"We cant even get that right"

I don't mind him bringing it up at all. As I said, if I were the head coach I would be ******. I just don't see why anyone else cares.

Thought you were sick of negativity after wins? Or are you a fan of throwing a kid under the bus?
CJB didn't even change the play. A run is a run. They called his number to run through hole 1, and he saw an opening and ran through hole 3. If you don't want a kid to advance the ball, then call for him to take knee.
At an away game? Ok
Don't you ever tire of trolling your team, coach and fanbase on this board?

So there is no excuse for this comment. I point it out and now Im the bad guy just because you want to think kirk is perfect?

So as long as I look past this poor choice of kirks can I be a good fan like you?
But perhaps Kurt was talking about the play the Hawks had to use a TO because the correct call wasn't coming in. The TD play was after that.
But perhaps Kurt was talking about the play the Hawks had to use a TO because the correct call wasn't coming in. The TD play was after that.
This will be ignored because it doesn't fit the whinefest.
The funniest part in all of this is the troll is the one who's getting trolled the hardest. Who gets bothered about something so petty? Kirk trolls OOTH like a boss.
Good thing youre a nurse dp I might need help for that sick burn.

But perhaps Kurt was talking about the play the Hawks had to use a TO because the correct call wasn't coming in. The TD play was after that.

Whoa. R u saying ooth might have jumped the shark due to his hate for KF. Naahhh.

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