We don't deserve an NCAA berth

Nope using my iPhone and trying to type to fast.
Hah I am buzzed and using my ipad. I don't care about spelling you should admit your drunk because your thought that the hawks should be in the dance is not based in reality.
By you sir I mean Xerxes. How can you say that after the game they played tonight. Winning seven of the last ten.

I'm assuming you are talking about the 1 and done comment about the NIT?

1997, Iowa just missed the NCAA, lost to Indiana badly in their finale. Lost opening round of NIT at home.

2002, Iowa made a run to the BTT final with Recker & Evans. Lost in opening round of NIT at home.

The NIT is like bowl games. It isn't the best teams that win, its the most motivated. As I said, Fran has his work cut out for him. No easy to get a team up for a worthless tournament when they were so close to making the one that matters.
Nice try Paco, I challenge you to a game of one on one right now. Just because I am more athletic, cuter, and faster than you and you can't keep up and see what happens in a game when you officiate doesn't mean I won't throw you a bone. I have played, officiated, and coached, and it isn't my fault you don't make enough money at your day job that you have to officiate games for extra money.
Why you so mad?
Michigan State by virtue of being Michigan State gets the calls. It was obvious in this game. A player literally crashed down on Marble while he was shooting and no call yet White gets called with a ticky-tack foul during the most crucial part of the game. What are we missing?

THIS.....not missing anything...
I'm assuming you are talking about the 1 and done comment about the NIT?

1997, Iowa just missed the NCAA, lost to Indiana badly in their finale. Lost opening round of NIT at home.

2002, Iowa made a run to the BTT final with Recker & Evans. Lost in opening round of NIT at home.

The NIT is like bowl games. It isn't the best teams that win, its the most motivated. As I said, Fran has his work cut out for him. No easy to get a team up for a worthless tournament when they were so close to making the one that matters.

Why did you leave off 1995? That's probably the best comparison to this team.
Nice try Paco, I challenge you to a game of one on one right now. Just because I am more athletic, cuter, and faster than you and you can't keep up and see what happens in a game when you officiate doesn't mean I won't throw you a bone. I have played, officiated, and coached, and it isn't my fault you don't make enough money at your day job that you have to officiate games for extra money.

You were probably as bad of an official as you were a player and coach. Iowa got plenty of calls tonight. There were several lose ball calls that went our way. Gessel got a break on that and one early in the first half. The officials weren't perfect but they didn't decide this one.
You were probably as bad of an official as you were a player and coach. Iowa got plenty of calls tonight. There were several lose ball calls that went our way. Gessel got a break on that and one early in the first half. The officials weren't perfect but they didn't decide this one.

keep telling yourself that, just like you tell yourself you didn't cost any teams game during your officiating career. Name a time and place and I will take you on one on one. You ever ref a state tournament Duff?
We will all recover from this. Nice weather is on the way for all us Iowans. It will be a long 8 months until next season tips off but we have a great bunch of young men and coaches representing this program. Next year IS the year we make the dance! Until then..play golf, work hard, drink beer and love the people you love. Go Hawks!!
They made $1,000+ tonight, and they didn't decide ****. Quit blaming officials that you were bad as a player and washed out as a coach.
keep telling yourself that, just like you tell yourself you didn't cost any teams game during your officiating career. Name a time and place and I will take you on one on one. You ever ref a state tournament Duff?

Substate final is as far as I've gone.
This team is young and just a year away. Just part of the growth process for the program. Hopefully they can make a nice run in the NIT. I can see them possibly getting to the Final 4 of the NIT in New York if the team shows up motivated to play in that tourney.

They made $1,000+ tonight, and they didn't decide ****. Quit blaming officials that you were bad as a player and washed out as a coach.

Duff, come on. I realize we had more than enough chances to win the game, but are you honestly going to say that the refs did a good job tonight? I have done my share of games, and yes, it is the hardest sport to officiate, baseball is a piece of cake compared to basketball and in football nobody knows which ref has the responsiblity for what. Do you honestly think this was a well officiated game? I will not blame the refs for the loss, but this was a totally inconsisent crew, no?
Do I agree with every call? No. Do I feel like we got a fair shake and had every opportunity to win that game? Yes.
Ew this thread....

While I agree that Iowa has not closed out close games I disagree about Iowa not deserving to get in.

Iowa has 2 bad losses? Maybe 3. They can hang with the top ranked teams in the nation. They were 6th in their conference of 12. Their conference was probably the best conference in the nation.

Iowa is more deserving than some other teams that will get in. Example: a team wins their conference tourney and gets an automatic bid but their overall record is way under .500... Deserving?

Iowa is on the edge and should be a bubble team at least IMO. The word deserving and the NCAA selection process just don't fit together honestly.
LaSalle is pretty tough though, they would give DMACC and SWCC a run for their money, so they will get in the tourney over Iowa.

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