Was that fun to watch?


Well-Known Member
All I heard all off season was this team will be "fun to watch". I would have rather watched us win 41-40 personally.
I think it goes without saying that everyone would have preferred a win. But yes, when I compare that to the many, many times we lost to crappy teams under Lickliter, it was much more fun to watch. If I never see another ball screen/dribble handoff again in my life, that will be just fine.
And I'm not attacking Fran here....mostly the delusional fans on this board that predicted 15-20 wins with a team that was clearly not recruited to play in an up-tempo system like this.
And I'm not attacking Fran here....mostly the delusional fans on this board that predicted 15-20 wins with a team that was clearly not recruited to play in an up-tempo system like this.

yeah a lot of people predicated 20 wins, LMAO! Talk about delusional!
THe Jacks looked like the better team. Iowa is not going to overwhelm many teams with their athleticism, with the exception of May. So, better shoot, play good d, and make free throws. All of those things were done better by SDSU. Incredible shooters.
I went to the game and enjoyed watching it. of course a W would have been better. no one is forcing you to watch if you dont want to.
Hey I had a blast watching it, Iowa was running the floor and putting up quick shots. There was also ATHLETES on the floor and players actually trying to make plays. I would of much rather watched Iowa get beat today, than watch another second of Lickliter's offense. If Lick was still there, I wouldn't of watched it, so I guess Iowa got one more fan by firing Lick!

You have to give SDSU credit they played well, but they also shot LIGHTS OUT! WOW I never seen a team hit that many threes. They also got all the bounces as well.

Iowa is a young team and several of those guys that was their first action against a quality Div 1 opponent. SDSU will win their league and be in the NCAA tournament.
Yeah but we didn't win 41-40, we lost consistently 41-40. And that sure wasn't fun either.

Actually we lost 61-41 consistently. Yes I was more entertained watching that game in Carver than I was with all of Licks games with perhaps two exceptions.
I was there. Low(er) expectations won't allow me to get overwhelmingly depressed or manic as the season grinds on.
It was a lot of fun watching the Hawks miss almost every lay-up.

Oh, And I had lot's of fun watching SDSU fast-break up the court and score on us multiple times.

And I especially had fun watching all those wide open threes by the Barnyard Cadets swishing in.

I know we'll get better eventually, but this year is going to suck.
Which, actually, is status-quo for Hawkeye basketball so no big deal.
SDSU will win their league and be in the NCAA tournament.

Uhhh no...most predictions have them in the middle of the pack in The Summit League. The top 3 in that conference are incredibly tough in Oakland, IUPUI, and Oral Roberts. They won't sniff the NCAA tournament.
It was good to be back at the Dexter Lake Club. Been 9 years since I've attended a hoops game. The apathy in IC was that bad. We found other things to do. Back to being a season ticket holder. It's going to be a long year but eventually Fran will turn it around. That kid winning free tuition for a semester at the half was awesome!! Great to see CH, again.
Uhhh no...most predictions have them in the middle of the pack in The Summit League. The top 3 in that conference are incredibly tough in Oakland, IUPUI, and Oral Roberts. They won't sniff the NCAA tournament.

Yeah most predictions had our football team winning the BIG TEN and heading to the Rose Bowl, how did that work out for them?? Predicitions are a joke, there is no way to tell how well a team is going to do.

I will make my own prediction that SDSU will be in the NCAA tournament!
Yes it was. Unfortunately the guard play was extremely poor and at times the new guys played out of control. As the new guys get more experience things will improve, but Payne and Cartwright have to show up, if the Hawks hope to win any games. Payne especially didn't know what to do with the ball most of the game.
I just got back as well. And ya, I thought it was pretty fun to watch. It sucks to lose but I think everybody knows that this season will be up and down. I also think you will see even more running from this team once they get more comfortable. You could tell there was some nervous players out there. I was disappointed with Payne's performance, but hopefully he will come out better on Tuesday night.

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