing 35 minutes a game against Farliegh Dickinson? Marble played 36 vs ND 32 vs Xavier(I believe hurt at end of game) . Whtie 30 plus in all meaningful games this year too. Fran is upping the minutes to the better players when we need it
In Iowa's 7 games against teams with a pulse thus far (Drake, Xavier, Nova, ND, ISU, Nebraska and Wisky), Marble has averaged 34.7 mpg (the Drake game brings that down). White has averaged 31.7 mpg (again, the Drake game brings that down). That's not that far off from what you're calling for.

They're playing the kind of minutes you'd expect relative to the opponent. They aren't going to have averages of 35 mpg for the season, especially when the majority of their games have come against crap competition where they sit most of the second half.

Yeah, but what he get against Farliegh Dickinson?

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