We are Hostages


Well-Known Member
After reading another of KF's yet again, tired, pointless pressers, I am coming to terms with the fact that this man is holding us hostage and I cannot say I am pleased. Now, I realize not actually hostage (i.e.--guests of Al Queda or pirates), but hostage in the sense that KF won't relinquish the FB program from bondage until he is paid his money. He knows the University simply cannot afford a 20M buyout and thus, he is simply biding his time, chewing gum, toying with the media and fans, getting paid a couple hundred K a month and all the while driving this program into the ground. Iowa has not done squat in 3 years. 2010 was a complete joke given the talent. This year Iowa's schedule is soft as a kitty and we have lost to ISU, some direction Mich school, NW and Indiana. There is no excuse whatsoever for that other than **** poor coaching, game preparation and recruiting

Some media outlet should write a story about what is going on in IC. Under no circumstances at any other school would these type of results be tolerated given the resources poured into the Iowa program. Yet, because of this insane contract, there is no viable recourse and the only option is to simply take it until 2020. Its almost unbelievable.

Please, no "I lived through the 1950s" responses please. Apples and oranges.
After reading another of KF's yet again, tired, pointless pressers, I am coming to terms with the fact that this man is holding us hostage and I cannot say I am pleased. Now, I realize not actually hostage (i.e.--guests of Al Queda or pirates), but hostage in the sense that KF won't relinquish the FB program from bondage until he is paid his money. He knows the University simply cannot afford a 20M buyout and thus, he is simply biding his time, chewing gum, toying with the media and fans, getting paid a couple hundred K a month and all the while driving this program into the ground. Iowa has not done squat in 3 years. 2010 was a complete joke given the talent. This year Iowa's schedule is soft as a kitty and we have lost to ISU, some direction Mich school, NW and Indiana. There is no excuse whatsoever for that other than **** poor coaching, game preparation and recruiting

Some media outlet should write a story about what is going on in IC. Under no circumstances at any other school would these type of results be tolerated given the resources poured into the Iowa program. Yet, because of this insane contract, there is no viable recourse and the only option is to simply take it until 2020. Its almost unbelievable.

Please, no "I lived through the 1950s" responses please. Apples and oranges.

You are 100% correct.
HAHA... I think the true answer lies somewhere in between these last two posts. Everyone has their own opinion.

I think we can all agree that the program is far from where we would like it to be right now. Ferentz is in charge and he's compensated very well for that. If the fault lies on any one man's shoulders it's his.
Or someone needs to give him a push.

Your assumptions aren't logical. Ferentz wants to win. Why would he bring his son back to Iowa City if his modus operandi now is to hold everybody "hostage" and collect his money? Parents don't work that way - he is convinced that Iowa can win big again, and he brought his son back to help him accomplish that goal and help his son become a great coach.

Can he win again? I think it will depend on the quality of his coaching staff, which is really his primary job as head coach. He had a very good staff for a long time (Norm Parker and KOK were a lot better than a lot of people think). Now he has to replace those two guys. Were the two replacements the right selections? Does he have the right people doing the recruiting?

I simply don't know, but assuming that his sole motivation is to "collect his money" simply defies logic. He isn't built that way.
Soon (with 5 years) we will be back to 7-5, then all will be right with the world.

Exactly. Hard to understand the blinders that some choose to keep on. The program is in poor shape and heading in the wrong direction. It's sort of like arguing with a drunk ... they just don't see it, or they refuse to see it.
Good grief.

I know we are not pleased with the results this year, but it ain't like the man and those around him are tanking on purpose.
Good grief.

I know we are not pleased with the results this year, but it ain't like the man and those around him are tanking on purpose.

You just need to start pulling some of this crap. There are freaking cycles. We are not good this year. So what. We have some guys who, at least according to scouting, look like they could contribute in a major way in a few years. Texas had a 5-7 year in 2010. Colorado was awesome and they have fallen off the face of the Earth. Tennessee had a prolonged drought. Michigan nearly tanked their football program with one bad hire. No program is immune from a bad year here and there.
Oh, and Auburn royally sucks just a few short years after winning it all. If you proles want something where the outcome is guaranteed, buy a freaking Playstation and NCAA 2013 by EA Sports.
I don't think anyone is saying they are doing it on purpose. I think that people are upset that he appears to not know how to fix it or is too stubborn to try. He just doesn't get why people are upset. He acts like we are so lucky to have him and we should never question his abilities. It's comes off to me that he thinks he is one of the top minds in the sport but he gets below average results. Arrogance, yeah that's it.

It's ok for people to call him out and want him to leave. He has had a below average program 7 out of the last eight years. It's ok not to defend him at every turn. IMO.
You just need to start pulling some of this crap. There are freaking cycles. We are not good this year. So what. We have some guys who, at least according to scouting, look like they could contribute in a major way in a few years. Texas had a 5-7 year in 2010. Colorado was awesome and they have fallen off the face of the Earth. Tennessee had a prolonged drought. Michigan nearly tanked their football program with one bad hire. No program is immune from a bad year here and there.

Iowa has had seven bad years in the last eight. I know Jon makes money off the U of I and gets passes to games and other perks for free so maybe that's why he defends KF so much. Do you have tickets and donate to the scholarship funds? I just find it funny that the biggest supporters of KF don't seem to have any skin in the game. Not trying to call you out, I'm just wondering what your devotion is?
Good grief.

I know we are not pleased with the results this year, but it ain't like the man and those around him are tanking on purpose.

I don't think they are actually playing bridge instead of coaching. I do think the team is playing like they are being taught bridge instead of football. I do think some of the "talent" on this team is more suited for the bridge team than the fb team. That is all on this coaching staff and the most overpaid coach in CFB. This is the results business. The results suck and have sucked for going on 3 years now.

Someone brought up Auburn. Perfect example. Chiz wins the NC 2 years ago and he is going to be canned this year b/c he is clearly not cutting it. Its the results business fellas. Everywhere but IC apparently. KF may very well have the best job of all time. Even better than a playboy photographer. His lawyer should win the highest lawyering award there is for negotiating that K. He preyed on ol' Gar-B like a lion vs. an injured gazelle.

I am not on the ledge, don't care enough for that. I am more annoyed out of a sense of equity than anything. I don't like the sense of just getting flat out ripped off. But hey, I guess the world aint fair.
Iowa has had seven bad years in the last eight. I know Jon makes money off the U of I and gets passes to games and other perks for free so maybe that's why he defends KF so much. Do you have tickets and donate to the scholarship funds? I just find it funny that the biggest supporters of KF don't seem to have any skin in the game. Not trying to call you out, I'm just wondering what your devotion is?

Yeah, I do. I have two season tickets that require an $800 a year contribution plus the cost of tickets. I melted down a few years ago and got Northwestern tickets too because I can't always make it back to IC for games and I get my fill of tailgating closer to home. Listening to delusional Northwestern fans has helped me become a less delusional Hawk fan. Every year I tell myself I'll pull out and stop getting Iowa tickets because they're so expensive for the quality on the field but I never do. And there are several thousand ticket holders who probably do the same.

All in, if you are coming from Chicagoland, the trips have gotten mighty expensive with motel costs and such and with the draconian tailgating rules, I'm content staying closer to home where I can bring a keg and hard liquor to the parking lot without getting harassed by Solon's finest. I've been saying for years Iowa's tickets are way overpriced, but I just can't cut my losses because I was raised a Hawk fan and work permitting, I'll be there this Saturday watching the Purdue game (fun fact, the Hawks have never lost to Purdue when I am in attendance).
I don't think anyone is saying they are doing it on purpose. I think that people are upset that he appears to not know how to fix it or is too stubborn to try. He just doesn't get why people are upset. He acts like we are so lucky to have him and we should never question his abilities. It's comes off to me that he thinks he is one of the top minds in the sport but he gets below average results. Arrogance, yeah that's it.

It's ok for people to call him out and want him to leave. He has had a below average program 7 out of the last eight years. It's ok not to defend him at every turn. IMO.

Agree. You have a quarterback with FOUR TD passes in 9 games! You were BLOWN OUT at home against Penn State. I think had he at least put another QB in that game for even a couple series, the fans wouldn't be quite so restless.

If he was correct and JVB was superior, then we'd be a lot more accepting. I truly believe he thinks JVB is their best QB but I also believe he doesn't want to take a chance on being wrong. The safe thing for him at this point is to ride JVB the rest of the way, barring injury.

If it's the best team you got, then it's the best you got. The fans just don't believe it, at least for one position, and we WILL NEVER KNOW and that's the way KF wants to keep it. If JVB goes down with injury and the backup comes in and produces, this place will go crazy. I think KF really, really fears that happening at this point.

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