We are good enough to win out


Well-Known Member
We lost a close, hard fought game yesterday. We made too many mistakes. We beat Wisconsin 7 of 10 times in my opinion. We beat Wisconsin @ Kinnick a higher percentage of time than we beat Michigan in Ann Arbor in my opinion. Tolzein played flawless outside of his INT. He doesnt' do that normally. He isn't as good of a quarterback as he looked yesterday.

We are good enough to win out. Our offense impressed me more yesterday than they have in a long, long time. We won't face a better offensive line and rushing attack again this year. And I don't think we'll face another quarterback that will play as well as Tolzein played yesterday.

I think Wisconsin has another loss in them. They still have to visit Michigan. They still have to play NW which is a team they've struggled with (we have too), and they still have to visit Purdue and Indiana. I don't think they're good enough to run the table.

Ferentz is too good of coach for us to do no worse than 3-2 the rest of the way, and this team has too much talent.

Yes we made some mistakes yesterday, yes the T.O. instead of spiking the ball was utter stupidity, yes it bugs me that Ferentz didn't own up to it... but guess what folks he doesn't owe you anything. He's done more for this program in the last decade, and he can do as he pleases. He's earned it. Everyone makes mistakes. It was a big mistake, but there were plenty of mistakes made yesterday, and the T.O. mishap was just one of many.

We're becoming dangerously close to "spoiled rotten" status. A program like Iowa could EASILY slip into a situation where 8-4 seasons are the best thing that happens in a given decade. This program could EASILY go for an entire decade without sniffing a Big 10 title. We have the smallest population in the Big 10 and probably the slowest population in the Big 10 too. Meaning, we don't produce "speed" in Iowa and we have to go elsewhere to get it. Especially at cornerback and WR and (often times) RB and often times DE.

If we go 8-4 this year it is going to be a disapointment. Even if we go 7-5.... think how many teams in the nation would absolutely love to call 7-5 or 8-4 a disapointing season. Half of the BCS... many teams with much better access to "speed" that is home grown right in there own states would love to call 8-4 a disapointing season.

Bottom line is we have a very good chance of knocking off a top 6 team next week. This team is more than capable of winning out.
No one's disputing that they have the capability to win out; I still think they had the capability to go undefeated this year. That's what's so frustrating. We're not playing up to our full potential and capabilities because of stupid mistakes that have been nonapparent in the past but are plaguing us this year for some reason.
we were good enough to go undefeated...no one has really just dominated us...(except for the D...which has been pretty questionable against elite teams all year.)
is this team good enough to win out, yes. will they win out playing the same way they've been playing, not a chance. Either realize that fact that you have a decent offense this year and turn them lose or go 8-4, those are the two choices. Playing "not to lose" by emphasizing defense and special teams while allowing the offense to score "just enough" won't get it done, and hasn't gotten it done.
Not from what I have seen over our two losses. Our D is unable to get the big stop when the opponent is going for the kill shot. When we do get the lead we play not to lose thus letting the opponent back in. And I don't even need to mention special teams. We beat Minny, outside of them, we could feasibly lose every other game.
Yes we are....but we're also close enough to the edge we're capable of going 2-3 as well (losses to MSU, OSU and NW).
We're good enough to win out IF the coaching staff doesn't pee it down their legs like yesterday. How in the hell do you get paid over $3 mil. a year and not know how to manage a game clock!?!? Even a 12 year old kid playing a football video game knows that you spike it there to save your TO. Just so sad. And what in the hell is wrong with our special teams??? C'mon! Shouldn't they be focusing on that extensively in practice?
is this team good enough to win out, yes. will they win out playing the same way they've been playing, not a chance. Either realize that fact that you have a decent offense this year and turn them lose or go 8-4, those are the two choices. Playing "not to lose" by emphasizing defense and special teams while allowing the offense to score "just enough" won't get it done, and hasn't gotten it done.

Good post, I agree. I just don't see KF making any changes to his philosophy. He plays the numbers game. The game yesterday is what you get sometimes. He doesn't get out-coached very often, but BB sure stuck it to us yesterday. ugh
We are good enough to win out. But we need to quit beating ourselves. This far into the season I'm not sure the team can change that much to make it happen.

I'm hopeful of a 10-2 record. But realistically we're probably looking at 8-4, maybe 9-3.

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