Was that fun to watch?

There point guard was fun to watch.

The ball handling and pass he made in the lane with around 40 seconds to go was sick.

That was actually embarressing as an Iowa fan- but it was still sick.

That kid was easily the best player on the floor. Nice game.
It was good to be back at the Dexter Lake Club. Been 9 years since I've attended a hoops game. The apathy in IC was that bad. We found other things to do. Back to being a season ticket holder. It's going to be a long year but eventually Fran will turn it around. That kid winning free tuition for a semester at the half was awesome!! Great to see CH, again.
LOL, love the reference Pennhwk.
I had fun watching because you can see the ability. People have to remember all the freshman that are playing. They also look robotic going through the offense, but no doubt that this coach and this style is much, much better than the previous, which will ultimately give us a better chance at victories in the future. Mid season I would expect the team to look much different. Oh, btw, did anyone happen to mention that Iowa was without their best shooter in Gatens.
Yeah most predictions had our football team winning the BIG TEN and heading to the Rose Bowl, how did that work out for them?? Predicitions are a joke, there is no way to tell how well a team is going to do.

I will make my own prediction that SDSU will be in the NCAA tournament!
And I'm sure you'll wash that prediction down with some
I did not have fun watching. SDSU returned 2 starters off a 14-16 team....they aren't very good. I will continue to support this team, but this year will be brutal. I only slated us for 10 wins...but maybe I was expecting too much.
Quick thoughts after being at the game today.

Announced crows of 11500 but it was closer to about 9000.

Arena staff/services and parking peeps are still in the pre-season.

Crowd was loud a couple times. Brought back great memories for a couple minutes.

The interior play was OK on the Offensive end. Good interior passing but then missed a lot of lay ups. This scares me if they plan on this actack in the B10. The spin move by Cole or Mel will not work versus the B10 teams.

We looked slow and unsure on the Defensice end. Mel underwhelmed me. Kind of like Doug Thomas where you could get a big defensive stop or a dunk and then 10 minutes of nothing.

A lot to work on for this team. We were without Gatens and SDSU can really shoot the ball and is very well coached.

SDSU was playing without two players and one was their top scorer. I am sure we would have had a tough time identifying him as well. Cole said on the radio that they worked for 3 days on identifying #3 and #10. I think they scored 40 betweeen them. Eeeks!
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Yes it was. Unfortunately the guard play was extremely poor and at times the new guys played out of control. As the new guys get more experience things will improve, but Payne and Cartwright have to show up, if the Hawks hope to win any games. Payne especially didn't know what to do with the ball most of the game.

I agree. I think Cartwright will eventually see more and more time at the point and Payne will see more and more of the pine. He's just not very good. He traveled the first two times down the court and then both times looked at his feet as if they were going to explain to him why he traveled. Payneful to watch.
To answer the OP, it wasn't a boring game to watch, but no less frustrating than a year ago. I wouldn't call it "fun" watching us lose to SDSU, but I didn't fall asleep at least.

Losing to teams like SDSU, especially at home, is something that NEVER would have happend 10-15 years ago in the Mr. Davis days. It just wouldn't have. That's exactly the kind of shape Lickliter left our program in. The last 2 years, we have home losses to UTSA, Duquesne, and SDSU. And I'm sure some folks will start propping up SDSU as an NCAA Tournament team.. Reality is, the better team won today, but we are just a very bad team right now. Hopefully we'll improve, but there is a LONG ways to go.

Whether Fran can clean this up remains to be seen, but if he can, it's going to take time and a major upgrade in talent compared to what we have now, IMO.

I guess we had just better hope for some marked improvement as the year goes on.
LOL, love the reference Pennhwk.

Incredible how that movie continues to inspire, Auggie. Watching the NFL, saw a Sprint First ad referring to Stephen Furst who played Flounder. Really shouldn't laugh too hard because I saw it two weeks before college. Was going to be a nuclear physicist. I sell cars.
All because of a movie. I still watch it yearly. And find something new.
I had fun watching because you can see the ability. People have to remember all the freshman that are playing. They also look robotic going through the offense, but no doubt that this coach and this style is much, much better than the previous, which will ultimately give us a better chance at victories in the future. Mid season I would expect the team to look much different. Oh, btw, did anyone happen to mention that Iowa was without their best shooter in Gatens.
how dare you be positive!!
2 fresh, 2 sophs and a senior? Huh? not a rocket scientist here but youth and inexperience will lose more games than will win.
I will enjoy the maturation of not only the players but the coaching staff, learning and teaching.
Anyone standing on the ledge after 1 game can go ahead and jump!
I honestly thought Iowa played San Diego St and was wondering why everyone was freaking out about losing to them. Oops.
I didn't 'enjoy' the game because we didn't win. What I did like to see is a style of play that will certainly work with better players. I've said this in every thread but it bares repeating - we don't have the presence inside to actually run anything and Cully isn't the answer at point. McCabe, May, Basabe, Marble plus Gatens are going to be able to handle the 2 and 3 positions without a problem. The problem is the inside and point. Until we get those two critical components we will struggle on both ends of the court.

I can see what Fran is doing and you have to as well. This is an exhibition season for him. He is going to run his style of play with square pegs that will occasionally fill the round hole in order to try and get the kids that will fit his style. He's not going to change his style simply to get 3 or 4 more wins that in the end mean nothing long term.

My predictions (I think) were 15 wins and I would be ecstatic with 20 and disappointed with 10 and those haven't changed. Sit back, relax and watch the program grow. Nobody should or could expect us to win right out of the box. The cupboard is bare, it's an entirely new system and we play in the top conference in the country.
Yes, this was more entertaining. Too many turnovers, etc., etc., etc., but I could see in there what McCaffery was trying to do, and it looks a lot better than what the former coach was rolling out there game after game.
yeah a lot of people predicated 20 wins, LMAO! Talk about delusional!

I haven't been back into the prediction thread since I started it...if there were a lot of people picking 20 wins, there must have been a sales on peyote that day
Anyone know the attendance?

I think it was announced at 11,500 but there wasn't that many. The sides were full and then about half way up behind the baskets were full so maybe 9,000 to 10,000. Still an improvement over what it would have been last year for this game so a few people are coming back.

And to the OP, yes it was fun watching it today. It was nice to see them get a rebound and push it up the floor looking for an easy basket instead of grabbing it and holding onto the ball until everyone was down then court then go down and throw it around for 34 seconds and heave up a 3 point shot out of desperation because the shot clock was running out.
The defense wasn't good, especially in transition. But, when you play this style of ball with 2 frosh and 2 sophs in your starting lineup, plus another freshman in your top 8, defense isn't typically very good. That doesn't mean it won't improve, it's just typical for such young teams to get burned on the defensive end. SDSU was also very hot shooting the ball. Even when they had contested shots, they were still falling.

I did have a much better time watching the Hawks today than I ever did under Lickliter (with the exception of the MSU and OSU games last year at home).

I also was fairly impressed with the freshmen. Basabe may have just had an off night, but he didn't have a strong performance. McCabe looked solid (and much thicker than he did when I saw him last March at The Well), able to get to the rack, and can shoot it a little bit. Marble impressed me quite a bit; looked quick, good stroke on the 3 he hit, looked solid as a finisher at the rim, and from what I saw played pretty well on defense. He definitely needs to put on weight for the future, but he showed some promise.
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I hate losing to teams like this but we are going to be bad this year. It's the way it's going to be. College basketball works like this. If we recruit we will win if not we will suck. It's the way it's going to be.

As far as this years team goes though, the players will get better and we looked like a young team playing in a new system the first game of the year. We were also missing Gatens. Everything that happens this year is to build for next year so don't get too upset or else you won't have fun at all this year.

We won't win much.

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