Varners Comments/Soundoff

Here is your problem. Why are you guys having such a problem landing a basketball coach? Why can't you take understand Varner was being scarcastic? Varner and Z are act like fools? In all my years I have watched sports I have never seen anyone in a position of Brands act like a sixteeen year old. People don't hate you in westling because their good. they hate Iowa because of the way they act. You will never be Ohio State in football. You will never be Penn State in football. You will never be Michigan in football. You are have no more tradition in that sport than michigan state or wisconsin. You should have a strong team in football next year, however you will all show your true colors when Kirk has a 7-5 season. You may have one of the best coaches in college football, but you will never win the national title. That's all I here from you dumbshits every year. Try and win the conference first. You have more fans, and I think it's great. Half of your fan base has never even been to Iowa City and are T-shirt fans. Have a nice day fag!

Lesson learned: when you are unable to argue your point, bring up a whole bunch of other crap that has nothing to do with what you're arguing. Also, put down who you're trying to persuade by calling them names such as dumbs**t and fag. This will definitely get anyone to think your way!

isu 476-556-46 (.463 winning %)
3-7 bowl record
3 conference titles
4 all americans

iowa 580-512-39 (.530 winning %)
13-10-1 bowl record
1 national title
11 conference titles
1 heisman
61 all-americans


8 national championships
65 individual champions
15 team conference

23 national championships
77 individual champions
32 conference championships


1 final four
2 elite eight
3 sweet 16's
7 second round
13 tournament appearances
4 conference championships

3 final four
2 elite eight
2 sweet 16's
22 tournament appearances
9 conference championships

should i keep going?
Iowa is not one of the 15 best football programs in America. Sorry try again

No worries.

We will just be content with actually playing in bowl games every year.

Especially the games in January that we 'should not be in'.

Those BCS games are silly, too. But, what the heck, we do not mind playing in those either.

I am sure you, deadeye, are going to ask me, "JParmley3, what is this BCS thing you are talking about?"

I know, Cyclone fan, you are used to BCS being a fraternity anagram for Big Cyclone Slut.

But, the actual football programs in America find real meaning from it.

One more stat for you:

Athletic Department revenue:

ISWho: around 40 million annually
THE University of Iowa: $100 million.

Move on. You lost this one.
Gotta love how ISU fans argue. "O you suck" "you will never beat these teams" "you are fags and dumbs**ts". Fact: Iowa rapes you at every sport that matters. You could argue our football team isn't top 15 ALL TIME, but last year we surely were and probably will next year. Our wrestling team owns you and if you plan to ever catch us good luck. And the coaching thing...come on man. We actually think about our coaches. Maybe we should adopt the ISU method..."o you are from around here, you "love" this team, you have some sort of background with the sport, ok you got the job", that seems to be paying off for you. If half Iowa fans have never been to IC, doesn't that tell you something? We have one heck of a following from people without direct connections. Now that we have all seen your pathetic arguing skills, lets see you try to argue that ISU football can come close to mattering...(I see something like "we beat you on just field goals" or something just as meaningless coming)
Last edited:
mean anything?

Jonathan Babineaux, tackle for the Atlanta Falcons
Jason Baker, punter for the Carolina Panthers
Rob Bruggeman, center for the Atlanta Falcons
Ladell Betts, running back for the Washington Redskins
Scott Chandler, tight end for the New York Giants
Dallas Clark, tight end for the Indianapolis Colts
Colin Cole, tackle for the Seattle Seahawks
Sean Considine, safety for the Jacksonville Jaguars
Jared DeVries, defensive end for the Detroit Lions
Bradley Fletcher, cornerback for the St. Louis Rams
Robert Gallery, guard for the Oakland Raiders
Charles Godfrey, safety for the Carolina Panthers
Mike Goff, guard for the Kansas City Chiefs
Shonn Greene, running back for the New York Jets
Chad Greenway, linebacker for the Minnesota Vikings
Abdul Hodge, linebacker for the Cincinnati Bengals
Kenny Iwebema, defensive end for the Arizona Cardinals
Mike Jones, guard for the Minnesota Vikings
Nate Kaeding, place kicker for the San Diego Chargers
Aaron Kampman, outside linebacker for the Green Bay Packers
Mitch King, defensive end for the Tennessee Titans
Matt Kroul, defensive end for the New York Jets
Bryan Mattison, defensive end for the Baltimore Ravens
Brandon Myers, tight end for the Oakland Raiders
Seth Olsen, offensive guard for the Denver Broncos
Ed Podolak, running back for the Kansas City Chiefs
Derreck Robinson, defensive end for the Cleveland Browns
Matt Roth, linebacker for the Cleveland Browns
Bob Sanders, safety for the Indianapolis Colts
Eric Steinbach, guard for the Cleveland Browns
Casey Wiegmann, center for the Denver Broncos
Marshal Yanda, guard for the Baltimore Ravens
Albert Young, running back for the Minnesota Vikings
all time iowa state
Allen, Jeff (1971 - 1971)
Amundson, George (1973 - 1975)
Anthony, Terrence (1987 - 1987)
Archer, David (1984 - 1989)
Baker, Tony (1968 - 1975)
Banks, Mike (2002 - 2003)
Barker, Dick (1921 - 1921)
Barney, Eppie (1967 - 1968)
Beauchamp, Joe (1966 - 1975)
Behm, Norty (1926 - 1926)
Berthusen, Bill (1987 - 1987)
Blair, Matt (1974 - 1985)
Blue, Luther (1977 - 1980)
Branch, Calvin (1997 - 2000)
Brettschneider, Carl (1956 - 1963)
Campbell, Stan (1952 - 1962)
Campbell, Tommy (1976 - 1976)
Carlson, Dean (1974 - 1974)
Carstens, Jordan (2004 - 2006)
Carwell, Larry (1967 - 1972)
Clay, Ozzie (1964 - 1964)
Crisler, Hal (1946 - 1950)
Crutchfield, Dwayne (1982 - 1984)
Curran, Pat (1969 - 1978)
Davis, Troy (1997 - 1999)
Dixon, Al (1977 - 1984)
Dobbins, Tim (2006 - 2008)
Doran, Jim (1951 - 1961)
Doxzon, Todd (1998 - 1998)
Espinoza, Alex (1987 - 1987)
Fitzgerald, Mike (1966 - 1967)
Gibson, Dennis (1987 - 1995)
Goodburn, Kelly (1987 - 1993)
Hardeman, Buddy (1979 - 1980)
Harris, Ike (1975 - 1981)
Hayward, Reggie (2001 - 2008)
Heileman, Charlie (1939 - 1939)
Henke, Brad (1989 - 1989)
Hicks, LaMarcus (2007 - 2008)
Hill, Barry (1975 - 1976)
Hill, Chuck (1925 - 1926)
Hobbs, Ellis (2005 - 2008)
Jackson, Andrew (1987 - 1987)
Jasper, Vince (1987 - 1987)
Jensen, Bob (1948 - 1950)
Johnson, Dan (1983 - 1987)
Kasparek, Dick (1966 - 1968)
Krakau, Merv (1973 - 1978)
Krepfle, Keith (1975 - 1982)
Lamson, Chuck (1962 - 1967)
Liter, Greg (1987 - 1987)
Longstreet, Roy (1926 - 1926)
Loyd, Jeremy (2003 - 2005)
Manning, Aaron (1987 - 1987)
Mayer, Frank (1927 - 1927)
McCurry, Dave (1974 - 1974)
Moore, Kelvin (1998 - 1998)
Moses, J.J. (2002 - 2005)
Muelhaupt, Ed (1960 - 1961)
Neil, Kenny (1981 - 1987)
Nelson, Karl (1984 - 1988)
Nelson, Mark (1987 - 1987)
Norman, Tony (1987 - 1987)
Randall, Tom (1978 - 1979)
Reed, James (2001 - 2007)
Reeve, Lew (1920 - 1920)
Reimers, Bruce (1984 - 1993)
Remmert, Dennis (1960 - 1960)
Roberts, Guy (1926 - 1927)
Robertson, Marcus (1991 - 2002)
Rosenfels, Sage (2002 - 2008)
Ross, Oliver (1998 - 2006)
Rowell, Gene (1987 - 1987)
Rubin, Ahtyba (2008 - 2008)
Shugart, Clyde (1939 - 1944)
Sims, Keith (1990 - 2000)
Smith, Tyson (2006 - 2008)
Stensrud, Mike (1979 - 1989)
Stowe, Otto (1971 - 1974)
Strachan, Mike (1975 - 1996)
Strand, Eli (1966 - 1967)
Thornburg, Al (1926 - 1926)
Van Galder, Tim (1972 - 1972)
Vanderloo, Viv (1921 - 1973)
Vaughn, Tommy (1965 - 1971)
Wallace, Seneca (2003 - 2008)
Walton, Chuck (1967 - 1974)
Washington, Chris (1984 - 1990)
Watkins, Tommy (1961 - 1968)
Webb, Don (1961 - 1971)
Williams, Gene (1991 - 1999)
Williams, Kevin (1985 - 1988)
Young, Randy (1976 - 1976)
all time iowa

Alt, John (1984 - 1996)
Babineaux, Jonathan (2005 - 2008)
Baker, Jason (2001 - 2008)
Balazs, Frank (1939 - 1945)
Banks, Tavian (1998 - 1999)
Baxley, Rob (1992 - 1992)
Bayless, Rick (1989 - 1989)
Becker, Dave (1980 - 1980)
Bell, Nick (1991 - 1993)
Betts, Ladell (2002 - 2008)
Bortz, Mark (1983 - 1994)
Bowen, Matt (2000 - 2006)
Bradley, Hal (1928 - 1928)
Bradley, Harold (1954 - 1958)
Briggs, Bill (1966 - 1967)
Brown, Dick (1930 - 1930)
Bukich, Rudy (1953 - 1968)
Chandler, Scott (2007 - 2007)
Chelf, Don (1960 - 1961)
Clark, Dallas (2003 - 2008)
Clauss, Jared (2004 - 2005)
Clemons, Craig (1972 - 1977)
Cole, Colin (2004 - 2008)
Considine, Sean (2005 - 2008)
Cook, Marv (1989 - 1995)
Cooks, Kerry (1998 - 1998)
Couppee, Al (1946 - 1946)
Crayne, Dick (1936 - 1937)
Croston, Dave (1988 - 1988)
Davis, Scott (1993 - 1997)
Derby, John (1992 - 1992)
Devlin, Joe (1976 - 1989)
Devlin, Mike (1993 - 1999)
DeVries, Jared (1999 - 2008)
Dickel, Dan (1974 - 1978)
Douthitt, Earl (1975 - 1975)
Drost, Jeff (1987 - 1987)
Duncan, Randy (1961 - 1961)
Dwight, Tim (1998 - 2007)
Early, Quinn (1988 - 1999)
Ely, Harold (1932 - 1934)
Ely, Larry (1970 - 1975)
Evans, Dick (1940 - 1943)
Farmer, Tom (1946 - 1948)
Ferguson, Larry (1963 - 1963)
Finch, Karl (1962 - 1962)
Fischer, Darrell (1925 - 1925)
Fitzgerald, Greg (1987 - 1987)
Fleckenstein, Bill (1925 - 1931)
Flemister, Zeron (2000 - 2005)
Fosdick, Bob (1923 - 1923)
Fry, Wes (1926 - 1927)
Gallery, Nick (1998 - 1998)
Gallery, Robert (2004 - 2008)
Gambol, Chris (1988 - 1990)
Geater, Ron (1992 - 1992)
Gibbons, Jim (1958 - 1968)
Gibson, Damon (1998 - 2002)
Gill, Owen (1985 - 1987)
Glasgow, Bill (1930 - 1931)
Godfrey, Charles (2008 - 2008)
Goff, Mike (1998 - 2008)
Granger, Norm (1984 - 1987)
Greenway, Chad (2007 - 2008)
Greenwood, Glen (1926 - 1926)
Griffen, Hal (1926 - 1932)
Gunderson, Harry (1920 - 1921)
Hagerty, Lorin (1930 - 1930)
Haight, Mike (1986 - 1992)
Hall, John (1955 - 1955)
Hallstrom, Ron (1982 - 1993)
Hanks, Merton (1991 - 1999)
Harmon, Kevin (1988 - 1989)
Harmon, Ronnie (1986 - 1997)
Harty, John (1981 - 1986)
Hayes, Jonathan (1985 - 1996)
Heldt, John (1923 - 1926)
Herron, Anthony (2001 - 2001)
Hilgenberg, Jay (1981 - 1993)
Hilgenberg, Joel (1984 - 1993)
Hilgenberg, Wally (1964 - 1979)
Hill, Kahlil (2002 - 2002)
Hodge, Abdul (2006 - 2008)
Hoerner, Dick (1947 - 1952)
Horton, Larry (1972 - 1972)
Howard, Sherman (1949 - 1953)
Hughes, Danan (1993 - 1998)
Humphrey, Tom (1987 - 1987)
Iwebema, Kenny (2008 - 2008)
Jensen, Jim (1976 - 1982)
Jensvold, Leo (1931 - 1931)
Jessen, Bob (1931 - 1931)
Jeter, Bob (1963 - 1973)
Johnson, Darrien (2005 - 2006)
Johnson, Jovon (2006 - 2006)
Kadesky, Max (1923 - 1923)
Kaeding, Nate (2004 - 2008)
Kampman, Aaron (2002 - 2008)
Karras, Alex (1958 - 1970)
Kasper, Kevin (2001 - 2006)
Keane, Jim (1946 - 1952)
Kelsch, Matt (1930 - 1930)
Kinderman, Keith (1963 - 1965)
Klein, Dick (1958 - 1964)
Klostermann, Bruce (1987 - 1990)
Knight, Tommy (1997 - 2003)
Kratch, Bob (1989 - 1996)
Krause, Paul (1964 - 1979) HOF
Kriz, Leo (1926 - 1926)
Laaveg, Paul (1970 - 1975)
Lapham, Bill (1960 - 1961)
Lauer, Al (1922 - 1922)
Lawrence, Larry (1974 - 1976)
Laws, Joe (1934 - 1945)
Lewis, Charles (1959 - 1959)
Little, George (1985 - 1987)
Long, Chuck (1986 - 1990)
Long, Dave (1966 - 1972)
Masterson, Forrest (1945 - 1945)
Mastrogany, Gus (1931 - 1931)
Mcgwire, Dan (1991 - 1995)
Mckinney, Jeremy (2001 - 2002)
Mclain, Mayes (1930 - 1931)
Mcwilliams, Bill (1934 - 1934)
Mertes, Bus (1945 - 1958)
Merz, Curt (1962 - 1968)
Miles, Edmond (2007 - 2008)
Miller, Brett (1983 - 1992)
Miller, Jim (1971 - 1974)
Minick, Paul (1926 - 1929)
Mitchell, Devon (1986 - 1988)
Mockmore, Charlie (1920 - 1920)
Moore, Dean (1978 - 1978)
Mott, Joe (1989 - 1993)
Myers, Denny (1931 - 1931)
Nelson, Bruce (2003 - 2003)
Nelson, Don (1937 - 1937)
Niedziela, Bruno (1947 - 1947)
Niland, John (1966 - 1975)
Niles, Jerry (1947 - 1947)
Nocera, John (1959 - 1963)
Noonan, Karl (1966 - 1971)
Norton, Don (1960 - 1966)
Norvell, Jay (1987 - 1987)
Nugent, Clem (1924 - 1924)
Olson, Forrest (1927 - 1927)
Olson, Glenn (1940 - 1940)
Otte, Lowell (1926 - 1927)
Pagel, Derek (2003 - 2004)
Pape, Oran (1930 - 1932)
Paschal, Marcus (2007 - 2007)
Perkins, Bill (1963 - 1963)
Pignatelli, Carl (1931 - 1931)
Podolak, Ed (1969 - 1977)
Price, Derek (1996 - 1996)
Price, Kenny (1971 - 1971)
Randolph, Al (1966 - 1974)
Reardon, Kerry (1971 - 1976)
Recher, Dave (1965 - 1968)
Reichardt, Bill (1952 - 1952)
Reichow, Jerry (1956 - 1964)
Reilly, Mike (1964 - 1969)
Roberts, Fred (1930 - 1932)
Robinson, Damien (1998 - 2003)
Robinson, Derreck (2005 - 2007)
Roby, Reggie (1983 - 1998)
Roehlk, Jon (1987 - 1987)
Rogge, George (1931 - 1934)
Romey, Dick (1926 - 1926)
Roth, Matt (2005 - 2008)
Sanders, Bob (2004 - 2008)
Sansen, Ollie (1932 - 1935)
Sapp, Benny (2004 - 2008)
Schammel, Francis (1937 - 1937)
Schleusner, Vin (1930 - 1931)
Schneidman, Herm (1935 - 1940)
Shaw, Sedrick (1997 - 1999)
Sherman, Bob (1964 - 1965)
Shoener, Hal (1948 - 1950)
Shoener, Herb (1948 - 1949)
Sims, Ken (1987 - 1987)
Slater, Duke (1922 - 1931)
Slutzker, Scott (1996 - 1999)
Smith, Bob (1948 - 1954)
Smith, Tom (1973 - 1973)
Sobieski, Ben (2003 - 2003)
Station, Larry (1986 - 1986)
Steinbach, Eric (2003 - 2008)
Stoops, Mike (1987 - 1987)
Sullivan, Bob (1947 - 1948)
Terry, Ryan (1995 - 1996)
Thompson, George (1923 - 1925)
Tippett, Andre (1982 - 1993) HOF
Tollefson, Charlie (1944 - 1946)
Tunnell, Emlen (1948 - 1961) HOF
Vacanti, Sammy (1947 - 2004)
Verba, Ross (1997 - 2006)
Vlasic, Mark (1987 - 1991)
Walters, Rod (1976 - 1980)
Wells, Mike (1994 - 2001)
Wheatley, Austin (2000 - 2000)
Wiegmann, Casey (1997 - 2008)
Windauer, Bill (1973 - 1976)
Woodard, Dick (1949 - 1953)
Woods, Levar (2001 - 2007)
Wyland, Pudge (1920 - 1920)
Yamini, Bashir (2000 - 2000)
Yanda, Marshal (2007 - 2008)
Youel, Jim (1946 - 1948)
Pin, you act like facts will shut them up. If these facts are new news to ISU fans then they need to pull their heads out of whatever bodily orifice they have been in the past decade. But nice facts and articles, I got quite the laugh out of them.
Was the president in Iowa City or Ames today?

Sorry, but that is not something I care to hang my Hawkeye hat on.

I wish I was nowhere near that guy. Instead, I have to worry about traffic stoppages because he wants to come and be a rock star.

Again, sorry, but this is not something that wins an argument for me.

Ames can have him.
2 things:

1. Whenever Iowa fans compare themselves to Iowa State, cyclone fans compare Iowa to other schools because they have no leg to stand on when it comes to comparing us with them. For example the poster that compared us to Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State in football. We are not talking about them, we are talking you vs. us, stay on topic.

2. Iowa State was such an overwhelming and awesome place that Dan Gable stayed there to coach. O wait a second......he came to Iowa City. When Iowa State was a better wrestling school at the time, Gable decided to come to Iowa City and take a chance on this program and built it into a powerhouse.
Who said Iowa is having trouble hiring a b-ball coach? As far as anyone knows they are still after the guy they want.
Cyclones17, good argument. I basically agree. I'll be honest I like watching Varner wrestle. He brings a lot of atitude to the mat, but that's also what I love about watching hawkeyes. Varner didn't slam Gable, he answered the question asked to him with a tongue in cheek comment. Honestly I think Varner will be on the olympic team and do well.

Every person in the nation who follows NCAA wrestling had the idea Iowa was going to win on Thursday, by Friday they new it was over, and by Sunday morning that headline would have been a mere technicality. The UNI win was a huge surprise, for that reason I don't mind them getting the headline.

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