We changed the forum landing page

Re: OK ... I officially dislike this new landing page.

I would tend to agree too. I like the splash page of most recent topics, even if it does have too many political posts.
I will take this stuff into consideration, and am gonna switch the landing page back to how it was until we roll out the redesign...probably should have done that anyway.

If we do stick with a catch all landing page, its likely not going to include the OT stuff. I like the OT stuff for the most part, but its not for everyone...so those that like it, including myself, can click on the OT forum...the melting pot landing page may just be for Hawkeye stuff...and perhaps we'll wait to make that change in late July.

See, I can be flexible ;)
Re: OK ... I officially dislike this new landing page.

I would tend to agree too. I like the splash page of most recent topics, even if it does have too many political posts.

Which is nice that you can turn off, until those guys start posting them under off topic.

I think the recent activity should show football/recruiting/basketball for the landing page. Then if you wanna go over some rival/off topic/political discussions you can use the menu on the left.
I'm not a big poster on this site but usually visit the site two or three times per day and I too prefer the "catch-all page" and probably use it 95% of the time. Looking through each forum topic just takes too long. In fact, on the redesign it would be nice if there was the ability to scroll through past pages of "catch-all" pages like you can with the individual forum topics rather than just having the most recent 30 or so strings.
I'm not a big poster on this site but usually visit the site two or three times per day and I too prefer the "catch-all page" and probably use it 95% of the time. Looking through each forum topic just takes too long. In fact, on the redesign it would be nice if there was the ability to scroll through past pages of "catch-all" pages like you can with the individual forum topics rather than just having the most recent 30 or so strings.

From the catch all page, you can click on Recent Threads just above the actual posts...it shows a long list of the most recent threads

HawkeyeNation Forum - Recent Threads
I will take this stuff into consideration, and am gonna switch the landing page back to how it was until we roll out the redesign...probably should have done that anyway.

If we do stick with a catch all landing page, its likely not going to include the OT stuff. I like the OT stuff for the most part, but its not for everyone...so those that like it, including myself, can click on the OT forum...the melting pot landing page may just be for Hawkeye stuff...and perhaps we'll wait to make that change in late July.

See, I can be flexible ;)

I will take this stuff into consideration, and am gonna switch the landing page back to how it was until we roll out the redesign...probably should have done that anyway.

If we do stick with a catch all landing page, its likely not going to include the OT stuff. I like the OT stuff for the most part, but its not for everyone...so those that like it, including myself, can click on the OT forum...the melting pot landing page may just be for Hawkeye stuff...and perhaps we'll wait to make that change in late July.

See, I can be flexible ;)

Jon, I don't understand the concerns regarding the OT stuff. We all know the reason its so prevalent now is because there just isn't much hawkeye stuff to talk about. We all know that in a few months practice will start, players will start being seen on mopeds and on police blotters, and the conversations will shift back toward football. Until then you should just be thankful you have a community of people willing to hang around and give you web hits and a product you can sell to advertisers.

Bottom line, its not like these OT posts are, or ever have, gotten in the way of sports fans getting their hawkeye fix from your website.
Jon, I don't understand the concerns regarding the OT stuff. We all know the reason its so prevalent now is because there just isn't much hawkeye stuff to talk about. We all know that in a few months practice will start, players will start being seen on mopeds and on police blotters, and the conversations will shift back toward football. Until then you should just be thankful you have a community of people willing to hang around and give you web hits and a product you can sell to advertisers.

Bottom line, its not like these OT posts are, or ever have, gotten in the way of sports fans getting their hawkeye fix from your website.

+1 Duffman!
When you hit this landing page, if you're observant, you see on the right side which forum that the post belongs to. It also displays on the mobile version. Soooo....if you don't want to look at an off topic or political thread and you can't tell it's not sports related by the subject title, just look at what forum it's from. If it says off topic, don't click on it. The off topic thread is just that...it's not sports related and it's not supposed to be political. There's plenty of times I'm not interested in the political threads so if I see that a post is in the political forum I may not open it until later. Same goes for seeing who started a thread. If it's Mesaclone, I may never open it. If it's Duffman; click! :D

I sure hope I didn't just waste my 2000 post in this thread!
thank you for reverting the landing page. I do not like having to go to multiple forums to keep up with recent threads. That's why I don't visit HI much anymore.... Also, I'd keep the OT stuff in there, like another poster said, in-season the OT stuff is less active.
Why not just have the ot posts highlighted so that those who want to easily filter between sports vs. ot posts can do so visually and quickly.

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